Liberty Middle School

Daily Bulletin


(new information is in red J)

Today’s Absences

Melissa Levison (1/2 day a.m.) – NO SUB FOUND L

Susan Cassady – Leona Dewitt is her sub

KC Harrold – Mary Ann Holder is her sub

Greg Henion – Teresa Hjelm is his sub

Taunya Stainbrook – Cindy Parkison is her sub

Kathy Pinch (out from 11:45 a.m. to the end of the day) – Tom Boyd is her sub


Morning Announcements

·  Today’s lunch menu: nachos, enchilada, fish sandwich w/tots, supreme pizza, Italian salad, Italian sub. The following items are available every day: chicken burger w/tots, cheeseburger w/tots, hamburger w/tots, cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza, ham, turkey or American sandwich, chicken Caesar salad and Chef salad.

·  Reminder! Today we’re, again, on the pilot bell schedule for 2nd Chance Breakfast. Any student is welcome to swing through. Please be sure not to be late to 3rd period!

·  8th A girls’ basketball clinched a win over Covington. Sydney Fermenick had an outstanding game with 12 rebounds. It was a close game after the first quarter but Liberty pulled ahead and never looked back. Tyra Schroeder had a great game with 8 assists and 9 points. Emery Miller and Mary Pipkin chipped in with 8 and 10 points respectively.

·  8th grade B girls lost to Frontier last night 21-36. This score does not reflect how well the girls fought back in the second half, with both teams evenly matched at 13 to 13. Genesis Martinez fought all game long with one of our other point guards out with an injury, contributing 7 points, Paula Yeager with 6, Riley Kankelberg with 4 and Yessenia Carrillo with 2 points. Another great team effort. Don’t forget we have pictures today- bring your red uniforms!

·  The 7th grade girls’ basketball team defeated Frontier last night with another 20 point win. Abby Erickson had 7 rebounds and Angie Lueb came back after a week long absence to dominate defensively in the fourth quarter, helping the girls clench the win!

·  The 7th Grade ‘B’ girls’ Basketball team overcome a rough start yesterday, to pull off a 32-20 victory over Frontier. The great team play from this group of young ladies has improved their record to 6 and 1 on the season. Great job Lions!

·  The 7th grade boys’ A team pulled out yet another win last night, 53-39, keeping up their lead against Frontier the entire game. Overall, their incredible team effort caused all but two players to score throughout the night. Some of the top scorers included Bryan Hansel with nine points, Kenny Wright with eight points, and Douda Sesay with five points. The team’s defensive work held Frontier to 39 points by the end of the game.

·  7th grade B boys’ team lost 18-21 to Frontier with Mason making all of our first quarter rebounds and points. Mathew and Mason had excellent rebounding underneath the whole game. Luke made some free throws to keep us up at half. Mark Stevenson made some buckets of his own late in the game, but with the last possession we couldn’t get a shot off.

·  Kenya donate?! Today IS THE LAST DAY TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE EFFORT! We are raising money to support two medical clinics in the country of Kenya. These clinics provide care and vaccinations in an area where disease and sickness is widespread. Please help support the cause by donating any loose change you have. Remember, coins count for your grade, and bills count against. Eighth grade looks to be in a commanding lead, but let’s see what our sixth and seventh graders have brought to take back the lead today. Your change creates change!

·  Today is the tenth day of 28 Days of Kindness. Today our challenge is for you to thank TEN staff members. Every staff member in this building works to ensure you have the best learning environment possible. From teachers, to secretaries, to counselors, to maintenance, we have a whole lot of caring people working to make your education the best it can be, so take a moment to thank them for it! Check in at the Kindness table at lunch and let us know how you’re doing by filling out a slip of paper to add to our chain. We will be tracking which Advisory class is the most KIND by seeing who turns in the most slips! Keep spreading that kindness Lions, let’s see how far it can go!

·  Friendship Flowers are coming! Starting Wednesday, February 18th thru Friday, February 20th you can buy a flower for a friend (please remember to buy your hot lunch first! J). We will be selling carnations for $0.50 each or two for $1.00. Students can write a message of friendship to someone at Liberty and purchase a flower. The flowers and messages will be delivered during Advisory on Monday, March 9th.

·  March Madness Middle School Basketball at Liberty! Join this fun recreational after school basketball program. You can find flyers at the Athletics Window.

Upcoming Events for Staff and Students

Today, February 13th

·  Inclement Weather School Make-Up Day

·  Copy Center Closed Today!

·  7:15 – 7:50 a.m.: Fitness Friday! – Main Gym

·  11:25 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Spirit Shack Open! – Commons

Saturday – February 14th

·  Valentine’s Day!

Monday, February 16th

·  President’s Day! No School J

Tuesday, February 17th

·  3:45 p.m.: 7th/8th Girls’ Basketball Game vs. Skyridge – Skyridge Middle School

·  3:45 p.m.: 7th/8th Boys’ Basketball Game vs. Skyridge – Home Main Gym

·  7:00 – 9:00 p.m.: Science Olympiad Practice – Room 306

Wednesday, February 18th

·  9:00 – 9:30 a.m.: “Perk with Boerke” – Conference Room #409

·  Lunches: PTO Selling Friendship Flowers – Commons

·  Lunches: Liberty Clothes Closet Open

·  2:50 p.m.: Staff Meeting – Location TBD

Thursday, February 19th

·  Lunches: PTO Selling Friendship Flowers – Commons

·  2:45 – 4:30 p.m.: Robotics Meeting – Room 303

·  3:45 p.m.: 7th/8th Girls’ Basketball Game vs. Pacific – Home Main Gym

·  3:45 p.m.: 7th/8th Boys’ Basketball Game vs. Pacific – Pacific Middle School

·  7:30 p.m.: Choir Concert with Skyridge and CHS – CHS Theatre

Friday, February 20th

·  7:15 – 7:50 a.m.: Fitness Friday! – Main Gym

·  Lunches: PTO Selling Friendship Flowers – Commons

·  11:25 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Spirit Shack Open! – Commons

February 23rd

·  2:00 – 2:40 p.m.: Winter Sports Recognition Assembly – Main Gym

·  2:45 – 4:00 p.m.: Science Olympiad Practice – Room 306

February 24th

·  1:45 – 2:45 p.m.: CHS Electives/AP Assembly for 8th Graders – Commons

·  2:45 – 3:45 p.m.: Knitting Club – Library

·  3:45 p.m.: 7th/8th Girls’ Basketball Game vs. Shahala – Shahala Middle School

·  3:45 p.m.: 7th/8th Boys’ Basketball Game vs. Shahala – Home Main Gym

·  7:00 – 9:00 p.m.: Science Olympiad Practice – Room 306

February 25th

·  9:00 – 10:00 a.m.: 8th Grade (Class of 2019) Parent Information Meeting – CHS North Commons

·  10:00 – 11:00 a.m.: 8th Grade (Class of 2019) Pre & AP Parent Info Meeting – CHS North Commons

·  Lunches: Liberty Clothes Closet Open

·  6:30 – 7:30 p.m.: 8th Grade (Class of 2019) Parent Information Meeting – CHS North Commons

·  7:30 – 8:30 p.m.: 8th Grade (Class of 2019) Pre & AP Parent Info Meeting – CHS North Commons

February 26th

·  2:00 – 2:30 p.m.: Hayes Freedom Presentation to all 8th Graders – Commons

·  2:45 – 4:30 p.m.: Robotics Meeting – Room 303

·  7:00 p.m.: Sister City Organization Meeting (Boerke) – Conference Room #409

February 27th

·  7:15 – 7:50 a.m.: Fitness Friday! – Main Gym

·  11:25 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Spirit Shack Open! – Commons

·  2:00 – 2:45 p.m.: Focus Teachers Introduce the Forecasting Guide to 8th Graders - Classrooms


Student Info

·  Do you knit? Would you like to learn to knit? Knitting Club will begin meeting Tuesdays after school in the library from 2:45-3:45 p.m. Knitting Club is open to all students and staff who are interested in knitting. At Knitting Club you can learn to knit, teach others what you know, create and socialize. Bring your own knitting needles and yarn if you have them, or we have supplies you can use! See you Tuesday!

·  Do you love painting, drawing, collaging, and generally everything to do with art? Come join our Art club! Art club will meet Thursdays after school from 2:45 to 3:45. Art club is open to all students and staff who are interested in art. We will be working on various projects with many different mediums over the course of the year. This is an opportunity to come, relax, socialize, and create some great art projects for yourself and to display around the school.

·  Hello! This message is for Latino or Spanish speaking students:
Would you like to meet other Spanish-speaking students in your community? Develop self-confidence and learn leadership skills? La Chispa is a bilingual leadership event for Middle school students. February 19th we will attend this leadership event at Mountain View High School. Please see Mrs. McEathron if you would like to attend!

·  Box Tops for Education Contest from our PTO! This is our last chance to earn money for this school year! The contest will run from today through February 27th. The grade that turns in the most Box Tops by the end of the month will get a special after school movie day. J So, start saving and bringing in those Box Tops to your classroom!

·  Students – if you are sick, please report to the Health Room. Please do not call home from the classroom or student phone. Thank you!

Staff Info

·  Please remember to send sick students to the Health Room to call home. Do not have them call from the classroom. Thank you!

·  Please remember to put a note on your door clip indicating where you and your class are. We spend wwwwwwaaaaayyyyy too much time searching for kiddos. L Thank you for your help with this!

·  Certified staff only . . . . .when you need an external sub remember 3.5 hours or less and they get paid for 3.5 hours. Anything more than 3.5 hours and they get paid for a full 7 hours. Please keep this in mind when you enter your absences (don’t forget you can override the ½ day a.m. and ½ day p.m. default times – just make sure you stay within the 3.5 hour timeframe J). Thank you!

·  Confiscated Phones/iPods Envelopes – if you take away one of these items from a student, please place it in an envelope (you can find these next to the mailboxes), complete the form attached to the envelope and deliver to the office. We’ll keep it safe in a locked drawer until it gets picked up. If needed, please document in their e-discipline file. This form is also located on the Shared Drive, under Forms, titled Confiscated Items 081109. Thank you!