/ Wales Clinic
for subscribers only*
19-20 August, 2017
Aberystwyth University - Lluest Equine Centre SY23 3AL
City / State / Zip Code
When did you sign up for subscription?
Monthly / Yearly / Online / DVD
Email used for subscription
Other email
Have you attended a
Warwick Schiller clinic before? / Yes as a Rider
Yes as a Spectator
I wish to sign up for:
Rider spaces are limited to 12 riders per clinic.
**Please bring own bedding and forage or can purchase locally. / Clinic as a Rider* £300.00 per 2 day clinic / £
Stabling £20.00 – 2 nights, £30 -3 nights
(no bedding or forage included) ** / £
Arrival date:
Departure date:
Camping £10.00 per day x ______days / £
See cancellation information below. / Total to pay: / £
£100 deposit required as soon as possible to secure your booking, but due by April 1, 2017.
Balance due by June 1, 2017. / Deposit / £100.00
Balance / £
Fence sitting/Auditor: £20 per day per person or £35 for both days. Payable in advance or on the day. For more information, visit
*Online Video Library Subscriber or DVD subscriber only. You must have current subscription when registration form is received.
To subscribe, go to
Registration: Please email this completed form to Kathy Price at
Payment: Bank account details will be sent to you once registration form has been received.

Cancellations: Deposits are non-refundable. If you need to cancel for any reason please contact us. Refunds are not guaranteed. If a rider or horse becomes unable to complete the clinic, no refund will be given as the Ride/Clinic host or instructor cannot be responsible for unforeseen problems & have prepaid for travel expenses. If you cancel your subscription before the clinic, you will not be refunded any monies paid.

Video & Audiotaping: We may be videoing portions of the clinic for use on various social media sites, including subscription website, Youtube or DVDs.

Lunch & Breaks: There may be a short break for lunch, we will attempt to have food available for purchase.

Start Time: We will begin at 9 AM on the first day. It is important that everyone who is riding is present at this time. There is a lot of information and demonstrations that need to happen with all riders at once. You are required to stay until the end of the clinic each day.

Pre-Work: We will send you a clinic participant package that will include the link to a pre clinic video so you are prepared for the clinic.

Thank you – we look forward to

a successful and fun clinic!