Electronic production records in a cycle menu
Using cycle menus in combination with electronic production record cuts down on time spent on paperwork. For example, if you have a 2 month cycle menu, you could create a production record for each day within the 2 month cycle menu. Then when your cycle starts all over again, rather than making all new production records, all you have to do is make edits to the production records for any changes that are made.
Step by step
First create a new folder in “Documents” on your computer Desktop
Name it “2016 Production Records” [Or whatever you want]
Next open the new electronic production record you were sent this fall. [I have attached a copy for your convenience.]
Fill out that production record with everything you serve for lunch each day making a template. [I have attached mine for reference]
X Offer vs Serve
X Lunch
Number of students expected
Milk varieties
My salad bar selections
[I write them all in, it is easy to remove one or add one or two the day you complete it]
Go to your File Tab, scroll down to Save As
Name that new file “Production Record Template” and save it to your new folder, “2016 Production Records”
Open the template and fill out the rest of the components for the meal you served just like you do every day. Our sample meal is Spaghetti
Save this changed file as “Spaghetti 9-7-16”, to the new folder named 2016 Fall Production Records
This will leave your template file in place still saved under the name “Production Record Template.” And store your new electronic production record named Spaghetti “9-7-16”
It is important that you name it with the days date
Next day do the same thing. Pull up your Production Record Template; fill in the components of the meal you prepared and save it as “Sloppy Joes 9-8-16” to your 2016 Fall Production Records folder.
At the end of 6 or 8 weeks you will have a production record for every meal you serve stored in your new folder “2016 Production Records”.
This is the best part
Now it is time to serve spaghetti again.
Open the file you saved as Spaghetti 9-7-16
Change that production record’s date to today’s date, and anything you did different that day. Green beans to corn, peaches to grapes, the number of students you fed, change notes, anything you did differently. Notes anything
Now this is very important
You have to change the name of the new file to Spaghetti 11-3-16 [todays date] and save it in the 2016 Fall Production Records folder.
The file Spaghetti 9-7-16 will still be there along with the new file Spaghetti 11-3-16.
So you only have to complete the entire production record for each meal served ONCE, then each month you pull it up, make the few changes and save it as todays date.
Very simple system
I save the folder to my hard drive and every couple of months to a disk.
I have not printed a production record in more than 10 years they are all on a disk.
When I get reviewed they are right there for the girls to look at.
Information provided by Salley Young, School Food Service Director, Greenfield Elementary School, Phone (406) 467-2433,