Notebook Service Policies & Procedures
If you are having technical problems with your notebook computer, you can bring it by one of our Support Counters. IT Support Services has two counters, one located in the Maxwell Library and the other located in the Moakley Center. You must have your BSU Connect Card to receive any service.
MassAdvantage Dell Notebook Program Computers
(Purchased prior to June 1, 2011)
- Dell notebooks purchased through the MassAdvantage program come with a 3-year warranty through Dell that includes accidental coverage, meaning any repairs needed are covered under the warranty without any additional charges to you.
- Your warranty is directly through Dell, however IT Computing Support Services can act as a liaison between you and Dell while you are an active BSU student and while your notebook is under its original warranty. Should you choose to have IT Computing Support Services aid in this process we can assist in the troubleshooting of the problem and can contact Dell on your behalf to replace the defective hardware. Once the problem has been determined and the necessary hardware has been ordered, a Dell technician will service your notebook computer and have it back to you within approximately 24-48 business hours (please keep in mind that some problems may take longer depending on the severity of the issue).
- Any notebook computer that needs hardware serviced is stored overnight in our highly secure area. You must have your BSU Connect Card, notebook power cord and restore disks in order to receive any hardware support (please contact Dell directly if you do not have your restore disks). Appropriate forms are filled out which require both student and BSU IT technician signatures to assure the laptops are handled with care, and repaired in the order with which they arrive. Loaner notebooks are obtainable (per availability) only for individuals requiring hardware repair.
- Once the Dell technician completes the repair, you will be notified by telephone to pick up your laptop during business hours.
- Do not forget to bring your BSU Connect Card when you bring your computer in for service or when you come to pick it up from services performed.
Dell Notebooks Purchased With the MassAdvantage Educational Discount
(Purchased after June 1, 2011)
- Dell notebooks purchased with the MassAdvantage educational discount come with a 3-year warranty through Dell that includes accidental coverage, meaning any repairs needed are covered under the warranty without any additional charges to you.
- Your warranty is directly through Dell. IT Computing Support Services can provide you with Dell contact information for any hardware and warranty issues. Loaner notebooks are obtainable (per availability) for individuals coordinating with Dell for hardware repairs.
- IT Computing Support Services cannot take in Dell notebook computers purchased with the MassAdvantage educational discount (purchased after June 1, 2011) for any service. IT Computing Support Services can provide best-faith1 effort services for software and wireless connectivity to the campus network.
- Students are required to stay with their notebook while any services are conducted by IT Computing Support Services.
- Do not forget to bring your BSU Connect Card when you bring your computer in for any services.
All Other Notebooks
- IT Computing Support Services will provide a best-faith1 effort service to non-program notebook computers.
- IT Computing Support Services cannot provide hardware replacement or warranty service for non-program notebook computers. Most new notebook computers have some warranty from the manufacturer which we cannot jeopardize.
- IT Computing Support Services cannot take non-program notebook computers in overnight for any service.
- Students are required to stay with their notebook while any services are conducted by IT Computing Support Services.
- Due to the large volume of notebook computers on campus, IT Computing Support Services does not offer notebook loaners for users with a non-program notebook computer.
1 Best-faith refers to a limited level of service provided by Bridgewater State University's IT Computing Support Service student workers and full time staff. IT Computing Support Service staff members are not allowed to provide ANY hardware repairs or recommendations for hardware repairs and/or replacements for non-program laptops. Our staff members are allowed to attempt software installations and/or removals which will allow the notebook computer to gain access to our wireless network. If we are unable to achieve this goal within a certain time limit, IT Computing Support Services reserves the right to decline further service to the end user in regards to their notebook computer.