2012 Annual NC1180, "Control of Emerging and Re-emerging Poultry Respiratory Diseases in the United States" Meeting Minutes, December 2, 2012

The annual NC 1180 business meeting was held on Sunday, December 2, 2012 at Michigan room, Marriot Hotel, Chicago, IL. Dr. Mazhar Khan, Chair of NC 1180 (term 2011-2012) opened the meeting at 8:00 am. He welcomed the station representatives, participating scientists and the guest from the egg layer industry, Dr. Eric Gingerich. The names listed below are the station attendees.

State Station Representatives Participating Scientists

Alabama Haroldo. Toro (excused) Joseph Giambrone (excused)

Arkansas Byung-Wei Kong (absent)

Connecticut Mazhar Khan

Delaware Jack Gelb Calvin Keeler

Georgia Mark Jackwood (excused)

Illinois Deoki Tripathy

Indiana Tsang Long Lin Ching Ching Wu

Minnesota Tim Johnson (excused) KV Nagaraja

Ohio Chang Won Lee Mo Saif

SEPRL-USDA Laszlo Zsak Patty Miller

The meeting minutes from previous year prepared by the Secretary, Dr. Ching Ching Wu, was reviewed. Deletion of one paragraph was recommended and accepted. Dr. Calvin Keeler made a motion to accept the revised minutes, second by Dr. Chang Won Lee and approved by the members unanimously.

The next item on the agenda was to elect a new Chair since Dr. Khan’s term will be up at the end of 2012. Dr. Laszlo Zsak from SEPRL-USDA was nominated and unanimously voted in. He will serve the terms from 2013-2014. Dr. Tim Johnson will remain as the Secretary till 2013. In his absence, the Chair asked Dr. Wu to cover the secretary duty for 2012 meeting.

Meeting venue and time was discussed in depth. Places and dates other than International Poultry Expo in Atlanta in January, including AAAP, USAHA and CRWAD were evaluated. Due to the reporting deadline, it was decided that the meeting for 2013 should resume in Chicago with CRWAD. The committee also considered setting the meeting date following Enteric Disease Committee meeting. The NC1180 meeting date (Sat or Sun before CRWAD) and time for 2013 will be announced when it is finalized.

Dr. Mo Saif, the NC1180 Advisor reiterated the importance of 1) holding annual meeting in November or December to be in line with NCAC2 review schedule, 2) documenting collaboration, current work impact and funding sources (grants and contracts) in the annual report. Every station should send a copy of electronic impact statement to the chair within a week after the meeting to be included in the annual report that will be uploaded to NIMSS.

Dr. Saif announced his retirement effective January 2013. This committee will have a new advisor in 2013. Dr. Jack Gelb along with other committee members expressed sincere appreciation to Dr. Saif’s excellent leadership. Dr. Saif was the driver of the respiratory committee meeting and has helped the group in achieving every renewal approval. His contribution to this committee and the poultry industry are invaluable. He will be missed.

Dr. Saif assured the group of his intention to continue to participate in this committee. He also suggested a few more names from the industry and will extend the invitation to them to join the Committee meeting in Chicago, December 2013.

Dr. Saif reminded the Committee on the up-coming renewal of the NC project. He provided the time lines for the review process. All material for the project renewal needs to be up-loaded in the NIMSS with the numbers of characters allowed.

September 15, 2013 “Request for renewal”

October 15, 2013 Objectives due

November 15, 2013 Appendix E due

December 1, 2013 Full proposal due

December 16, 2013 Advisor review forms due

Spring 2014 Announcement of the new project approval

The Committee appointed several station representatives including Drs. Jack Gelb, Chang Won Lee, Laszlo Zsak and Tsang Long Lin as the renewal committee. Station members (Drs. Calvin

Keeler. Mo Saif and Ching Ching Wu) were also solicited to provide input for the proposal. The renewal Committee will send e-mail to remind all stations of information needed from each station for the proposal. Ms. Chris Hamilton is to be contacted at 608-262-2349 for up-loading questions. Her e-mail is .

The committee members worked on the title of this new project and the title was finalized as “Control of Emerging and Reemerging Poultry respiratory Diseases and Interacting Agents.” Four objectives were developed and stations responsible for each of the objectives are listed in the parentheses below:

1.  Ecology of poultry respiratory diseases ( MN and Delaware)

2.  New and improved diagnostic tools for poultry respiratory diseases (GA and CT )

3.  Pathogenesis of poultry respiratory diseases (OH and IN)

4.  Control and prevention of poultry respiratory diseases (SEPRL-USDA, DE and AL)

Besides frequent e-mail communication and write-up, the renewal committee intends to meet at AAAP 2013 (Chicago) to make significant progress of the proposal.

Dr. Peter Johnson, NIFA representative, provided updates of NIFA personnel, available funds, fund distributions, programs, program changes, new and old NIFA activities, etc., for 2012 and 2013. NIFA has a new director, Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy. Dr. Mukarab Quresh (formal Director of Animal Systems) has been promoted as Assistant Director, Institute of Family and Youth. Dr. Johnson discussed with the members on the Foundation Program and indicated that there is no disease priority list in 2013’s RFP. The Challenge areas remain since they are in the President’s initiatives, but the money allotted is down. In addition, Dr. Johnson informed the members of the funding opportunities from Higher Education Challenge Grant, Fellowship Program and other Programs. Dr. Johnson encouraged everyone to sign up the automatic notification link at the bottom of his e-mail.

Dr. Mazhar Khan, the Chair, reminded station representatives to send him electronic version of the report and include impact statements as directed by the official format, immediately after the annual meeting.

The annual progress report from all Stations began immediately after the business meeting. The members were actively engaged in the discussions on surveillance, pathogenesis, new diagnostics tools and vaccine/immunology of various poultry respiratory and immunosuppressive diseases and information and ideas were freely communicated and exchanged.

The annual progress meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm, December 2, 2012.

Respectfully submitted,

Ching Ching Wu, DVM, PhD

Sitting in for Secretary Tim Johnson, National Committee 1180

December 2, 2012