Site Visit Report (SVR) for Support Provider
University of Portsmouth – Quality Management Division – Collaborative Partnerships / MSVR 02
Jan 2017
 / ONLY use this site visitform for partnership proposalsthat must undergo the relevant memorandaapproval and renewal processes for:
  • Support Provider
Note:This form is NOT for full collaborative arrangements, collaborative specific credit, or student exchange arrangementswhich have a specific site visit report (SVR) form available fromhere.[1]
 / What this form is for:
Assessment and verification of the prospective partner’s premises is an integral part of the approval process for support provider proposals which require further due diligence checks. The requirement of a Site Visit will be decided by the Faculty Adviser (Partnerships) upon receipt of Stage ONE of the MAF04, this decision will be recorded on Stage One of the MAF04 and returned to the proposer.
Who completes this form:
A site visit should be conducted by a senior member of University staff. As a general rule it is acceptable for a senior lecturer/senior administrator to undertake a site visit. In all cases, persons conducting a site visit must understand the purpose and requirements for the visit and act and report impartially.
1Name of proposed programme and programme code
Name of proposed programme:
Programme code:
2Partner Institution
Name ofPartner Institution: / Enter the full name of the PI
Location: / Enter the address of the PI
Date of visit: / DD/MM/YYYY
3Visiting Party
List the names and post title of the members of the visiting party. If an external member attended, list their institution.
4Brief Description of Process
Standard paragraph should read: “The Visiting Party, acting on behalf of the Dept. of……/Faculty of…….[complete as applicable] visited the NAME OF PARTNER as part of the Support Provider approval process. The purpose of the visit was to verify and seek assurance for the University that the physical learning, teaching (and research environments) [delete/add as applicable], resources and staff at NAME OF PARTNER were appropriate and met with the quality and standards required by the University of Portsmouth for the delivery of the STATE DETAILS OF PARTNER SERVICES. The Visiting Party met with senior management, potential students and teaching staff [delete/add as applicable] and viewed existing premises and resources.”
5Decision reached
Standard paragraph should read: “The Visiting Party recommends to the Associate Dean (Academic) that the NAME OF PARTNER located at NAME OF LOCATION is a suitable location, with appropriate resources and infrastructure, for the delivery of the above mentioned services under a Support Provider arrangement.
If the Partner is NOT recommended a clear precise statement of the rationale for this decision should be included in this section.
6Meeting with staff
List the names and post title of the Partner Institution Staff and detail the discussions.
7Meeting with potential students (if applicable)
Include the number of students at the meeting; do not record names to ensure confidentiality. Provide brief detail of student background, i.e. international, in employment etc., and detail the discussions.
8Campus facilities
Detail the facilities and resources visited and viewed, i.e. IT resources, library provision, laboratories and lecture rooms, leisure facilities, student support and welfare facilities. Identity any areas that were not accessible.
Any conditions of approval must be listed separately, together with the names of the person or persons responsible for meeting them and the deadlines by which they must be met. The conditions must be reported to and supported by the AD(A).
I have completed this form, visited the partner institution and met with its representatives to gather and verify information to assist in the assessment of a partner institution’s suitability to collaborate with the University of Portsmouth.
Name / Job title
eSignature or type “Agreed” below & confirm by email / Date
Thank you for completing this form.
Please email this form and any supporting documents (such as photographs etc.) to theAD(A) or FVO of the proposing Faculty.

Site Visit Report Support Provider – ©University of Portsmouth, April 2016Page 1 of 2