Subject: ENGLISH (50 minutes)_ Lesson: MOTIFS – Day 6

Topic: THE GIVER by LOIS LOWRY Grade: 8th

Objectives:1)Students will be able to demonstrate ways (e.g., ask probing questions, provide feedback to a speaker, summarize and paraphrase complex spoken messages) that listening attentively can improve comprehension.

2)Students will be able to restate and carry out multistep oral instructions.

3)Students will be able to discuss and evaluate motive, resulting behavior and consequences demonstrated in literature.

State Standards:4.A.3a, 4.A.3c, 2.B.4c

Materials:Novel, writing utensil(s), characterization chart

Warm-up / Lead-in:5 minutes: Collect symbolism project assigned on day 2. Briefly discuss and share artwork.


5 minutes: Students will take a pre-quiz on characters and chapters 11 and 12 as lead in to discussion of motifs and development of characters/bildungsroman.

5-10 minutes: Orally correct quiz as students are adding notes to answers and characterization chart: Discussion must include how Jonas has changed and how he is maturing.

15-20 minutes: Small group activity: Each group will be assigned a specific question (attached). They will have to answer the questions as if they were Jonas.

5-10 minutes: Reading response. Students will sit quietly and write in their journals the following questions: Which character do you identify with the most and why?

Do any of these characters remind you of a family member or friend?

Independent Practice: Students will read chapter 13 and 15 at home. Teacher will remind students that chapter notes will be checked.


Students will be graded on class participation for the day (possible of 10 points).

THE GIVER,PRE-QUIZNAME ______Date ______

You are allowed to use your chapter notes only for this test.


1.)Why is Jonas the main character, what makes him so important? (4 pts.)

2.)What was Asher’s assignment and was it a good assignment for him? Why or why not? (2 pts.)

3.)Why is it so important to the Giver that Jonas looks down and notices the “sled” during the second memory of it? (4 pts.)

4.)When Jonas receives a memory from the Giver, what happens? Tell how and why. (6 pts)

5.)From the Giver, Jonas has now experienced:(4 pts.)

SunburnTrue ____ False ____

SnowTrue ____ False ____

LoveTrue ____ False ____

FrostbiteTrue ____ False ____

GRADING SCALE:18-20A 16-17 B 14-15 C


Group #1 Questions: THE GIVERby Lois Lowry

  1. Based on what has been read about Gabriel, what do you think will happen to him?
  1. Would Jonas answer the question the same way, or would he answer it differently? How?

Group #2 Questions: THE GIVERby Lois Lowry

  1. Why did Jonas steal the apple? What would you have done and why?
  1. If Jonas were here, what would he say was the main reason he took the apple?

Group #3 Questions: THE GIVERby Lois Lowry

  1. Pretend you are Jonas and you just received your assignment, how would you feel? Why?
  1. What do you think the Elder meant by the word PAIN? Are there different kinds?

Group #4 Questions: THE GIVERby Lois Lowry

  1. Why are there intercom speakers all over the community and what are they used for?
  1. Would Jonas answer the question the same way, or would he answer it differently? How?

Group #5 Questions: THE GIVERby Lois Lowry

  1. If you were Jonas and you suddenly had all this new information of memories, would you keep it to yourself or tell somebody? How come?
  1. Do you think Jonas is going to tell someone?

Group #6 Questions: THE GIVERby Lois Lowry

  1. Can Jonas visit other communities? Are they the same as the one Jonas lives in? Explain.

12. If you were Jonas, would you go visit the other communities? Why or why not?