1.The scheme is extended to all the permanent faculty members of the Assam Agricultural University (AAU) who have completed at least five years of continuous service.
2.Title of this award will be the “Best Teacher/Researcher/Extension Worker Award in Assam Agricultural University...... (year).”
3.The award will carry a cash prize of Rs. 50000/- with a citation and a plaque for the best Teacher, and Rs. 25000/- each with a citation and a plaque for the Best Researcher and Extension Worker.
4.The award will be given away on an event like Convocation or Foundation Day of the University every year.
5.The number of the awards in a particular year will be ONE in each category (Teaching/Research/Extension Education.)
6.The process of giving award will be coordinated by the Registrar, AAU. The Heads of Departments/Research Stations/KVKs and Deans/Directors should not apply for the award .The applications will be invited by the Coordinator and shall have to be submitted through respective Heads to the Deans/Directors. The Deans/Directors* after having nominations from the Department/Research Station/KVK will forward one name to the Coordinator. The Coordinator will receive the nominations from all Deans/Directors and put up the same to the Judgment Committee for its final recommendation. The Vice Chancellor will approve one name, for each category of award, recommended by the Judgment Committee.
7.The applicant must have at least 5 years of teaching/research/extension experience as regular faculty member in AAU.
8.The applicants /proposals will be invited by the Coordinator every year.
9.The application/ proposals in prescribed format will be enrouted through proper channel. It will be signed by the candidate and endorsed by at least three of his/her passed out postgraduate students ( as major advisor) and two peers from Higher Agricultural Education Institutions (HAEI) in case of Best Teacher Award.
10.The candidate must have at least three ‘outstanding’, but not less than two ‘very good’ annual appraisal/self appraisal reports out of immediate past five reports.
11.The candidate is expected to be a role model teacher/researcher/extension worker with high moral values and must not have been penalized or any enquiry pending against him/her.
12.The judgment committee will be as follows:
- An external expert(not below the rank of Vice Chancellor) = One
- Deans/Directors from other agricultural Universities nominated by the
Vice Chancellor =Two
- DDG (Agricultural Education) , ICAR ,New Delhi or his nominee = One
- Coordinator = One
13.Decision of the judgment committee (after approval of the Vice Chancellor) will be final. There will be no appeal against it.
*Dean/Director can develop his/her own procedure for it. For example, a candidate who has maximum number of ‘Outstanding’ rating of the Annual Assessment Reports out of the last five years .
(Application/proposal for Best Teacher Award inHigher Agricultural Education)
1.Name and address:
3.E-mail ID, Telephone Number/ Mobile Number:
4.Academic Qualifications:
Degree Subject University Year Division/grade
5.Teaching/ research/Extension Experience(for last Five Year)
Position University Period Years/months
6.Academic Achievements
- Teaching Achievements: Achievements under teaching should be listed under the following sub-heads :
No / Particulars (Provide annexure for each sub head) / Max. Marks allotted
1 / Details of lectures taught( year wise for both UG and PG) / 10
2 / Details of Postgraduate Research guided(No. Of Students / Title of Theses/ Year-wise) / 10
3 / Placement of students who have completed P.G. degree under your guidance / 10
4 / No. of theses selected for award/recognition etc. if any / 10
5 / No. of publications out of P.G. theses under your guidance / 10
6 / Details of teaching new courses, Preparation of Laboratory Manuals etc / 5
7 / Notable achievements for teaching / 5
8 / Co-curricular activities / 5
- Research Achievements(Maximum marks 5)
- Research projects completed /on going
- Publication (Attach the list)
- Patent(s), if any
- Any other
- Extension achievements : (Maximum marks 5)
- Training conducted as Coordinator/Director
- Organization of Farmers’ Fare/On-Farm Trials etc.
- Any other item
7.Awards / Recognitions( Maximum marks = 5)
8.Membership of professional societies (Maximum marks=2)
9.Contribution towards institutional development activities ( Maximum marks = 3)
10.A write-up(not exceeding 500 words) in support of your candidature for the award ( Maximum marks = 5)
11.Students Feedback: This will be added by the respective HOD & Dean at the time of application (already collected by HOD/Dean at the end of each Semester) while evaluating the application ( Maximum marks = 10).
It is certified that the information given in columns 1-10 is correct to my knowledge and belief.
Date: (Signature of the candidate)
(Counter signature of the Head of the Department)
It is certified that I have obtained ...... degree under the supervision of Dr...... in the year...... I endorse hiscandidature for the Best Teacher Award in Higher Agricultural Education by the ...... (University)
Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Email ID :
Mobile number :
It is certified that I know Dr...... for the past ...... years and I am aware of his performance in academics. I endorse his candidature for the Best Teacher Award in Higher Agricultural Education by the...... (University)
Signature :
Email ID:
Mobile number:
Application/ Proposal for Best Research Worker
(Information are to be furnished for last 5 years)
- Name and address:
- Designation:
- Email ID, Telephone number/ Mobile number:
- Academic Qualifications:
Degree / Subject / University / Year / Division/ Grade
- Teaching/ Research/ Extension experience (for last five years)
Position / University / Period / Years/ months
- Academic Achievements (Maximum marks = 10)
S. No. / Particulars(Provide annexure for each sub-head) / Max. marks allotted
a) / Details of lectures taught (year wise for UG, PG and RAWEP)
(0.5 each) / 5
b) / Details of Post-graduate Research guided (No. of Students/ Title of theses/ year wise) (1 each) / 5
b)Research Achievements (Maximum marks = 60)
Max. marks allottedA / Particulars / 40
Research project completed (@ 1 mark each) / 5
Involvement in MLT (@ 1 mark each) / 3
Involvement in OFT (@ 1 mark each) / 2
Validation of ITK (@ 0.5 mark each) / 5
Innovative research project framed & pursued / 5
Technology recommended (@ 2 marks each) / 10
Participation in National Workshop (@ 1 mark each) / 5
External fund exploration (@ 1 mark each) / 5
B / Publications / 20
Research Paper (1 each) / 10
(1/4th of total NAAS rating)
Books (1 each) / 2
Book Chapter (0.5 each) / 1
Training Manual (0.5 each) / 2
Extension bulletin published (0.5 each) / 2
Popular article published (0.5 each) / 3
c) Extension Achievements (Maximum marks = 10)
Particulars / Max. marks allottedInvolvement in Training (@ 0.5 mark each) / 5
Involvement in technology demonstration (@ 0.5 mark each) / 3
Involvement in exhibition (@ 5 marks each) / 2
7. Awards/ Recognitions (Maximum marks = 5)
i) District level (max of 1)
ii) State level (max of 1)
iii) Regional Level (max of 1)
iv) National level (max of 2)
8. Membership of professional societies (Maximum marks = 2)
9. Contribution towards institutional development activities (Maximum marks = 5)
10. A write up (not exceeding 500 words) in support of your candidature for the award (Maximum
marks = 4)
11. Stakeholders feedback (Maximum marks = 4)
It is certified that the information given in columns 1-10 is correct to my knowledge and belief.
Date:(Signature of the Candidate)
(Counter signature of the Head)
Application/ Proposal for Best Extension Worker
(Information are to be furnished for last 5 years)
- Name and address:
- Designation:
- Email ID, Telephone number/ Mobile number:
- Academic Qualifications:
Degree / Subject / University / Year / Division/ Grade
- Teaching/ Research/ Extension experience
Position / University / Period / Years/ months
- Academic Achievements
a)Teaching Achievements (Maximum marks = 10)
S. No. / Particulars(Provide annexure for each sub-head) / Max. marks allotted
a) / Details of lectures taught (year wise for both UG and PG) / 2
b) / Details of Post-graduate Research guided (No. of Students/Title of theses/Year-wise) / 3
c) / Placement of students who have completed P.G. degree under your guidance / 2
d) / Involvement in RAWEP / 3
b)Research Achievements (Maximum marks = 10)
i) Technology assessed and refined (1 mark each; maximum = 5):
ii) Validation of ITK (1 mark each; maximum = 5):
c)Extension Achievements (with documents): (Maximum marks = 60)
Max. marks allottedI / Extension activities / 45
Course Director in Training (0.5 each) / 5
Organizer of Field Day/Farmer Scientist Interaction
(0.5 each) / 5
Chairman/ Convenor of Exhibition/Workshop (1 each) / 3
Farmer specific problem solved through OFT (1 each) / 5
External funding explored (1 each) / 5
Conversion of OFT to FLD (0.5 each) / 5
Entrepreneurs developed (1 each) / 5
Success Stories published (1 each) / 2
Village adopted (0.5 each) / 2
Diagnostic visit (0.5 each) / 2
Oral presentation in Seminars/ Workshops (1 each) / 3
Radio/Television Talk / 3
II / Publications / 15
Research Paper (0.5 each) / 4
(1/4th of total NAAS rating)
Books (0.5 each) / 2
Book Chapter (0.5 each) / 1
Training Manual (0.5 each) / 2
Newsletter published (0.5 each) / 1
Extension bulletin published (0.5 each) / 3
Popular article published (0.5 each) / 2
7. Awards/ Recognitions (Maximum marks = 5)
i) District level (max of 1)
ii) State level (max of 1)
iii) Regional Level (max of 1)
iv) National level (max of 2)
8. Membership of professional societies (Maximum marks = 2)
9. Contribution towards institutional development activities (Maximum marks = 3)
10. A write up (not exceeding 500 words) in support of your candidature for the award (Maximum
marks = 5)
11. Progressive Farmers’ feedback (Maximum marks = 5)
It is certified that the information given in columns 1-10 is correct to my knowledge and belief.
Date:(Signature of the Candidate)
(Counter signature of the Head)