Down Syndrome Ireland.
Kerry Branch
068 31066/ 087 9949288
Dear Member
This is the beginning of a new term for myself as secretary, Pat Horgan as chairperson and Mary Doyle as treasurer. You will be hearing from us over the next 2 years as we will be keeping you up to date with all branch activities. We look forward to working together with all of you and will do our endeavour to keep the branch as pro active and innovative as it is today. See below our contact details and please feel free to make contact with any of us at any time, over the next 2 years, should you have any queries, or if we can be of any assistance to you or if you have suggestions for organising events.
There were a couple of matters arising from our recent AGM.
Speech & Language therapy/Occupational therapy
The Kerry branch offers a Speech & Language Therapy service and an Occupational Therapy service to our members. We are looking for a volunteer to co-ordinate and manage these services for the benefit of members. This will involve communicating with parents and therapists, overseeing payments, salaries & resources, planning and ensuring a quality service to all. This has been managed by Gerard O’Carroll for the past number of years and on behalf of the branch I would like to express our sincere thanks & appreciation to Gerard for the wonderful work he has done for the branch. We need a replacement as soon as possible and at latest by next open general meeting on May 3rd.
The cost per session of OT is now €20 as per present block.
The cost of S< will change to €30 per session from May 1st. Those paying for S< by Standing Order/direct debit or by block will be contacted directly.
Let’s go fishing.
Michael Hennessy gave a presentation on National Fishing Awareness wk from May 7th to 15th and invited anybody interested to participate on 08th of May being the date for Kerry in Kenmare. (For people with Down Syndrome and family members) 12-4pm. This event provides hands on education on teaching children and adults to fish. It is a great day out, free of charge and all necessary gear is provided. If interested contact Michael Hennessy on 087 6735778
Zumba Dancing
Dance classes beginning on April 05th in Tralee from 5-6pm in dance studio opposite Kerry school of music from 13 yrs upwards. Anyone interested contact Maree O’Connor on 087 2457826
Football for all.
FAI & GAA are offering ball training sessions for children aged 5-10 years. FAI sessions run on 1st Monday of each month, next session Mon 9th May 3-5pm St.Brendans Park, FC Tralee.
GAA sessions are held every third Monday of the month, next session Mon 18th April 4-5pm, Austin Stacks GAA club, Connolly Park, Tralee. If interested on finding out more or to register contact Gerard O’Carroll, 086 3916600 or
Golf Classic.
Golf classic will be held in Ballybunion golf course on Sunday 1st May. Cashen Course €160 per team of 4, old course team of 4 €60 for non members and €50 per member. Anyone who would like to sponsor a tee/green or book time contact Jim White 068 24024. Charities are Kerry Parents & Friends, Down Syndrome Kerry and Listowel Hospice.
.DS Limerick are holding a golf outing on June 17th in Adare golf course (not Adare manor). Team of 4 €280 including lunch. Anyone interested contact Nigel at (087)6470096.
National AGM.
National AGM is being held in Limerick on 14th May at the Castletroy Park Hotel. We hope that being held so close to us this yr will make it easier for a number of us to attend. If attending please complete all necessary paperwork received from DSI and return to head office with appropriate fee. For those of you who do register and attend, the cost will be reimbursed by the branch upon production of receipt.
Tour de Munster.
This years Tour De Munster will take place from 11th – 14th August, and once again Down Syndrome Munster are the chosen beneficiaries. This event provided substantial funds for the branch in 2010 and we are hoping it will be equally as good this year. We are still seeking a volunteer from the branch to act as delegate for the tour. As we only have a few months to go, this would only involve a couple of trips to Mallow over the next while to attend meetings. Please give me a call if you would like to volunteer for this. Thank you to all who helped out in any way last year and we will be asking for your assistance for bucket collectors etc. closer to the time.
Kerry Rose selection on 21st May at the Earl of Desmond Hotel in Tralee. Our charity is once again being given the benefit of the raffle taking place on the night. We are asking members if they can source any raffle prizes, i.e. Voucher etc or if they may wish to donate a prize themselves, chocolates, wine etc, which can be used to put a hamper together. We also need help with selling the raffle tickets on the night, we would encourage any of our young adults to come along and help out. Please contact our PRO Jill O’Brien on 086 169 0274.
Malin to Mizen Cycle.
A group of cyclists from Kerry are undertaking a 4 day cycle from 11th -15th may from Malin to Mizen and have nominated the Kerry branch as their chosen charity. A big thank you to the cyclists and all volunteers involved in this event and we wish them the very best of luck. Hope the sun shines.
Deenagh Lodge.
Our tea rooms at Deenagh Lodge reopen for business on 18th April. We have some new young adults who will commence their training at the lodge this summer and wish them every success along with our existing group. Hopefully it will be even better than last yr.
Cycling Classes
2 new groups are about to begin cycling lessons in the next couple of weeks, 1 group in Tralee and 1 in Killarney. Both groups are full for this term, should you have an interest to be put on a waiting list for any group, contact Patricia Griffin (087) 6883329
Membership fees.
Thank you to all who have paid up your membership fees and for those of you, where it has slipped your minds or for any new members, I have attached standing order form which you can complete and return. The membership fee is €25 and should be sent to our treasurer Mary Doyle. For those of you who are not paying by direct debit we would encourage you to do same as it is much easier for administration purposes in the branch.
Correspondence by e.mail.
It was suggested at our last meeting that wherever possible, correspondence from the branch i.e. newsletters, etc. should be sent to members electronically. This would be more cost effective and less time consuming for the branch. We appreciate that not every body has access to e.mail and of course for those people who don’t, we will still be sending correspondence by post. But for those of you who do, and would like to receive newsletters by e.mail can you please forward your details to me at this address .
Open General Branch Meeting
Our next general meeting will be:- at the Killarney Oaks Hotel Muckross Rd. on Tues 3rd May at 07.30 pm.
Social club/youth group for teenagers and young adults
Planning of a summer camp for younger children
Plan a social evening during the summer to mark 40 yrs Down Syndrome Ireland.
Guest speaker Paul Sheridan organiser of Tour de Munster will give a brief presentation on the history of the tour and the difference it has made to many organisations.
Deenagh Lodge update
Update on OT&S<
Finger food and refreshments will follow. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Committee Member List
Chairperson, Pat Horgan, 087 2643713, 064 6644382, Cullina House Beaufort, Co.Kerry,
Secretary, Sheila Power (087) 9949288, 068 31066, Ballaugh, Abbeyfeale, Co.Limerick,
Treasurer, Mary Doyle (086) 8385309, (064) 6644219, Tullig, Beaufort, Killarney, Co.Kerry.
Education Officer, Patricia Griffin (087) 6883329
P.R.O. Officer, Jill O’Brien (086) 1690274
New Parent contact Rachel Fitzgerald 086 8692256
Membership Officer, Risteard Pierse (087) 3189093
Deenagh Lodge Contact, Patricia Griffin (087) 6883329, Denis Cronin (086) 8392925
Sheila Power