Committee Name / Service Excellence Team (SET)
Committee Purpose / The purpose of the Service Excellence effort is to create a sustainable culture of service excellence throughout and across the College.
The purpose of the Service Excellence Team is to ensure that each Leadership Action of the service excellence effort is executed effectively and in concert with the other Leadership Actions.
Leadership Actions are actions, activities, or tasks within each role/champion that need to take place to create change (i.e. elements within the service excellence improvement process).
College Officer to Whom Committee Reports / VP forBusiness Affairs (rotating to a different Executive Staff member every 12-18 months)
Committee Status (Permanent or Temporary) / Permanent
Committee Type (Advocacy or Division) / Advocacy
Committee Composition by Unit / Cross Functional/ College-Wide Roles/Champions (Current champions by role attached as addendum):
- Chairperson
- Administrator
- Communications & Awareness, Talent Management (Recruitment, Orientation, & Training)
- Recognition
- Measurement
- Commitment to Excellence (Service Obstacle System)
- Management Accountability
- Member-at-Large
Champions agree to perform these responsibilities to the best of their abilities.)
Committee Officers and Terms / No officers--Leadership Actions Champions
Length of Service for appointees: / 12-18 months
Method for Initial Appointment of Members: / Executive Staff appointment
Method for Continuous Appointment: / Executive Staff (based on input and/or recommendations from the current committee members)
Committee Year: / FY 15-16
Date of Proposal: / April 1, 2016
Minutes Required? (Y or N) / Y
Scope (include initial objectives and any decision-making authority) / Advisory – Provide input and guidance to the College and provide a mechanism for education and open communication. Inform Executive Staff of goals, objectives, and implementation.
Bylaws? (Y or N) / N
Initial Objectives: / Set by each Leadership Action Subteam
Approval Signature:
Date of Approval:
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