Agribusiness Recruitment Pty Ltd

Recruitment Services Proposal




Appointment of PPP and Locations

Agribusiness Recruitment Pty Ltd

The Company

Agribusiness Recruitment Pty Ltd is a specialist recruitment company, working specifically within the agribusiness and wine industry sectors. We believe that in today’s highly competitive business environment, attracting and retaining high quality employees to your business is critical in maintaining a competitive advantage. We understand that the Australian agribusiness and wine sectors are specialist industries with unique requirements; Agribusiness Recruitment is committed to supporting these industries.

Industry Experience

Peter McMahon: Peter has a broad background in agribusiness, covering all industry sectors. A Roseworthy SA graduate with a broadacre farming background, Peter has worked extensively in a variety of agribusiness industries in Australia the Middle East and England. Peter has been recruiting in the agribusiness sector for over 14 years, and has conducted recruitment assignments in all regions of Australia across the Agribusiness sectors.

Andrew Meurant: Andrew is tertiary qualified in Horticulture, Agribusiness and Business Management from Queensland Agricultural College, University of Queensland and Southern Cross Universities. He has both hands-on and professional experience across Australia in the livestock, cropping and horticulture segments. Through this time Andrew has developed and maintained strong relationships and active networks at the farm gate and industry levels.

Nick Wickham:Nick is a Flinders University and Adelaide University graduate, qualified in Biology and Wine Marketing. Nick has extensive wine industry experience from the vineyard to the winery, as well as in sales, marketing and board membership. These wine industry focused skills are complemented by strong industry networks domestically as well as in the USA, France, South Africa and New Zealand.

Jamie Wilson:Jamie is an Adelaide University and Melbourne University graduate, qualified in Agriculture and Agribusiness. He has extensive agronomic and hands-on broadacre farming experience. This is complemented by strong commercial sales and business management experience in soil and plant nutrition, crop protection and research. He has undertaken professional roles both domestically and internationally in the fertiliser industry.Jamie has an extensive network across a wide variety of Agricultural and horticultural industries across Australia.

The Approach

Recruitment assignments undertaken by Agribusiness Recruitment Pty Ltd encompass five key areas that we believe are fundamental to success:

1.  Initial client briefing

2.  Search and selection process

3.  Reference checking

4.  Post placement follow up

5.  Client Guarantee

1. Initial client briefing

Before commencing any assignment we will conduct discussions with you in order to gain an in depth understanding of the position, the culture and history of your company and plans for the future. This discussion will also focus on defining an advertising strategy and search and selection methodology.


We estimate it may take 6 weeks from the date of commencement of advertising to the identification of the preferred candidate. We will keep you fully informed of the progress of the recruitment assignment.

Advertising Strategy

Advertising will be discussed if we feel it is needed and is of benefit

Our service includes drafting adcopy and negotiating placement in the selected media.

Please note:

·  The selected media outlet will invoice clients directly for placed advertising

·  Advertising will not be booked without your prior approval

2. The Search and Selection Process

The following are important elements of Agribusiness Recruitment’s approach to sourcing high quality applicants:

·  A position description for the role will be discussed. It may be provided by Ccc, or developed with our assistance

·  We will identify applicants with a strong fit for the position from our broad industry networks, existing registered candidates and strategic advertising. We will approach these candidates and present the position to them

·  High potential candidates will be interviewed to assess their suitability for the role of PPP and to screen them against established selection criteria

·  We will submit to you original resumes of candidates selected for shortlist for your consideration (with the approval of the candidate) and offer our recommendation of those candidates best suited for the position. We will also discuss and answer any questions that you may have about any candidates involved in the search

·  Coordination of client/candidate interviews

3. Reference Checking

·  Reference checking will be carried out once the interest of both parties has been established and permission granted from the specific candidate selected

·  We endeavour to obtain references from the most recent and relevant candidate referees possible. The question format is extensive and detailed, covering a wide range of issues, including responsibilities, competence, interpersonal and personal skills, and questions arising from interview or psychological assessment.

·  All reference checking is conducted in accordance with current Australian privacy legislation

·  Reference information is submitted in a report for the client’s consideration

·  We will assist you in any final negotiations with the preferred candidate regarding terms and conditions of offer. Once the offer has been accepted, we will arrange for the acceptance of the offer to be confirmed in writing

·  We will maintain contact with all candidates and advise all unsuccessful candidates without delay

4. Post Placement Follow-up

Agribusiness Recruitment is committed to the ongoing support of the placed candidate. We will contact the appointee and Ccc on commencement and thereafter at regular intervals (four months, six months etc) to ensure a smooth transition into the role.

5. Client Guarantee

Agribusiness Recruitment Pty Ltd offers a three (3) calendar month guarantee to replace a candidate appointed if their employment is terminated due to their unsuitability. This excludes termination relating to redundancy.

The guarantee is subject to the original placement fee being received within the appointed time (14 days) and Agribusiness Recruitment being notified within 2 days of termination. A suitable replacement will then be sought as soon as practicable.

The cost of such a replacement is confined to direct costs such as accommodation and travel relating to interviewing of candidates. Readvertising, if required, would be at the expense of the client.

Professional Fees

Recruitment assignments are invoiced on the basis of 14% of the gross commencing remuneration package of the appointee. Upon satisfactory completion of the assignment (ie. acceptance of the position by the candidate) the agreed fee will be invoiced. Strictly 14-day terms apply.

The introduction of a Candidate to the client by Agribusiness Recruitment Pty Ltd will be deemed to be an acceptance by the client of these Terms and Conditions.


It is understood that Agribusiness Recruitment is conducting this assignment on the basis of exclusivity for a period of six weeks from the commencement date of the assignment.

Remuneration Package

The annual remuneration package will include:

·  Base salary

·  Superannuation

·  Motor vehicle (a vehicle has a nominal value of $15,000 per annum)

Other components of a salary package (eg. bonuses, commissions, housing etc) will be assessed and a value agreed upon with Ccc.


In salary packages comprising a low retainer and high commission, the salary package will be based on a reasonably achievable commission and a value agreed upon.

Other costs

Out of pocket expenses (eg. travel, accommodation and advertising) are invoiced at cost and are additional to any fees. Such costs will not be incurred without the client’s prior consent.

GST – Goods and Services Tax

Our fees are exclusive of GST. GST will be applied to the total of each invoice.

Payment of Fees

All fees and expenses are payable within 14 days of invoice. Non compliance with the agreed and stated terms renders the Guarantee Period null and void.

Professional Standards

Agribusiness Recruitment acts within guidelines set out in Recruitment and Consulting Services Industry Handbook (Recruitment and Consulting Services Association – RCSA).

All information concerning the business and affairs of Ccc and candidates will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will not be divulged to other parties without consent.


Company: Ccc

Position: PPP

I authorise Agribusiness Recruitment Pty Ltd to undertake this assignment. I accept the fee structure and terms of business outlined above.

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Signature Date