Manual - Electrosmog meters by Aaronia, ( Multidetector II, Multidetector II Profi, HF Detector
Multidetector II – 1 V/m and 10 nT, up to 10 kV/m and 100,000 nT, 3%, 5 Hz–400 kHz
Multimeter II Profi – 0.1 V/m and 1 nT, up to 1 kV/m and 10,000 nT, 1%, 5-500 Hz and 500 Hz-400 kHz, 10x more sensitive, audible
alarm about reaching exposure limit on each sensitivity range. See Aaronia limits.
HF Detector – RF field. 20 MHz – 6 GHz.
Warning: Never use/store meters near water, rain, snow, heat, in a hot car, near heater, oven. Do not drop or allow vibrations! If dropped or sensor touches electricity source, supersensitive circuitry can be damaged or calibration no longer applies. You may get an electric shock as well.
Electric Field: Set field to “E”. Set “Sensitivity” to “1” (most sensit) or “1000” (least sensit). Press Power-switch and hold it. Device starts working after 2 sec. self test. Use device 30 cm (1’) min. from your body. Do not hold your hand near sensor - body will distort results. Look for max. field.
Multidetector II readings: LED 4 on range 10 = 40 V/m Multidetector II Profi – divide results by 10 (more sensitive meter) = 4 V/m
Magnetic Field: Set field to H. Set “Sensitivity” to “1” (most sensitive) or “1000” (least sensitive). Press Power-switch and hold it. Device starts working after 2 sec. self test. Use device 30 cm (1’) min. from your body. Do not hold your hand near sensor - body water will distort results.
Multidetector II readings: LED 6 on range 10 = 60 nT, then multiply by 10 = 600 nT. Multidetector II Profi – no multiplyinng = 60 nT
3D Measurement: To get true field strenght, use formula “Square Root (X square + Y square + Z square)”, where X, Y, Z are taken on 3-axis.
Bands: Set frequency mode to ELF (or LP=Low Pass) for 5–500 Hz. This covers all scenarios except PC-monitors and TVs, which devices emit smog within 500 Hz-400 kHz and require VLF range (or HP=High Pass).
Electrosmog: Typical symptoms of electrosmog seem to be - Fatigue - Sore Eyes – Headaches – Nausea – Brain Fog – Miscarriages – Cancer
Hevay doses seem to produce – Childhood Leukemia – Alzheimer’s – Chronic Fatigue (M.E)
Shielding: Strong electrical fields can be reduced very much by any type of conductive sheet material, such as aluminium window screen. The best would be to connect such shield to electrical ground for maximum efficiency. Magnetic fields can not be shielded easily.
Exposure Limits: Latest news and info can be found at (The Swidish association for the ElectroSensitive).
NCRP National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
IRPA/INIRc International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
International Exposure Limits for Electric Fields
1 V/m Aaronia “E1” limit coming from Swidish SAGU-emission guideline, biologic guideline for bedrooms.
10 V/m Aaronia “E2” limit published 1996 in the NCRP as maximum exposure limit for “general public”.
100 V/m Published 1996 in the NCRP as maximum exposure limit for “occupational workers”. Changes Melatonin. Scientists see it dangerous.
1,000 V/m From ACGIH for people with cardiac peacemakers. It is becoming “Federal standard”. Montana state set this as Edge of R.O.W.
5,000 V/m German exposure limit. Recommended as IRPA/INIRC limit for “general public”.
10,000 V/m IRPA/INIRC limit for “occupational workers”.
25,000 V/m ACGIH limit for “occupational workers”.
30,000 V/m IRPA/INIRC limit for “occupational workers” 2 hours max. daily.
International Exposure Limits for Magnetic Fields
10 nT Aaronia “M1” exposure limit.
100 nT Aaronia “M2” exposure limit.
1,000 nT Changes Melatonin. Scientists see it dangerous. Published 1996 in the NCRP as maximum exposure limit for “general public”.
10,000 nT It is becoming “Federal standard”. Published 1996 in the NCRP as maximum exposure limit for “occupational workers”.
100,000 nT German exposure limit. Recommended as IRPA/INIRC limit for “general public”. ACGIH limit for people with cardiac peacemakers
500,000 nT IRPA/INIRC limit for “general public”
1,000,000 nT IRPA/INIRC limit for “occupational workers”
5,000,000 nT IRPA/INIRC limit for “occupational workers”, 2 hours max. daily (100,000 nT=100 uT=0.1 mT=10,000 mG=10 Gauss=10 Oersted)
Recommended Limits by Aaronia:
Electric Fields: 1 V/m “Aaronia E1” for bedroom, baby room, kindergarden, all day exposure for edults.
10 V/m “Aaronia E2” for working place, living room, schools, all day exposure for edults for 6 hours maximum.
Magnetic Field: 10 nT “Aaronia H1” for bedroom, baby room, kindergarden, all day exposure for edults.
100 nT “Aaronia H2” ” for working place, living room, schools, all day exposure for edults for 6 hours maximum.
Fields Examples: Directly at the devices
Electric Oven 500 V/m 10,000 nT Microwave Oven 100 V/m 50,000 nT
TV 5,000 V/m 10,000 nT Stereo 500 V/m 5,000 nT
Hair Dryer 1,000 V/m 100,000 nT Heating Blanket 5,000 V/m 5,000 nT
Light Dimmer 1,000 V/m 300 nT Computer Monitor 200 V/m 1,000 nT
Field Examples: From distance:
Below a high voltage power line 5,000 V/m 10,000 nT 100 m distance from a high voltage power line 100 V/m 200 nT