Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the 2012 Adelaide Festival of Arts.
The Adelaide Festival values the contribution of its volunteers and recognises the time, skill and enthusiasm you bring to the Festival. We aim to provide volunteers with the opportunity to work within an international arts event and will endeavour to provide you with the support, training and information required to undertake your duties.
Please complete the following registration form and return it to the Festival by email or post. You will be contacted about details of volunteer information sessions and about specific volunteer opportunities that match your availability and areas of interest.
Personal details
First nameSurname
Phone (H)(W)(M)
Emergency contact details
Name Relationship:
Phone (H)(W)(M)
The 2012 Adelaide Festival runs from 26th February until 18th March 2012. Please tick all appropriate boxes below to confirm your availability during this period;
Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Morning / Afternoon / EveningMonday / Saturday
Tuesday / Sunday
Please indicate if there are any specific dates when you are not available to volunteer during the Festival period:
The questions within this border are not compulsory; however your answers will help us to match you with an appropriate volunteer position.
Do you have any medical conditions or any access requirementswe should be aware of?
Do you hold a current drivers licence?Yes / No
Your age: 15-17 years 18-25 years 26-35 years 36-50 years 51+ years
Have you previously volunteered for the Adelaide Festival? Yes / No
If yes, in which areas of the Festival did you assist?
Relevant other experience and/or skills
Do you speak any other languages besides English (including Auslan)?Yes / No
If yes, please specify Basic Conversational Fluent
Areas of interest
Please indicate your areas of interest on the table below by allocating the relevant number;
1 = Passionately interested 2 = Interested 3 = Happy to help
Writers’ Week / Visual Arts Tour GuideArtist Week / Information Booth (general)
Exhibition Instillation / Minding / Admin Mail out / Distribution
Please note: we cannot guarantee you will be placed in your area of highest interest.
All volunteers will be provided with an official Adelaide Festival T-shirt, required to be worn whenever undertaking volunteer duties with the Adelaide Festival.
I understand that I will receive no financial compensation in exchange for my volunteer work
Please return this form to the 2012 Adelaide Festival of Arts by 16th December 2011:
Via email:
Via post:Volunteer Coordinator, Adelaide Festival of Arts, PO Box 8221, Station Arcade, Adelaide 5000
For further information, please phone the Adelaide Festival of Arts on 08 8216 4444 or visit our website at
Thank you for submitting your volunteer registration form. If your application has been successful, we will contact you in early February 2012.
Natural Gas: putting energy into the Volunteer program