Write Title Here Write Title Here Write Title Here
Arial 14 Spacing between paragraphs 12 points
Name(s) Author(s) Arial 11 without spacing between paragraphs
Summary –The deadline to upload the paper to the Spanish Nuclear Society webpage is September 9, 2016. Take into account that the WEB system can become saturated if many speakers simultaneously access the page, making it convenient to upload the paper before the last day. Remember that if the written paper is not loaded on time it will not be eligible to participate in the competition for the selection of the best paper of the subject area.
Arial 11. Paragraph spacing 12 points. Single spaced.
1. INTRODUCTION. Arial 14. Paragraph spacing 6 pOINTS
This template is a Word document, however the uploaded paper has to be in PDF format. The document must be between 4 and 8 pages including text and images (if applicable). The font size is Arial, 11 points,single spaced and paragraph spacing 6 points. Tables and titles of tables must have the same format. Remember, the document size must be less than 5 Mb, because the WEB application does not allow to upload larger documents.
The PDF file name will have the SS-NN_Title.pdf format, where SS are the two digits corresponding to the session at which the paper has been assigned, then follows a dash (-), NN is the order number of the paper within the session, then follows an underscore (_), and finally an acronym (maximum 15 characters without spaces) of the title of the written paper, which of course will be the same as or very similar to the abstract.
Remember: "The good, if brief, twice good. And even the bad, if brief, not so bad" (Baltasar Gracián y Morales, 1647).
Arial 11.Single spaced. Paragraph spacing 6 points.
2. SECTION 2. Arial 14. Paragraph spacing 6 points
Remember that if you wish to use some unconventional audiovisual in your presentation during the conference, you have to inform the technical committee responsible person well in advance in order to check if there are available resources in the room. Arial 11,singlespaced, and paragraph spacing 6 points.
Write section 2 here. Write section 2 here. Write section 2 here. Write section 2 here.
Table 1. Table title. Arial 11. Italic and Bold. Paragraph spacing 6 points
2.1. Sub-section. Arial 11. Italic and Bold. Paragraph spacing 6 points
Write sub-section 2.1 here. Write sub-section 2.1 here. Write sub-section 2.1 here. Write sub-section 2.1 here. Write sub-section 2.1 here. Write sub-section 2.1 here. Font Arial 11, singlespaced and paragraph spacing 6 points.
Figure 1. Santander conference center. Arial11. Italic and Bold. Paragraph spacing 6 points
3. following section. Arial 14. Paragraph spacing 6 points
Write following section here. Write following section here. Write following section here. Write following section here. Write following section here. Write following section here.
Font Arial 11, singlespaced and paragraph spacing 6 points.
4. CONCLUSIONS. Arial 14. Paragraph spacing 6 points
Write the conclusions here. Write the conclusions here. Write the conclusions here. Write the conclusions here.
Font Arial 11, singlespaced and paragraph spacing 6 points.
Acknowledgements. Arial 14. Paragraph spacing 6 points
Write the acknowledgments here.
Font Arial 11, singlespaced and paragraph spacing 6 points.
REFERENCES. Arial 14. Paragraph spacing 6 points
Baltasar Gracián y Morales, 1647. The Art of Worldly Wisdom.Printed in Huesca, by Iuan No-gues. 1647.
Font Arial 11, singlespaced and paragraph spacing 6 points.
42 Annual Meeting Spanish Nuclear Society 28-30 september 2016 Page 1out of2