A. Under this regulation, Section II, "Bulk-Sampling Seed from Bags or Bin", sampling is permitted for all crops presently grown for certification except CORN.

The seed shall be CONDITIONED and put into bags or approved containers. In the case of bagged seed, sealing may or may not be required at the time of Initial Sampling.

B. Plant Inspectors are authorized to bulk-sample seed from bags or approved containers. In addition to applicable supervisory services listed under section I, H, Page 11, the Plant Inspector must keep bulk-sampled seed under his supervision from time of sampling until it is in approved bags to assure that it remains unchanged.

C. At time of Initial Sampling or Resampling bulk-seed from bags, the seed may or may not be in approved bags. If the seed is sampled from unapproved bags, it may remain in such bags until it is determined that the seed meets the Seed Standards based upon laboratory analysis. However, prior to Final Certification, the seed must be placed in approved bags.



CONTAINER. Seed Inspection Report Bulk-Seed Form #2, Page 23 through 39.


1. Identification of Seed Lots

a) Seed lots moving into Approved Conditioning Plants must be identified by use of a tag with grower's name, contract grower's name if applicable and available, variety, class and quantity of seed and grower's choice of approved laboratory.

b) If TCIA approval has been given for use of plant designated lot numbers, these may be used to identify seed for certification. If not, a TCIA designated lot number will be assigned to the seed to be sampled. Stencils furnished by TCIA if desired.

c) Seed eligible as Registered Class and the grower desires to retain this classification shall be identified as such and must be handled separately through final certification. Record class of seed under Item 4-b of the Seed Inspection Report.

d) All conditioned bulk seed will be labeled as to variety-kind, lot number, date tested and net weight at the time of official sampling.

e) Confer with the grower or his representative and obtain all information in "italics" on Seed Inspection Report Form #2. In the case of a small grain, inquire whether or not seed treatment is required because of smut in the field in excess of tolerance. The grower is advised of this on his copy of the Field Inspection Report. This information shall be recorded on the inspection report prior to sampling the seed.

2. Bag Information - Item 15, Seed Inspection Report

Seed sampled under these provisions, Section II, need not be in approved bags at time of sampling, but in all instances must be placed in clean bags that are closed. However, seed sampled from other than approved bags must later be bagged under supervision of the Plant Inspector according to the following, if it is to be marketed as a class of certified seed.

All seed for which final certification is requested must be in TCIA approved bags. All bags must be closed and properly labeled.

Printing for Approved Bags:

a) TCIA emblem on one or both sides of bag.

b) TCIA emblem on one side and TCIA approved private brand on other side.

c) TCIA approved private brand may be used on one or both sides of bag.

Observe printing on all bags for TCIA emblem, private brand and record findings under Item 15 of Seed Inspection Report Form #2.

B. Drawing Official Sample of Cleaned Bulk Seed In Bags or Approved Container

1. Identification of Seed Lot - Each lot of seed shall be identified by variety name and lot number, either stenciled on each bag or shown on a tag attached to bag within the lot.

2. The Plant Inspector shall assign lot numbers and supervise the identification of each seed lot.

3. Seed in Approved Bags - Record number of bags and weight of each bag in each lot on Seed Inspection Report under Item 5-d. Record under Item 5-c total quantity of seed in lot. Example 1, Page 33.

C. Drawing Official Sample of Cleaned Bulk Seed in Approved Container

1. Identification of Seed Lot - Each lot of seed shall be identified by variety-kind, lot number, date tested and container number shown on a tag or card attached to the Approved Container.

C. 2. The Plant Inspector shall assign lot numbers and supervise the identification of each seed lot.

3. Seed in Bins - Estimate quantity in each lot and record on Seed Inspection Report under Item 5-c.

Seed in bins or unapproved bags and assignment of tags is not desired, you may report quantity of seed under Item 5-c, only.

4. Maximum Quantity of Seed Permitted Per Lot

Crop Quantity Permitted

Barley 57,600 lbs.

Corn 22,400 lbs.

Cotton 40,000 lbs.

Grasses, Clover, & Lespedeza 20,000 lbs.

Oats 38,400 lbs.

Rye 67,200 lbs.

Soybeans 96,000 lbs.

Wheat 96,000 lbs.

Tobacco 100 lbs.

An additional 10% is permitted in a lot only to complete the last lot of a variety.

5. Maximum Weight Per Bag

Crop Weight Per Bag

Barley 48 lbs.

Corn 50 lbs.

Cotton 50 lbs.

Grasses, Clover, & Lespedeza 50 lbs.

Oats 64 lbs.

Rye 56 lbs.

Soybeans 60 lbs.

Wheat 60 lbs.

C. 6. a) Example No. 1 & 2, Pages 33 & 33A show correct entries on Seed Inspection Report Form #2 covering Initial Sample when drawing official sample of cleaned seed in bags.

b) Example No. 3, Page 34, when drawing official sample of cleaned seed in boxes.

c) Example No. 4, Page 34A, when drawing official resample of cleaned seed in boxes.

D. Obtaining Sample Representative of Seed Lot

1. In order to obtain a representative sample, take equal portions of seed from evenly distributed places within the lot. See Section II, D 4, Page 28.

The Seed Sample May Be Taken:

a) By hand from open bags before closing the bag.

b) By probe after seed has been bagged.

c) By thrusting hand into stream of clean seed as it comes off cleaning equipment on way to elevator up to bin.

d) By truck probe from boxes or semi-bulk bags.

All Official Samples must be taken by or under the supervision of the TCIA Plant Inspector.

2. Procedure For Sampling

a) Hand-Sampling From Bags:

1) Seed may be hand-sampled before closing bags.

2) Thrusting hand into bag, remove equal amounts, at least a hand-full from each bag sampled. See D-4 for minimum number of bags to sample per lot.

b) Hand-Sampling From Streams of Seed As It Travels To Bin:

1) Thrusting hand into stream of seed, remove equal amounts of at least a hand-full at regular intervals from evenly distributed parts of the quantity of seeds in the lot.

c) Probing Bags:

Proper use of the probe should give a representative sample.

1) The probe must be used in such a way as to remove equal amounts of seed from each bag sampled.

2) With slotted side down, insert the probe horizontally (not at angle) as near the center of the bag as possible with this exception,

a) Because of pressure on bags near the bottom of the stack, you may be unable to insert the probe properly until a few seeds have been removed.

3) Work the probe back and forth until it can be inserted into the bag its full length.

4) a) Turn slotted side up and allow probe to fill.

b) With slotted side up remove probe from bag and empty seed into clean sample bucket.

5) Effort should be made to reach all areas of a seed bag:

a) When possible, occasionally insert probe into ends and sides of bag.

6) Boxes or Semi-Bulk Bags: Insert vertically truck probe (slots closed) into center of each container through the entire depth of seed. Open slots and allow probe to fill and then close slots. Remove probe from container and empty seed into clean sample bucket.

Place seed sample removed from the bag, or stream of seed from cleaning equipment, in a clean sample bucket.

3. Care should be exercised in probing so as not to unnecessarily damage the bags.

Paper Bags: Do not probe in manner of burlap or cotton bags, extra care should be exercised in probing paper. Close by using tape printed "Sampled by TCIA Inspector."

Polypropylene & Burlap Bags: Close probe hole by using small end of seed probe. When sampling machine or flame delinted cotton seed, using a knife make a 2 inch slit in the bag and use a large spoon to pull seed out of the bag. A seed probe may not be used for sampling cotton.

Cotton Bags: Close probe hole by using tape printed "Sampled by TCIA Inspector."

D. 4. Minimum Number of Bags to Hand-Sample or Probe Per Seed Lot

Lot Size No. Hand Samples or Probes

Semi-Bulk Bags or Boxes . . . . . Each Bag or Box

1 thru 10 Bags ...... Each Bag

11 thru 50 Bags ...... Every 3rd bag, not less than 11

51 thru 250 Bags ...... 30

251 thru 450 Bags ...... 34

451 thru 550 Bags ...... 36

651 thru 800 Bags ...... 40

801 thru 1000 Bags ...... 42

1001 thru 1200 Bags ...... 45

1201 thru 1400 Bags ...... 48

1401 thru 1700 Bags ...... 52

1701 thru 2000 Bags ...... 55

5. Collecting Official Seed Sample

a) Using the clean bucket provided by TCIA, collect sufficient seed to be representative of seed lot, approximately 2 (1/2) times the minimum required weight of official laboratory sample. See 5-d, below for minimum required weight of official laboratory sample.

b) Seed that is heating CANNOT be sampled for laboratory testing. When seed is heating, discard the seed you have drawn and advise the grower or his representative that he may request sampling at a later date when the seed has returned to NORMAL storage temperature.

c) When lack of uniformity appears in a seed lot, remove bags representing extreme situations, or divide the seed into the required number of lots to give as much uniformity as possible.

d) Minimum Required Weight of Official Laboratory Sample

1) Small grains, cotton and soybeans - 2lbs.

2) Sericea lespedeza, fescue and timothy - 1lb.

3) Tobacco-Open pollinated - 1/2 oz., Hybrid - 1/12 oz.


1. OFFICIAL SAMPLES shall be submitted to the TCIA approved laboratory of the grower's choice in a TCIA official sample bag.

2. OBSERVATION SAMPLES shall be submitted to TCIA office in envelopes provided for this purpose using the large envelopes for corn only.

An observation sample is required:

a) For each lot of seed sampled for laboratory testing by a TCIA inspector.

b) For each lot of seed represented on a seed inspection report submitted to confirm supervision of (1) Treating (2) Bagging (3) Any operation requiring opening bags of seed that have been sampled, tested and met requirements for final certification.


a) Complete information requested on official sample bag, check bag against the seed inspection report covering corresponding lot numbers to see that all information agrees.

b) Stir seed thoroughly in bucket in which you have drawn the representative sample until it is uniformly blended before filling the official sample bag or observation envelope.

c) Fill official seed sample bag 60 percent full. Fold (1/2) inch of bag from the top two or three times to assure moisture stability of the sample. Close securely by stapling at three places across the top of sample bag.

d) Compare information on official sample bag, observation sample and seed inspection report for accuracy, as well as the lot number recorded on both of these against the lot number stenciled on the seed bags within the lot you have sampled.


a) Complete information requested in upper left-hand corner of envelope. This information must correspond to information on the seed inspection report and official sample bag for the respective seed lot.

b) Fill the observation seed sample envelope out of the remaining seed drawn after you have filled the official sample bag. Large size observation sample envelopes are for corn only.

c) Close observation sample envelope securely.



a) When one or more samples are to be mailed; place them in a strong box sufficient enough to accommodate the number of samples. (This protects them from splitting and crushing in the mail.) Attach label or tag containing correct laboratory address and your return address, including correct zip code numbers. Postage is also saved by making a package containing several samples rather than mailing each sample separately. Have the package stamped "PRIORITY MAIL" on the box. Do not attempt to mail unboxed samples.


a) When one or more samples are to be mailed; place them in a box sufficient enough to accommodate the number of samples. Single samples often become lodged in postal equipment. Do not tie observation samples together and mail without placing them in a container. Attach label or tag containing correct TCIA address and your return address including zip code numbers and correct postage. Have the package stamped "PRIORITY MAIL" on the box.


a) Tags cannot be issued to the grower on bulk-sampled seed until all certification requirements are met. Requirements include supervision by the Plant Inspector of all handling of the seed including treating, bagging, stenciling, sealing if requested or required, and filing with TCIA office the required Seed Inspection Reports recording such supervision.