2/9/16 Executive Council Agenda
-Andy and Tommy- let’s continue to remember that we are representatives of the student body and take our positions seriously...we can do this!
-Angela- Stu offers to come and talk to us about new residence hall (maybe week after 4 day) {great idea}
-Tommy wants to “have a meeting” with both Leandra and Kirsty separately
-Focus week=success
-Keith Brooks bill- a speaker regarding the feeling on campus. Angela suggests using extra credit. passed..4-0
-Garrett- next meeting bring a printout of the budget!!
-Will Wiersma..golf tournament. passed 4-0.
-ICP stipend increase bill...need to table til next meeting on account of lack of information. Garrett and Angela - look up hours and wages compared to other organizations and we can revisit that all next meeting!!
-Africa fundraising proposal….we will put a limit on this. need to email her saying up to 1000!! we will plan to do an electronic vote for this.
-Debate thursday night - starts at 6pm, in KSC. we need advertising during lunch! and pizzas. little pieces of paper to hand out..by tomorrow:KIRSTY
-START RECRUITING!!! business manager and comm manager. direct them to leadership info session on 23rd.
February 9, 2016
7:33pm - Check-In/Lightning Round
- Andy: Last week was a huge success, going well! Great week for ‘Westmont’. Stickers a Success. This Thursday we have the DEBATE! So let’s push a little more.
- Tori: Met with Liz, Hall Newsletter, Email, Little Ideas…. Refill station in VK? What?
- Noah: Newsletter is Fixed! Waterbottle Refilling Station is GOOD! Needed account number. “Very painful 30 minutes of my life” - Cauterized Fingernail.
- Matt: Academic Dishonesty… Three different places throughout Westmont that have different penalties… How to put it all together? ISideWith.com - Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders
- Tommy: 20 hrs in a Car, Won Tennis, lots for WCSA. Met with Danny for a Club restructuring meeting. FINALLY got in touch with John Blondell - figure out how to sign up the Black Box Effect. Met with Ben Patterson - Chapel Speaker in the Future? Sponsoring? Email about who we want? Adequate budget for that?
- Mike: Sick and Headaches. PRAY please for him. Classes are hard, but get to see family. Trying to get in contact with Danny Clap about ping pong tables - RA Stuff!
- Alex: Last week chapel, Edee’s Lunch. Great, stuff.
- Jeff: Busy WCSA-wise. Devoted 20 minutes a day for it, it was perfect. Get 4-5 people from each major, building up well. Founders are so difficult to get in contact with. Their Status: French Press Brand Director is sick for two weeks - found him - they are really excited with the idea. We need to work out the tab situation.
7:45pm - Emailed everyone the Senate Vision Statement. Two thumbs up. All of the events coming up and that occurred over the past week - we have a lot of the year to go - so let’s push a bit :) Advocate for the students… we have this responsibility still! So represent people! Votes carry weight. Let’s not hit the two sides of the spectrum here - stop trying or spend it all - still be stewards.
Bills on the Agenda:
7:49pm - Went over the Juggling, Africa Fundraiser Bill. “Jugglers”... Tabled.
7:50pm - Keith Brooks Bill. Andy read it. Discussion: Who is he? How much are we paying? Not much discussion… Passed Unanimously.
7:54pm - Tommy’s trying not to be biased. List of people who aren’t going to be biased - pick 8 people. There is a golf etiquette - you need to be good. 2 teams of four playing best ball.
7:56pm - We’re going to vote on it: unanimous.
Jeff is going to get the pizzas for Domino's - He’s the greatest. That’s really nice of him.
8:00pm - Ultimate Frisbee jerseys - who really funded them?
Anyway, 8:01pm - Recruit for next year!!!!!!!!!
Fun facts: No mention of the Academic Senator… huh. Stumme is a ⅔ vote of the Senate, but he was so popular via vote. Sooo let’s amend the Constitution.
8:02pm - One more push. Tangible “physical capital improvements”, Events you can throw for your hall? Subcommittee for spikeball tournament? All sorts of options.
Update: 40 people used the tickets. Students are actually a great resource for other students, let’s remember this.
Discussion. 4-year plan? Student Mentoring.
The End.