Choosing A College or other Training Program
Time Required: 30-45 minutes
Content Standards: AA.S.2 Students will complete school with the academic rigor and preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial postsecondary options, including college.
Indicators (Students will…): AA.A.11.2.01 Students will discuss the current relationship between flexible career plans, post-secondary goals, five year high school course plans, report card, grades, standardized test scores, and academic improvement plans, and revise each as appropriate.
GOAL: Students will explore and select possible post-secondary training options, including college.Activity Statements: Some students may not be planning to go to college and may think this lesson is not for them. 80% of today’s jobs require some kind of training beyond high school. Students can also explore other training options. You may also want to advise them that they may change their mind when they become working adults and find out they can get a better job if they get more education. They also need to develop these skills to help others, particularly their own children when they begin looking at their educational options.
Option 1: The advisor will either take students to a computer lab or allow them to use their own personal notebook to explore colleges they may consider attending or explore postsecondary training options, including the military, CTE programs, and 2 and 4 year programs using Students can also choose to explore different college websites of their choosing, depending on their interests.
OPTION 2: Use the Roads to Success “Choosing a College” lessons by clicking on links below.
· Roads to Success Correlated to --
· Roads to Success Correlated to Career Cruising --
Extension Activities:The Roads to Success lesson plans have been correlated to activities and resources.
Continue to explore college and postsecondary training programs on your own.
STUDENTS: Complete the School Selector and save the results to the Portfolio.