Plymouth Notes

  1. The next colony to be established by the English after Jamestown was at ______, Massachusetts in ______.
  1. We know this group as the ______who were granted land near the Hudson River by the Virginia Company.
  1. Their ship, the Mayflower, was blown off course by a ______and instead they found that they had arrived late in the winter in a place far north of where they were supposed to go.
  1. The pilgrims consisted of two groups: the ______and the ______who were the majority.
  1. Knowing they were not in an area that was ruled by England, they decided they would govern themselves. Before they even left the boat for land, they came together as a group, wrote and signed ______.
  1. The Mayflower Compact was the first form of ______in America. Every man whether he was a property owner, a noble, a church member, or a regular person could vote.
  1. The Mayflower Compact helped representative government grow in America because it set a precedent that every man’s voice counted. Both Separatists and Strangers signed the document and agreed to live equally. Then they went ashore.
  1. They created a communal style of living where everyone who could would work and the whole community would benefit from what everyone did. However, people soon began to sick, and a period of ______occurred.
  1. The main difference between the Plymouth Colony and the Jamestown Colony was that it was established for ______freedom.
  1. Other differences included: ______.
  1. The Separatists were only one group that had issues with the Church of England. They wanted to establish their own religion and be free to ______that religion in their own community.
  1. The ______though wanted to clean or purify the Church of England. They came to America to create a new ______ruled by the principles of the ______.
  1. In 1630, the ______began and over 20,000 Puritans arrived in Massachusetts and established ______, ______, and the ______colonies.
  1. Their numbers were so great that they ended up taking over the entire Massachusetts region. Voting rights were based on ______, and they kicked people out of Massachusetts who ______with them.
  1. Roger Williams established ______after being kicked out. Thomas Hooker established the ______which was the first ______written in America and ensured religious freedom was one of the guarantees of the government.
  1. New Englanders, those from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, developed a completely different colonial life which included ______.