Rockville Town Council Meeting

September 09, 2015

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Rockville Town Council

Regular Meeting

September 09, 2015

Rockville Community Center

1.  CALL TO ORDER – ROLL CALL – Mayor Protem Pam Leach called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. The following members of the Rockville Town Council were present: Megan HonerOrton and Terry Bell. Mayor Dutson was excused.

2.  PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Pam Leach led the Pledge of Allegiance.


4.  PUBLIC COMMENT AND QUESTIONS – Joyce Hartless suggested that the Town Council approach UDOT about placing signage on SR-9 warning motorists of the 14-ton one-lane bridge. She reported that she frequently sees truck trailers and other large vehicles backing out of Bridge Road onto SR-9. As traffic increases it could become problematic.


6.  REPORT AND ACTION, IF NECESSARY, ON RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION – PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR BOB FORD – Planning Commission Chair Bob Ford summarized the items addressed at the previous night’s Planning Commission Meeting. He reported that the Dreamcatcher Inn will be changing its name to Zion Dreamcatcher Inn. The applicants applied for a conditional use permit, which was transferred to the new owners. The business license was also approved. They are making a slight change by increasing the number of parking spaces to eight.

Chair Ford reported that Joyce Hartless presenting the application for a Temporary Use/Special Event Permit for the Butch Cassidy Run, which was also approved. It was reported that a portion of the funds raised will go to the bridge.

Most of the discussion pertained to the request from the Arts to Zion organizers. A local chair was appointed to cover Virgin, Rockville, and Springdale as part of the Canyon hub for Arts to Zion. The Arts to Zion Studio Tour will be conducted once a year, typically over Martin Luther King Weekend in January, after which they will join with the second Saturday Art Walk in Springdale. The intent is to expand the event in an effort to get more people involved from the three towns. They also plan to have monthly activities in the Canyon to correspond with the walk. The interest is primarily in organizing special events to attract artists and potentially help raise money for the bridge and give exposure to local artists. It was noted that the Community Center may be used for some of the events.

Pam reported that 85% of the RAP (Recreation, Arts, and Parks) Tax is divided between the towns. Ways the funds can be used were discussed. Jodi McGregor, a local resident and artist, assumed the task of coordinating activities in the area. Chair Ford reported that recently he attended a Washington County Special Meeting on the issue and found that most of the money for parks and recreation comes out the 85% that is distributed to municipalities. The remaining 15% is specifically for culture and arts rather than parks and recreation projects. A question was raised about how the Grafton Partnership would fit in. Chair Ford stated that it absolutely would and it was raised as an issue.

It was noted that applications must be submitted by September 25 and can be completed online. It was estimated that $400,000 will be available to be distributed and possibly more. Most of the sales tax is received toward the end of the year. Additional information was expected to become available sometime in December. Funds will be distributed the end of February and will depend on the amount received.

7.  ACTION ON A RESOLUTION FOR APPOINTMENT OF A COUNCIL MEMBER TO FILL A VACANCY FOR THE REMAINDER OF A TERM – It was reported that Council Member Bernie Harris resigned and needs to be replaced. A notice was posted for those interested in serving the remainder of the term ending December 31, 2017 and indicated a Letter of Interest should be submitted to the Town Clerk by September 3, 2015. It should verify that an applicant has been a continuous resident of Rockville for the last 12 months and applicants must be registered to vote in Rockville, be mentally competent, and cannot be a convicted felon. It was reported that timely submissions were received from Mark Hartless and Steve Cox. The letters from both applicants were read.

Terry Bell MOVED to appoint Mark Hartless to serve the vacancy on the Town Council for the remainder of the Bernie Harris’ term. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Terry Bell – Aye

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

Both men were thanked for applying. Mark Hartless was to be sworn in at the conclusion of the meeting and join the Council at the next meeting.

8.  DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON WHETHER TO OPT OUT OF CURBSIDE RECYCLING FOR RESIDENCES OWNED BY THE TOWN OF ROCKVILLE – Pam stated that the residences owned by the town consist of the trailer near the bridge and the apartment in the Community Building. Clerk Harris stated that the people living in both places indicated they will utilize the service. The Council agreed to take no action and not opt out of the service.


a.  Fund Raising Efforts.

b.  Grants.

The report is attached to the minutes. Pam reported that with regard to the bridge, Kim Konikow emailed a form to Clerk Harris, which was completed. This final document was needed by the National Trust in order to release the grant funds, which should be forthcoming. Pam reported that t-shirts were ordered and mugs are in the works. Some of the mugs may be available for the Rockville Daze event. It was reported that the Mayor and the Baker Company are meeting with the subcommittee regarding the grant and the possibility of it being reallocated based on the Engineering Study. The study is not fully complete but is complete enough to prepare the report. The hope was that the results of the meeting will specify what can and cannot be done with the grant funds.

10.  APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2015 – TOWN CLERK – Terry Bell MOVED to approve the expenditures for the month of August 2015. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Terry Bell – Aye

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

11.  APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 06, 2015, TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AND THE AUGUST 12, 2015, TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING – Megan Honer-Orton MOVED to approve the minutes of the August 06, 2015, Town Council Special Meeting. Terry Bell SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Terry Bell – Aye

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

Clarification was added to page 2, item 9, of the August 12 minutes with regard to the term “the offer”. It was noted that the BLM offered to allow the town to place rocks in the specified area. The minutes were to be further clarified. It was noted, however, that the situation was not explicitly stated in the recording.

Terry Bell MOVED to approve the minutes of the August 12, 2015, Regular Meeting, as corrected. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Terry Bell – Aye

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.


Megan reported that she visited the intersection at Horse Valley Wash Junction to see the encroachment of the road where rocks will be placed. It is a 200-foot section on the east side of the road as it turns left to go up Crybaby Hill. She was told that there is enough black rock to cover that section so that vehicles will not be able to get in and out. It seemed to her that people will just move to the other side of the road. The cost would be $1,650 to place rocks along that 200-foot section. It was noted that the rocks will not keep out campers, cyclists, or ATVs. Megan commented that it is not an ideal solution. She stated that there are “no camping” signs posted but they are small. She suggested having the BLM post a larger sign specifying that violations could be subject to a citation. There is a new local agent who has been invited to attend a Town Council Meeting to discuss the matter and try to reach a resolution.

Pam reported on the Rockville Daze event scheduled for October 10. The historic walk to Grafton and Rockville will take place in the morning followed by the Rockville Daze event in the Park beginning at noon followed by the Rubber Duck Race on the river. Volunteers were being sought.

13.  STAFF REPORT AS NEEDED – Clerk Harris prepared a draft for the sign to be posted near the dumpsters. She spoke to the Chief of Police who indicated that they can provide enforcement there. A determination needed to be made as to whether to first issue warnings.

Clerk Harris submitted a written report submitted to her from the Mosquito Abatement District.

14.  ADJOURN – Terry Bell MOVED to adjourn. Megan Honer-Orton SECONDED the motion.

VOTE on motion:

Terry Bell – Aye

Megan Honer-Orton – Aye

Pam Leach – Aye

The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m.

Minutes prepared by:

Teri Forbes, Owner

T Forbes Group


___Tracy Dutson______

Mayor Tracy Dutson