Dog Day Afternoon
(Drama) (1975)
© 1999 by Raymond Weschler
Major characters
Sonny...... Al Pacino
A loving father, a veteran of the Vietnam war,
a "good Catholic," and a bank robber.
Sal...... John Cazale
Sonny's partner in the bank robbery.
Mulvaney...... Sully Boyar
Manager of the bank that Sonny and Sal decide to rob.
Moretti...... Charles Dunning
The lead police detective who has to negotiate with
Sonny in order to protect the hostages in the bank.
Leon...... Chris Sarandon
Sonny's homosexual "wife," who wants money for a
sex-change operation that will make him a woman.
Sonny's wife, and the mother of his two children.
Sheldon...... James Broderick
The head FBI agent brought in to negotiate with Sonny.
Margaret...... Beulah Garrick
The head bank teller, and unofficial leader of the hostages.
Plot Summary
This movie is based on a true incident that took place in August 1972, in Brooklyn, New York (Brooklyn is a part of New York City). Sonny and Sal are unemployed Vietnam War veterans, and former prisoners, who decide to rob a bank. Unfortunately, the robbery quickly goes bad, and the police arrive with Sonny and Sal still in the bank.
Although they had no intention of doing so, Sunny and Sal suddenly find themselves taking a dozen hostages in order to be able to negotiate with the police. Quickly, the bank robbery becomes a "media circus," as TV and other reporters bring live coverage of the event to the city of New York.
Over the course of the next several hours, Sonny desperately tries to hold on to his freedom, while simultaneously satisfying the various demands of his partner, the various hostages, the police and his not- so-typical family. Eventually, it is agreed that Sonny and Sal will get to fly out of the country on a jet in exchange for the release of the hostages, but not before Sonny has final conversations with his wife, homosexual lover and frantic mother.
Words and Expressions that You may not Know
A bank robbery begins in Brooklyn...
It requires downtown approval.
A reference to the bank headquarters (for a loan approval).
I'm getting really bad vibes.
"Vibes" is short for vibrations, or a "feeling" that
people get when trying to analyze a situation.
We should take something smaller.
Here, meaning to rob a smaller bank.
Freeze! Nobody move!
What a person with a gun says to a person about to grab one.
Get away from the alarms.
System of bells or other noises that alert the police.
If he moves, take his head off!
A colloquial way to say "shoot him in the head"
Oh, fuck me.
A good place to point out that this movie will show you almost every possible way that the word "fuck" is used in English:
Imperative command: Fuck you, fuck me, go fuck yourself.
Noun: You are such a fuck, that fuck, I'm a fuck-up.
Noun in set expressions: What the fuck are you doing?
Why the fuck did you do that?
Adjective: A fucking idiot, a fucking mess.
Adverb: We're fucking doing it!
A crude verb meaning to have sex: Actually, this is the one
meaning not used in the film! (except in a very sarcastic sense).
He can't make it.
Here, meaning he won't survive.
Let them go! Let them out!
Note that in rapid speech, "let them" and "let him"---->"let'em"
The 3rd bank robber who decides to leave out of fear
We're moving along, just moving along.
A colloquial way to say that "we're making progress."
What's this? A squirrel?
A small rodent that many people think is cute.
Knock out the TV!
A boxing term, meaning to disable, or make unconscious.
No replay, no alarms.
The term for the film that can be played back later.
A room where banks keep money and other valuables.
Are you trying to trip the alarm?
Here, meaning to set off or trigger, perhaps secretly.
I must have been out of my mind.
A common colloquial term meaning crazy or insane.
The head teller.
Bank tellers serve customers at a bank. The "head
teller" is the one in charge of all the others.
Don't play games.
Here, it means "don't try to psychologically manipulate me ."
Decoy money. It's marked.
"Decoy money" is marked with tiny symbols as a way to later
catch robbers when they try to spend it (A "decoy" is a person or
thing that is used as a trap).
Cheer up, you'll be the veteran of a bank robbery.
Someone experienced in a particular skill or situation, as well
as a word to describe people who had served in the military.
I bark, he bites.
People talk, and dogs "bark." This is Sonny's way
to tell the others that Sal will do what he says.
Watch your language!
What parents tell their kids: "Don't use dirty words."
The registrar.
Where official records are kept
What the hell are you doing?
Note the grammar of these "Wh questions:" In such expressions, "hell" and "fuck" are interchangeable, though "fuck" is much cruder.
Put out the fire.
The much more common phrasal verb for "extinguish."
Get rid of him!
Here, a common way to say "make him leave, any way possible."
Cigarette butt in the wastebasket.
The remains of a cigarette after being smoked.
On the verge of leaving, Sonny and Sal suddenly
realize that the police have surrounded the bank.
Asshole, we've got you completely by the balls.
Very crude: An "asshole" is generally a jerk, and the expression
that follows is a clever but very nasty way of saying that "we can
do whatever we want to you" (i.e...."balls" refer to testicles).
Common and colloquial for "police."
What did you do, just barge in on a whim?
To "barge in" is to enter in a great hurry, while to do
something "on a whim" is to do it without any preparation.
That fuck Jack gave me the wrong information
"Fuck" as a noun!: Rare, but used, and very crude.
Listen, bastards, keep away from this bank or
we'll throw bodies out the door one at a time.
"Bastard" is a vulgar insult for a mean or unpleasant male
[Listen carefully: This sentence is said very quickly].
It's for the squirrel.
Here, referring to the phone call for the girl hiding under the desk.
WNAW plays all the hits.
Four letters like this refer to American radio stations
(In this case, one that plays "hit songs").
He wants to know what time you'll be through?
To be "through" with something is to be done, or finished with it.
Come on!
Put here to remind you that "come on" may be the greatest and
most used phrasal verb in English, and can mean everything from
"be serious" to "let's go," depending on the context.
There's a way out of this.
In this context, a "way out" is a way to find a solution or escape.
I meant it.
"I was very serious about what I said."
One step at a time.
A good expression to explain how one hopes to accomplish a big goal.
A disease that makes it difficult to breath.
Hold it!
Here, it means "stop what you're doing."
No complaints, whatsoever.
When used at the end of a negative sentence,
"whatsoever" means absolutely, or completely.
They don't give a fuck about your bank insurance.
A crude and common way to say "they don't care."
See what they did at Attica?
The name of a prison in New York where over
40 prisoners died during a prison riot in 1970.
You won't fuck with me, will you?
"To fuck with" somebody is lie to, or to try to manipulate them.
The FBI.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation: The very famous police
for the Federal Government (as opposed to city government).
An error in judgment.
Another way of saying a miscalculation, or strategic mistake.
We thought the sons of bitches would be overwhelmed
with remorse by the sight of a police officer.
Said sarcastically: "Sons of bitches" (or SOBs) is crude and
common for a mean or bad person. "Remorse" is guilt.
People who are being held against their will.
A legal term for the person committing a crime.
Fire escape.
The outside stairs in a building that lead from the roof to the ground.
Its being set up now
A good way to say arranged, built, or taken care of.
As communications are established, the robbers, the hostages,
the police and the media establish a working relationship.
Do you got confederates?
A rarely used word for partners, often used in a criminal context.
We're Vietnam vets, so killing don't mean anything to us.
"Vet" is short for "veteran," or a former solider.
[Note the double negation: There's lots of bad grammar
spoken in the film. Don't use it, just understand it!]
Let's work out a way to see ourselves out of this mess.
"Let's find a solution to this situation."
You can frisk me.
"To frisk" someone is usually to search their pockets and clothes.
The police often frisk people when looking for guns or other weapons.
What do you think you're dealing with, a fucking idiot!?
A Colorful way of asking "Do you think I'm stupid?"
Talk to me straight.
"Tell me the truth. Don't manipulate me."
I'm not going to be packing nothing.
A slangy way for a policeman to say "I don’t have a gun."
Don't fire!
Used in reference to guns (shooting).
I don't give a fuck.
The classically obscene way to say "I don't care."
What the fuck is going on?
A crude and common version of "What is happening here?"
I want you to see what you're up against.
This is Moretti’s way of telling Sonny how
many policemen he will have to fight against.
Take it easy.
Good way to say "relax," and now, an overused way to say "good-bye."
You got the militia out here.
A term for the citizen-army.
All you've got is attempted robbery.
Note that in most state laws, there is a difference between the attempted crime and the crime itself.
Kiss me. When I'm being fucked, I like to be kissed.
A truly clever play on words!: In this case, "being fucked" means
being manipulated, or lied to, though obviously in other contexts,
it is simply a crude verb meaning to have sex.
They got me on kidnapping and armed robbery.
Note the endless uses of the verb "to get." Sonny's fear is that even if
nobody is hurt, he will be charged with at least these crimes. "Armed
robbery" is robbery that is committed with a gun, which is considered
a more serious crime than if no weapon were involved.
They're going to bury me.
Here, meaning to imprison him for years.
I don't want to talk to some flunky cop.
A disrespectful way of referring to a policeman without real power.
Attica! You got it, man!
What Sonny is screaming amid all the noise:
"Remember what happened at Attica..."
Why rob a bank when you got a sucker for a mother?
A "sucker" is a common word for a fool.
We're holding up.
In this context, to "hold up" is to be surviving OK (though
note that you can also, obviously "hold-up a bank"!).
You're on the air.
The expression used when you are broadcast live on TV or radio.
A union.
Refers to a union of workers.
You'll see our brains on the sidewalk, instead of "As The World Turns."
This was famous show that played on afternoon TV (a "soap opera").
You could give up.
A critical phrasal verb that means to surrender.
Sonny has a brainstorm: They will release the hostages one at a time,
in exchange for food, phone calls, a limousine, and a plane to Algeria.
They might deal with us.
Here, meaning to negotiate, or talk seriously.
Either we get away clean, or we kill ourselves.
In this context, "to get away clean" means to escape without conditions.
We fly the fuck out of the country!
Another grammatically colorful use of the
most versatile obscenity in the English language!
I'll fly you to the tropics. Fuck the snow.
Refers to tropical islands with sunny whether. "Fuck the snow" is actually a fairly common construction for saying "I don't like snow."
Call home, or whatever.
Note this very common way of ending sentences
when you don't really need to say anything precise.
A big state in the western US with very few people.
Put it in your holster.
The leather pouch around your hips in which you place guns.
You look all squeezed out.
This means exhausted, but it is rarely if ever used.
Some creep says "kill everybody."
A good word for "jerk, asshole, bastard, etc." (A "creepy" person is scary, while "that gives me the creeps," means "that scares me").
A very fast plane.
Piano lounge.
A large bar with a piano
A material like black cement that is used to pave streets.
It will break through the roof.
Here, meaning the weight will cause the roof to collapse
(A "break-through," used as a noun, can refer to major progress).