SISSS00060 Horse Riding Assistant InstructorDate this document was generated: 18 January 2014
SISSS00060 Horse Riding Assistant Instructor
Skill Set Requirements
Units / Unit code / Unit titleHLTAID003 / Provide first aid
AHCHBR201A / Monitor horse health and welfare
AHCHBR203A / Provide daily care for horses
SISOEQO201A / Handle horses
SISOEQO202A / Demonstrate basic horse riding skills
SISOOPS201A / Minimise environmental impact
SISXOHS101A / Follow occupational health and safety policies
SISSS00061 Horse Riding Instructor
Skill Set Requirements
Units / Unit code / Unit titleHLTAID003 / Provide first aid
AHCHBR201A / Monitor horse health and welfare
AHCHBR203A / Provide daily care for horses
AHCLSK207A / Load and unload livestock
AHCLSK301A / Administer medication to animals
AHCLSK309A / Implement animal health control programs
SISOEQO201A / Handle horses
SISOEQO202A / Demonstrate basic horse riding skills
SISOEQO303A / Conduct horse riding sessions in an arena
SISOEQO304A / Apply first aid for horses
SISOEQO317 / Supervise horse handling
SISOODR302A / Plan outdoor recreation activities
SISOODR303A / Guide outdoor recreation sessions
SISOOPS201A / Minimise environmental impact
SISSEQS303A / Teach the fundamental skill of riding
SISXCCS201A / Provide customer service
SISXEMR201A / Respond to emergency situations
SISXOHS101A / Follow occupational health and safety policies
SISXRSK301A / Undertake risk analysis of activities
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© Commonwealth of Australia, 2018Nina
SISSS00062 Horse Riding Instructor - SeniorDate this document was generated: 18 January 2014
SISSS00062 Horse Riding Instructor - Senior
Skill Set Requirements
Units / Unit code / Unit titleHLTAID003 / Provide first aid
AHCHBR201A / Monitor horse health and welfare
AHCHBR203A / Provide daily care for horses
AHCHBR304A / Educate, ride and care for horses and equipment
AHCLSK207A / Load and unload livestock
AHCLSK301A / Administer medication to animals
AHCLSK309A / Implement animal health control programs
SISOEQO201A / Handle horses
SISOEQO202A / Demonstrate basic horse riding skills
SISOEQO303A / Conduct horse riding sessions in an arena
SISOEQO304A / Apply first aid for horses
SISOEQO317 / Supervise horse handling
SISOEQO414A / Instruct horse riding and handling skills
SISOEQO418 / Apply anatomy and physiology to equine performance
SISOODR302A / Plan outdoor recreation activities
SISOODR303A / Guide outdoor recreation sessions
SISOOPS201A / Minimise environmental impact
SISSEQS303A / Teach the fundamental skill of riding
SISXCCS201A / Provide customer service
SISXEMR201A / Respond to emergency situations
SISXOHS101A / Follow occupational health and safety policies
SISXRSK301A / Undertake risk analysis of activities
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© Commonwealth of Australia, 2018Nina
SISSS00106 Trail Guide - Day RidesDate this document was generated: 18 January 2014
SISSS00105 Trail Guide Assistant
Skill Set Requirements
Units / Unit code / Unit titleAHCHBR201A / Monitor horse health and welfare
AHCHBR203A / Provide daily care for horses
HLTAID003 / Provide first aid
SISOEQO201A / Handle horses
SISOEQO202A / Demonstrate basic horse riding skills
SISOEQO305A / Ride horses in tracked areas
SISOOPS201A / Minimise environmental impact
SISXOHS101A / Follow occupational health and safety policies
SISSS00106 Trail Guide - Day Rides
Skill Set Requirements
Units / Unit code / Unit titleAHCHBR201A / Monitor horse health and welfare
AHCHBR203A / Provide daily care for horses
AHCLSK207A / Load and unload livestock
AHCLSK301A / Administer medication to livestock
AHCLSK309A / Implement animal health control programs
HLTAID003 / Provide first aid
SISOEQO201A / Handle horses
SISOEQO202A / Demonstrate basic horse riding skills
SISOEQO304A / Apply first aid for horses
SISOEQO305A / Ride horses in tracked areas
SISOEQO306A / Guide day horse trail rides in tracked areas
SISOEQO317 / Supervise horse handling
SISOODR302A / Plan outdoor recreation activities
SISOODR303A / Guide outdoor recreation sessions
SISOOPS201A / Minimise environmental impact
SISXEMR201A / Respond to emergency situations
SISXOHS101A / Follow occupational health and safety policies
SISXRSK301A / Undertake risk analysis of activities
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© Commonwealth of Australia, 2018Nina