26th January 2016
A Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 26th January at 7.00pm in The Gilbert Hall, Nancledra.
Mr K Hughes (Chairman)
Mr D Carr
Mr M Harandon (Vice- Chairman)
Mr L Hollow
Mrs A Philip
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs M Taylor (Clerk)
PCSO Terry Webb
PC6254 Darren Saint
Mary Shead DaCCWA District NHW Representative
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: There were no members of the public present. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm
Terry Webb spoke regarding the Crime Report (attached as appendix to these minutes) and discussion followed around a range of community matters, particularly flood risk and the on going matter of Jack’s Meadow. The matter of parking on Nancledra bridge was raised again, yellow lines appear to be the only solution.Mary Shead updated councillors on the latest ‘scams’ and also spoke about her efforts to have CCTV cameras reinstated in St Ives. It was proposed by Kevin Hughes that the Parish Council write a letter to NHW in support of Mary’s efforts. The proposal was seconded by Leslie Hollow and carried unanimously RESOLVED: The Clerk will write a letter of support .
1. DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY AND OTHER INTERESTS, RELATING TO ANY AGENDA ITEM: The Chairman declared interest as elected Management Board Member and a Charitable Trustee of the Cornwall Community Flood Forum.
3. APOLOGIES: Judith Evans, Andrew Mitchell (Cornwall Council)
4. CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT: The Chairman thanked Terry Webb, Darren Saint and Mary Shead for attending and for their input on parish matters.
The Chairman thanked Mark Harandon and Margaret Taylor for assisting in taking down the Christmas tree in inclement weather. The Chairman also thanked Margarert Taylor for visiting the footpath site with him in poor weather on the same day.
Chairman’s reports and dates at item 12
5. PLANNING: a) Applications: PA16/00136 (case officer –Sara de Barros) Location: The Barn, Georgia Hill, Nancledra. Grid ref: 148439/36388 Proposal: Construction of an extension and associated works. Applicant: Mr and Mrs P Osborne
RESOLVED: (unanimously) The Parish Council has no objection to this application, but would like to mention that it is in the process of producing a Dark Skies policy to seek the protection of the dark skies in West Cornwall and hopes that the applicant may be able to consider this when selecting lighting, blinds etc. for the conservatory.
PA16/00137(case officer –Chloe Pitt) Location: The Old Cow Shed at The Barn, Georgia Hill, Nancledra. Grid ref: 148439/36388 Proposal:. Conversion, extension, and associated works of the former cowshed to form a dwelling. Applicant: Mr and Mrs P Osborne
RESOLVED: (by majority) The Parish Council has no objection to this application, but would like to mention that it is in the process of producing a Dark Skies policy to seek the protection of the dark skies in West Cornwall and hopes that the applicant may be able to consider this when selecting lighting, blinds etc. for the sun room.
6. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 15th December 2015: The minutes were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
7. MATTERS ARISING. a) Flood training: a date will be arranged in February
b) Jack’s Meadow: RESOLVED: The Clerk will write a follow up letter to Derek Thomas MP
c) Dark Sky policy It was proposed by Kevin Hughes that he write to Enya to invite her to become a Patron of the Parish Council Dark Skies Campaign. The proposal was seconded by David Carr and carried unanimously. RESOLVED: The Chairman will write to Enya liaising with the Clerk on the format. The Dark Skies group will meet to discuss how best to proceed with the aims to protect the night sky on Tuesday March 1st at 7.00pm. Zennor PC will be invited to the meeting.
d) Website update: The Clerk showed the latest uploads to councillors and advised that the website should be up and running very soon.
e) Byway 28 RESOLVED: The Clerk and the Chairman had viewed the new track at Woonsmith where it crosses the byway, as concerns had been raised about the height of the tracks. The byway is almost impassable even in a 4x4 and the new track was found to be raised, allowing water to back up on the upper part of the byway. The Clerk will ask Hamish Gordon to attend a site visit with the landowners to discuss the problems and how they can best be amended. Regarding the registration of the byway, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk will proceed with the necessary Land Registry forms. When the Land registry confirms that it is processing the application, a letter will be written to adjacent landowners. f) Christmas tree ; matter will be deferred until the October meeting.
g)Paperless planning meeting: It was agreed to cancel the proposed meeting, now that a printer is available to print the plans, it will not be necessary .
8. FOOTPATH UPDATE: Footpath 40 has been reported as blocked. The Chairman and Clerk visited the site and found it to be impassable. The Clerk will contact Chris Curnow to ask him whether he has ever cut the particular part of the footpath.
9. PARISH LANDSCAPE UPDATE: The next meeting will be on 1st March at 7.00pm. The Chairman thanked Judith Evans, Margaret Taylor and Mark Harandon for joining him in planting the hedgerow trees in Cledry Meadow. He also thanked Mark Harandon for kindly supplying a heritage apple tree which was planted at the same time.
10. CNP. Report at the next meeting.
11. ACCOUNTS: a) Summary of month’s accounts.
a. General Account £
Balance as at last meeting 4752.14
Payments received: 1.34
Interest 31st Dec
Payment for approval:
Mr Francis Smith 20.00
re Christmas lights electricity
Balance after these transactions: 4733.48
2. Cemetery Account
Balance as at last meeting 10,896.85
Payments received: 2.75
Interest 31st Dec
Balance after these transactions 10,899.60
3. Deposit Account
Balance as at last meeting 1070.28
Payments received: 0.27
Interest 31st Dec
Balance after these transactions 1070.55
12. CHAIRMAN’S DIARY AND REPORTS: The Chairman reported that he had attended Zennor PC meeting. Zennor PC would like to work with Towednack on a Parish Landscape Plan. Zennor PC has applied to have all the overhead cables in the parish buried.
The vacancy on the Parish Council had been discussed with Zennor PC.
It was proposed by Kevin Hughes that, if the vacancy remains unfilled, Jon Brookes be appointed until a suitable candidate comes forward. The proposal was seconded by David Carr and carried unanimously.
The Chairman had attended the Flood meeting arranged by Vanessa Lockwell
The Chairman will attend the Flood Forum on 28th January.
The Chairman will attend Zennor PC meeting on 9th February
13. CORRESPONDENCE : As forwarded to Councillors.
Consultation on changes to the National policy Framework: deadline 22nd February
RESOLVED: The Clerk will write in support of NALC concerns regarding the changes.
15. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING: Members will contact the Clerk before the next meeting with items they wish to be included.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.32 pm
Signed……………………………..Chairman Date……………………..