Two options are available for local summer program proposals to serve incoming 2011-20127th-12th gradestudents* in GEAR UP schools:
- Non-residential summer program for middle schoolor high school students. This summer program is an academic enrichment program that meets the GEAR UP goals. A few examples are a science exploration program, book club, college prep, career exploration, or computer skills class.
- Remediation and credit recovery programs for middle school and high school students. These summer programs arethe more traditional summer school programs.
*Current 12th grade students in need of credit recovery to graduate may participate in a credit recovery program.
- Proposals including the Budget Narrative must be submitted electronically to your School Grant Manager by March4, 2011. Mail or fax Signature Page to Montana GEAR UP | PO Box 203201 | Helena MT 59620 | Fax: 406-444-0425.
- Schools will be notified by March 25, 2011regarding proposal approval or revision needs.
- Summer programsmust take place between the last day of the 2010-2011school year and August 1, 2011.
- The summer program director must submit the final program report and student evaluations to Montana GEAR UP withinfive days after the last day of your summer program.
- Final fiscal reports are due to Montana GEAR UP by August31, 2011.
Other Information:
- Schools requesting more than oneprogram must submit a separate proposal for each program.
- Dollar-for-dollar match is required. Match contributions may be in the form of cash or documented in-kind contributions. Note: If a school has over-matched its annual grant, the excess match may be used toward the summer program match. Schools must determine who (i.e. clerk, liaison, summer program director, administrator) is responsible for documenting match.
- Submission of proposal does not guarantee approval.
- Summer programs are funded on a reimbursement only basis.
- Approved summer programsare required to have their summer program director and administration meet with the School Grant Manager via phone or in-personto review goals and expectations.
- A final programreportand student evaluations from the summer program are required to be sent by the summer program director. The final program report (found at the end of the application, Appendix 1) evaluates the success of the program; giving numbers served, activities completed, and other pertinent information. The report and evaluations are due to the School Grant Manager within five days after the last day of the summer program.
- Student evaluationsmust also be completed by the end of your summer program and submitted to Montana GEAR UP,PO Box 203201,Helena,MT59620-3201within five days after the last day of the summer program.
- Contact information:
Eastern SchoolsWestern Schools
Michelle DuMontSara Berg
Mail or fax this pagebyMarch 4, 2011 to Montana GEAR UP
School NameSchool Administrator
Summer Program Director
Phone and email for Summer Program Director (include summer contact information)
Program Title
Program Dates
Total GEAR UP funds requested
Program type (check one):
__ Middle School Academic Enrichment __ High School Academic Enrichment
__ Middle School Remediation__ High School Credit Recovery
By signing and submitting this proposal, we are certifying that GEAR UP funds will supplement and not supplant existing funding.
Signature of Summer Program Director ______Date: ______
Signature of School Administrator ______Date: ______
Mail all correspondence to: Montana GEAR UP
PO Box 203201
Helena, MT 59620-3201
Fax all correspondence to: 406-444-0425
Please submit proposal in the following format
- Name of School & Title of Summer Program
- Program need – Discuss the need for thislocal summer program in your school.
- Program description –All budget expenditures included in the Budget Narrative must be justified in this section.
- How will you recruit students and provide summer program information to parents?
- Start and end dates.
- Daily schedule, including days of weekand start and end time.
- Goals and objectives of the program. How will your program address the needs of your students?
- Anticipated number of GEAR UP students by grade level, credit recovery subject(s), etc.
- Number of teachers and staff needed (this should relate to number of students in the program).
- Materials needed (per activity, per student, etc.).
- Activities planned and thematic focus of the summer program (if applicable). Also, describe how the enrichment activities and/or lessonswillhold students’ interest, help students experience key ideas, explore issues, allow students to evaluate their work, etc.
- How will you determine student success for your program (credit recovery, special project, portfolio, video, test, etc)?
- List the qualifications of the program director and other key staff implementing the summer program, including education and/or work experience for directing the activities and lessons of the proposed summer program. Please include names and emails of teachers and include summer contact information.
___ Fax or mail completed signature page to:
Montana GEAR UP
PO Box 203201
Fax: 406-444-0425
___ Submit completed summer program proposal electronically by March 4, 2011to:
Eastern MontanaWestern Montana
Michelle DuMont Sara Berg
School ______
Title of Summer Program ______
- Give a description of the planned expenditures by category. Break out all costs for materials designated in the Program Description.Only funds that are approved in your budget will be reimbursed at the end of your summer program.
- If budget changes are required after approval, contact yourSchool Grant Manager.
Hourly Staff
Total Personnel Services
Contracted Services
Consumable Supplies
Postage and Mailing
Travel/ Professional Development/ College Visits
Total Operating Expenses
Appendix 1: 2011Montana GEAR UP Local Summer Final Program Report
Submit completed report electronically to your School Grant Manager within five days of completion of the summer program. Additionally, mail completed student evaluation forms to Montana GEAR UP,PO Box 203201,Helena,MT59620-3201.
Total / Incoming 7th Grade / Incoming 8th Grade / Incoming 9th Grade / Incoming 10th Grade / Incoming 11th Grade / Incoming 12th GradeHow many students were served in your program?
How many students started your program?
How many students completed your program?
If providing a credit recovery program, how many current 12th grade students were served in your program?
- Briefly describe the activities completed during your summer program.
- Based on your original proposal, did you meet your objectives? If yes, please describe. If no, why?
- Describe the success of your summer program.
- What were some of the challenges in your summer program?
- Reflect on your students’ evaluation forms and suggest future program changes.
- Is this a summer program that you would like to hold again? Why or Why not?
Any questions? Contact your School Grant Manager:
Eastern MontanaWestern Montana
Michelle DuMontSara Berg