School of Arts & Sciences

Department Chair's Faculty Evaluation

Calendar year 2010

Name: ______Date: ______

Instructions for department chairs: Please complete this form during or prior to a discussion with the faculty member. This format assumes you will prepare your responses with word processing and insert them below each category. Indicate at the bottom the date that it was discussed with the faculty member. Department chairs will be evaluated by the dean. Return to the Dean’s office electronically to: .

  1. Teaching: Comment upon the faculty member's self-evaluation regarding teaching providing validation, support, clarification, and/or alternate perspectives relating to the things the faculty member wrote. If you have additional insights that were not part of the faculty member's self-evaluation, please include those as well.
  1. Fulfillment of advising and other responsibilities to students: Comment upon the faculty member's self-evaluation regarding interactions with students outside of courses this year (advising, mentoring, availability to students, with student groups, involvement in student/faculty research projects, spontaneous interactions, etc.) providing validation, support, clarification, and/or alternate perspectives. If you have additional insights that were not part of the faculty member's self-evaluation regarding interactions with students (including maintenance of professional relationships) please include those as well.
  1. Continued Professional Development: Comment upon the faculty member's self-evaluation regarding professional development activities this year providing validation, support, clarification, and/or alternate perspectives. In particular, address how activities benefited Piedmont College and the creation of products of scholarship (including products under way this year but not yet completed) where applicable. If you have additional insights that were not part of the faculty member's self-evaluation, please include those as well.
  1. Fulfillment of obligations to the faculty and the college: Comment upon the faculty member's self-evaluation regarding service to the faculty and college this year, with an emphasis on leadership activities or other significant accomplishments where applicable. If you have additional insights that were not part of the faculty member's self-evaluation, please include those as well.
  1. Service to the community, local and beyond: Comment upon the faculty member's self-evaluation regarding community service this year, with an emphasis on how the service extends the reach and good reputation of Piedmont College and provides positive examples for our students where applicable. If you have additional insights that were not part of the faculty member's self-evaluation, please include those as well.
  1. Goals for the next year: Comment upon the faculty member's goals, particularly with regard to appropriateness given the self-evaluation and this evaluation; specificity; and attainability. Comments in this section will not be used by the administration. Their purpose is purely to help the faculty member in determining the most important areas of focus for the coming year.
  1. Other comments (if any):

Date evaluation was reviewed with faculty member ______.