May 2009doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0627r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

LB-148: Multicast Counters
Date: 2009-5-13
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Kaberi Banerjee / Self / 5521 Bigoak Drive, San Jose, California95129 / 408-973-1278 / MA-UNITDATA.indication Effect of receipt

Change the text as shown below

At an AP for which dot11SSPNInterfaceEnabled is true, upon receipt of a group addressed frame of type data, then the AP’s MAC sublayer shall discard the frame if dot11NonAPStationAuthSourceMulticast is false in the dot11InterworkingEntry identified by the source MAC address of the received frame. If dot11NonAPStationAuthSourceMulticast is true, the AP’s MAC sublayer shall perform rate limiting to enforce the resource utilization limit in dot11NonAPStationMaxAuthSourceMulticastRate in the dot11InterworkingEntry identified by the source MAC address of the received frame. The specific mechanism to perform rate limiting is outside the scope of this specification.

If the rate-limiting mechanism does not discard the frame, the following operations shall be performed by the AP’s MAC sublayer:

—dot11NonAPStationMulticastMSDUCount shall be incremented by 1.

—dot11NonAPStationMulticastOctetCount shall be incremented by the number of octets in the MSDU.

If the rate limiting mechanism discards the frame, the following operations shall be performed by the AP’s MAC sublayer:

—dot11NonAPStationDroppedMulticastMSDUCount shall be incremented by 1

—dot11NonAPStationDroppedMulticastOctetCount shall be incremented by the number of octets in the MSDU.

Insert the Multicast Counters in the Dot11InterworkingEntry

Dot11InterworkingEntry ::=


dot11NonAPStationMacAddress MacAddress,

dot11NonAPStationUserIdentity DisplayString,

dot11NonAPStationInterworkingCapability BITS,

dot11NonAPStationAssociatedSSID OCTET STRING,

dot11NonAPStationUnicastCipherSuite OCTET STRING,

dot11NonAPStationBroadcastCipherSuite OCTET STRING,

dot11NonAPStationAuthAccessCategories BITS,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxVoiceRate Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxVideoRate Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxBestEffortRate Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxBackgroundRate Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxVoiceOctets Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxVideoOctets Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxBestEffortOctets Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxBackgroundOctets Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxHCCAHEMMOctets Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxTotalOctets Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthHCCAHEMM TruthValue,

dot11NonAPStationAuthMaxHCCAHEMMRate Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthHCCAHEMMDelay Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationAuthSourceMulticast TruthValue,

dot11NonAPStationMaxAuthSourceMulticastRate Unsigned32,

dot11NonAPStationVoiceMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationDroppedVoiceMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationVoiceOctetCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationDroppedVoiceOctetCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationVideoMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationDroppedVideoMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationVideoOctetCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationDroppedVideoOctetCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationBestEffortMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationDroppedBestEffortMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationBestEffortOctetCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationDroppedBestEffortOctetCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationBackgroundMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationDroppedBackgroundMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationBackgroundOctetCount Counter32, dot11NonAPStationDroppedBackgroundOctetCount Counter32, dot11NonAPStationHCCAMIMHEMMMSDUCount Counter32, dot11NonAPStationDroppedHCCAHEMMMSDUCount Counter32, dot11NonAPStationHCCAMIMHEMMOctetCount Counter32, dot11NonAPStationDroppedHCCAHEMMOctetCount Counter32,

Insert the Multicast counters as below

dot11NonAPStationAuthDls TruthValue,

dot11NonAPStationMulticastMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationPowerManagementMode INTEGER,

dot11NonAPStationDroppedMulticastMSDUCount Counter32,

dot11NonAPStationVLANId INTEGER,

dot11NonAPStationMulticastOctetCount Counter32


dot11NonAPStationDroppedMulticastOctetCount Counter32

Reverse the order of dot11NonAPStationPowerManagementMode and dot11NonAPStationAuthDls to be alligned with the MIB variable description order

dot11NonAPStationAuthDls TruthValue,

dot11NonAPStationPowerManagementMode INTEGER,

dot11NonAPStationAuthDls TruthValue,

dot11NonAPStationVLANId INTEGER,


dot11NonAPStationAddtsResultCode INTEGER


Insert the Multicast Counters’ MIB variable description after the description for the MIB variable description for dot11NonAPStationDroppedHCCAHEMMOctetCount Counter32:

dot11NonAPStationMulticastMSDUCount OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


“For Multicast operation, this counter shall be incremented for each Multicast MSDU successfully transmitted by the AP and for each Multicast MSDU successfully received at the AP.”

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 43}

dot11NonAPStationDroppedMulticastMSDUCount Counter32

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


“For Multicast operation, this counter shall be incremented for each Multicast MSDU dropped by the AP.”

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 44}

dot11NonAPStationMulticastOctetCount OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


“For Multicast operation, this counter shall be incremented by the octet length of each MSDU successfully transmitted by the AP and by the octet length of each Multicast MSDU successfully received.”

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 45 }

dot11NonAPStationDroppedMulticastOctetCount Counter32

SYNTAX Counter32

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


“For Multicast operation, this counter shall be incremented by the octet length of each Multicast MSDU dropped by the AP.”

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 46}

Change the text as below

dot11NonAPStationPowerManagementMode OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), powersave(2) }

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


“This attribute indicates the power management mode of the non-AP STA.”

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 43}

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 47}

dot11NonAPStationAuthDls OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


“This attribute, when true, indicates that the non-AP STA is permitted by the SSPN Interface to use direct link service (DLS). This object does not mean the AP is capable of providing DLS service. This service is disabled otherwise.”

DEFVAL {true}

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 44}

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 48}



MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


“This attribute indicates the VLAN ID on the an external network to which frames from the non-AP STA are bridged.”

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 45}

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 49}


SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


“This attribute indicates the VLAN name corresponding to the VLAN ID on the external network to which frames from the non-AP STA are bridged.”

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 46}

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 50}

dot11NonAPStationAddtsResultCode OBJECT-TYPE






MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


“This attribute indicates the most recent result code returned by the AP in an ADDTS Response.”

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 47}

::= { dot11InterworkingEntry 51}

Change the paragraph below as shown

V.3.1.10 non-AP STA Transmission Count

The non-AP STA Transmission Count element includes information stored in the corresponding dot11NonAPStationVoiceMSDUCountMSDUCount, dot11NonAPStationVoiceMSDUCount, dot11NonAPStationVideoMSDUCount,dot11NonAPStationBestEffortMSDUCount, dot11NonAPStationBackgroundMSDUCount,dot11NonAPStationHCCAHEMMMSDUCount, dot11NonAPStationMulticastMSDUCount, dot11NonAPStationVoiceOctetCount, dot11NonAPStationVideoOctetCount, dot11NonAPStationBestEffortOctetCount, dot11NonAPStationBackgroundOctetCount, dot11NonAPStationHCCAHEMMOctetCount , dot11NonAPStationMulticastOctetCount elements of the AP’s MIB.

Submissionpage 1Kaberi Banerjee,Self