Refereed Articles:
Evans, E. A. and S. Garcia. 2015. Assessing the Profitability of Guava Production in South Florida under Risk and
Uncertainty. Journal of Extension (Accepted)
Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2015. An econometric demand model for Florida green-skin avocados. HortTechnology
Li, K. and E.A. Evans. 2015. Economic benefit from adopting GM papaya in southern Florida: An Ex ante evaluation.
International Journal of Innovation Science and Research 4(5):189-193.
Mosquera, M., E.A. Evans, and R. Ploetz. 2015. Assessing the profitability of avocado production in South Florida in the
presence of laurel wilt. Theoretical Economics Letters 5(1):343-356
Nguyen, T., E.A. Evans, and K. Migliaccio. 2015. Modeling decision-making regarding wetland services for wetland
management in Tram Chim National Park, Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 10:1-22
Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen 2014. Assessing the intensity of market competition in the US papaya import market. Journal
of Food Distribution Research. 45(2):213-225
Evans, E. A., F. H. Ballen, and C. H. Crane. 2014. Economic Potential of Producing Tahiti Limes in Southern Florida in the
Presence of Citrus Canker and Citrus Greening. HortTechnology 24(1): 99-106.
Mosquera, Mauricio; Edward A., Evans; Kelly A., Grogan; Carlos A., Fontanilla. 2013.Un modelo
de simulación discreto para determinar la edad óptima de replantación en presencia de la Pudrición del cogollo. Revista Palmas 35(1): 19 - 32
Spreen, Thomas; Mauricio, Mosquera; Kelly A. Grogan; Edward A., Evans. 2013 Análisis Económico de las enfermedades
en plantas perennes. 2013. Revista Palmas. Vol 34. No. Especial. Memorias de la XVII Conferencia Internacional sobre palma de Aceite.Tomo I. pp. 135-145
Mosquera, M., E.A. Evans, L. Walters, and T.H. Spreen, 2013. The US food safety and modernization act: Implications for
Caribbean exporters. Social and Economic Studies 62(1): 151-176
M. Mosquera, K. Grogan, E. Evans and T. Spreen, 2013. "A Framework for Determining the Period When a Perennial Crop
Is No Longer Profitable after a Disease Outbreak," Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2013, pp. 171-181. doi: 10.4236/tel.2013.33029.
Evans, E.A. and J. Huntley. 2011. Economics of establishing and producing pitaya in southern Florida: A stochastic budget
analysis. HortTechnology 20(1): 234-238.
Ploetz, R., J.M. Pérez-Martínez, E.A. Evans, and S.A. Inch. 2011. Towards fungicidal management of Laurel Wilt of
avocado. Plant Disease 95(8): 977-982.
Schaffer, B., J.H. Crane, C. Li, Y.C. Li and E.A. Evans. 2011. Re-greening of lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) leaves with
foliar applications of iron sulfate and weak acids. Journal of Plant Nutrition 34: 1341-1359.
Evans, E.A., J. Crane, A. Hodges, and J. Osborne. 2010. Potential economic impact of Laurel Wilt Disease on the Florida
avocado industry. HortTechnology 20(1):234-238.
Wang, Q., W. Klassen, E. A. Evans, Y. Li, and M. Codallo. 2010. Combination of organic and plastic mulches to improve the
yield and quality of winter fresh market bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). Hortscience 45(4):701–706.
Evans, E.A. and S. Nalampang. 2009. Forecasting price trends in the U.S. avocado (Persea americana Mill.) market. Journal
of Food Distribution Research 40(2):80-102.
Evans, E.A. and S. Nalampang. 2009. An analysis of the U.S. market for avocados (Persea Americana Mill.). Acta
Horticulturae 831: 247-254.
Spreen, T.H., E.A. Evans, S. Nalampang, and D.N. Corrie-Kordas. 2008. The continuing saga of the EU banana debate: An
analysis of possible refinements to the 2006 EU banana trade regime. Tropical Agriculture 85(1):103-116.
Migliaccio, K.W., B. Schaffer, Y.C. Li, E. Evans, J.H. Crane, and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2008. Assessing benefits of irrigation
and nutrient management practices on a southeast Florida royal palm (Roystonea elata) field nursery. Irrigation Science 27:57-66 [DOI 10.1007/s00271-008-0121-4].
Alamo, C., E.A. Evans, and A. Brugueras. 2007. Economic Impact and Trade Implications of the Introduction of Black
Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) to Puerto Rico. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 39:5-18.
Ranjan, R., and E.A. Evans. 2007 Private Responses to Public Incentives for Invasive Species Management. Farm and
Business, The Journal of the Caribbean Agro-Economic Society 7(2):80-102.
Evans, E. “ Discussion of Bio-security, Diseases, and Invasive Species: Implications of Bioterrorism for Agriculture”
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 38(2): 283-285, August 2006.
Evans, E. and J. VanSickle. “The Dilemma of Safer and Freer Trade: The Case of the US Nursery Industry.”
Choices (First Quarter) May 2004.
Evans, E. “Economic Dimensions of Invasive Species.” Choices (Second Quarter). 2003
Evans, E. and L. Rankine. “ The US Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002: Implications for CARICOM Sugar
Producers” Journal of the Caribbean Agro-Economic Society, 6(1):51-72, October 2003.
VanSickle, J., E. Evans and R. Emerson. “U.S.-Canadian Tomato Wars: An Economist Tries to Make Sense out of
Recent Anti-Dumping Suits.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 35(2): 283-296, August 2003.
Evans, E.A. 2003. Bridging the communication gap between economists and biological scientists in the management
of invasive species. In Proceedings of the Caribbean Food Crops Society 39(1):69-76.
Evans, E., S. Na Lampang, J. VanSickle. "Near-Term Prospects for the U.S. Sugar Industry" International Sugar Journal,
104(1238): 68-81, February 2002.
Singh, R., E. Evans, and S. Roberts. "Non-Trade Concerns and Special and Differential Treatment” Journal of Farm and
Business, 5(2): 1-20, January 2002.
Evans, E., C. Davis. "Recent Developments in the U.S. Sugar and Sweeteners Markets: Implications for CARICOM
Tariff Rate Quota Holders." Social and Economic Studies 49(4):1-36, December, 2000.
Evans, E., and C. Davis. “Policy Options for the Poultry (Broiler) Industry in Trinidad and Tobago under a Liberalized Trade
Regime.” Journal of Farm and Business, 4(1):1-11, March 2000.
Book Chapters
Evans, E. A. and F. Ballen. 2011. World mango production and trade with focus on US mango market. In Mango,
edited by G. Thottappilly and J.N. Govil, 1-19. New Delhi, India: Stadium Press.
Evans, E.A. and O. Mendoza. 2009. World mango trade and the economics of mango production. In The Mango
Botany, Production and Uses edited by R. E. Litz, 606-628. UK: CABI Publishing.
Evans, E.A. 2004. Invasive species: Trade and socio-economic perspective. In Facilitating Safer U.S.-Caribbean
Trade: Invasive Species Issues Workshop, edited by W. Klassen, C. Davis, E.Evans, B.Lauckner, H. Adams, and M. Kairo, 19-28. Gainesville FL: Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.
Evans, E., and C. Davis. “Dynamics of the US High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Market " in Sugar and Related
Sweeteners Markets: International Perspectives, A. Schmitz, T. Spreen, W. Messina and C. Moss, (Editors), Wallinford, Oxon: CABI Publishing, 2002.
Davis, C., Ballayram, E. Evans, and C. Y. Thomas. "Trade Liberalization and Small Economies: The Case of the
Caribbean Community.” in Agricultural Globalization, Trade and the Environment, C. Moss, G. Rausser, A. Schmitz, T. Taylor and D. Zilberman (Editors), Northwell MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Hodges, A., T.J. Stevens, and E.A. Evans. 2013. Economic Impacts of a Proposed Agribusiness Incubator in Miami-
Dade County. Gainesville, FL: Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida
Hodges, A.W. and Evans, E.A. 2007. Socioeconomic Impacts of Melaleuca Control in Florida. Gainesville, FL:
Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida (27 pp).
Cater-Finn, K., A.W. Hodges, D.J. Lee, D. E.A. Evans, and F.M. Roka. 2005. Management of Melaleuca in Florida:
Survey Results. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida (43 pp).
Evans, E. (editor) 2006. Avocado: Technical Assistance Curriculum. Gainesville FL:Florida Agricultural
Experiment Station, 2006
Klassen, W., C. Davis, E. Evans, B. Lauckner, H. Adams, and M. Kairo (editors) Facilitating Safer US-Caribbean Trade:
Invasive Species Issues Workshop. Gainesville FL:Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, 2004
Evans, E., and J. VanSickle (eds) International Agricultural Trade and Policy Center Medium Term Plan
2002 – 05. Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville FL
Proceedings, Edited (5)
E.A. Evans, W. Klassen, C.G. Davis, and F. Ballen (editors). 2011. Invasive species safeguarding: The nexus of invasive
species, climate change, and food security. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of Caribbean Food Crop Society (Barbados W.I.), Gainesville, FL: Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.
E. A. Evans, W. Klassen, and C.G. Davis. (Editors). 2010. Toward a Collective Safeguarding System for the Greater
Caribbean Region: Assessing Accomplishments since the first Symposium in Grenada (2003) and Coping with Current Threats to the Region. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of Caribbean Food Crop Society (Boca Chica, Dominican Republic.), pp. vi + 226. Gainesville, FL: Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.
Klassen, W., C.G. Davis, E.A. Evans, S. Nalampang (editors) and W. Lugo. 2009. Invasive species safeguarding: Imperative
for Caribbean regional agricultural diversification and food security. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of Caribbean Food Crop Society (St. Kitts W.I.), pp. vii + 162. Gainesville, FL: Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.
Klassen, W., C.G. Davis, E.A. Evans, and S. Nalampang (editors). 2008. Repositioning Caribbean Agriculture: Challenges
and Opportunities for Sustainability. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of Caribbean Food Crop Society (Miami Beach, FL.), pp. vii + 186. Gainesville, FL: Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.
Klassen, W., C. Davis, E. Evans, B. Lauckner, H. Adams, and M. Kairo (editors). 2004. Facilitating Safer US-Caribbean
Trade: Invasive Species Issues Workshop. Gainesville FL:Florida Agricultural Experiment Station.
Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) Publications (Peer Reviewed)
Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2014. An Overview of US Blueberry Production, Trade, and Consumption, with
Special Reference to Florida 2014. EDIS #FE952. UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL.
Evans, E.A. 2014. Are profit and profitability the same thing?. EDIS #FE939. UF/IFAS Ext., Gainesville, FL.
Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2013. US—A synopsis of US consumer perception of genetically modified (biotech)
crops. EDIS #FE934. UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL.
Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2013. US—Panama Free Trade Agreement: What is in it for Florida agriculture?
EDIS #FE932. UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL.
Evans, E.A., J. Huntley, and J.H. Crane. 2013. Costos estimados en el 2010 para establecer y producir pitaya
(Fruta Dragón) en el Sur de Florida. EDIS #FE921. UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL.
Evans, E.A., F. H. Ballen, and J.H. Crane. 2013. Estimación de costos de establecimiento y producción de papaya
en el sur de la Florida en 2012 (2012 Cost estimates of establishing and producing papaya (Carica papaya) in South Florida). EDIS #FE920. UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL.
Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2012. US—Colombia Free Trade Agreement: What is in it for Florida agriculture?
Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE905, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2012. The banana market. Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS)
FE901, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2012. An overview of global papaya production, trade, and consumption. Electronic
Data Information Source (EDIS) FE913, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Evans, E.A., F.H. Ballen and J.H. Crane. 2012. An overview of US papaya production, trade, and consumption.
Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE914, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Evans, E.A. and F.H. Ballen. 2012. Una mirada a la producción, el comercio y el consumo de papaya a nivel
mundial [An overview of global papaya production, trade, and consumption]. Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE917, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Evans, E.A., F.H. Ballen, and J.H. Crane. 2012. 2012 Cost estimates of establishing and producing papaya
(Carica papaya) in South Florida. Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE918, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Wang, X and E.A. Evans. 2011. Overview of US trade with China. Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS)
FE902, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Evans, E.A., M. Mosquera, R.L. Clouser, and J. Crane. 2011. Questions and answers: Miami-Dade Agricultural
Classification. Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE890, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Evans, E.A., M. Mosquera, R. Clouser, and J. Crane. 2011. Ley del Estado de la Florida para el avalúo tributario
de tierras según su uso: Preguntas y respuestas sobre la Clasificación Agropecuaria en el Condado de Miami-Dade (Florida’s use value assessment law:Questions and answers for Miami-Dade County agricultural classification). Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE895, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Evans, E. A., J. Huntley, J. Crane, and A. F. Wysocki. 2010. 2010 Cost estimates of establishing and producing
pitaya (Dragon Fruit) in South Florida. Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE888, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (August).
Evans, E.A. and S. Nalampang. 2010. Sample avocado production costs and profitability analysis for Florida.
Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE837, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (August).
Evans, E.A. and J. Crane 2010. Costos estimados de reemplazo de árboles de aguacate en plantaciones
comerciales y patios en el sur de Florida (Estimates of the replacement costs of commercial and backyard avocado trees in South Florida). Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE838, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (August).
Evans, E.A. and S. Nalampang. 2009. Importación de Frutas Tropicales de Tailandia (Importation of tropical
fruits from Thailand). Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE719, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (August).
Evans, E.A. 2008. Primer for developing a farm business plan. Electronic Data Information Source
(EDIS) FE720, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (August).
Evans, E.A. and S. Nalampang. 2008. Importation of tropical fruits from Thailand. Electronic Data Information
Source (EDIS) FE719, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (August).
Evans, E.A. 2008. Tendencias Recientes en la Producción, Comercio y Consumo de Mango en el Mundo y en los
Estados Unidos (Recent trends in world and U.S. mango production, trade, and consumption). Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE790, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (August).
Evans, E.A. 2008. Recent trends in world and U.S. mango production, trade, and consumption. Electronic Data
Information Source (EDIS) FE718, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (August).