BC Minutes / 01-19-15

2014-15 Bishop’s Committee Minutes of January 19, 2015

Members Present: Bishop’s Warden Lori Toia, Stephanie Antongiovanni, Elaine Berg, Cari Drake, Marilyn Metzgar, Jerry Pettiford, and Tim Vivian

Voting members Absent: Deb DeBoer, Mike Dunham, Alison Fischer, and Greg Glenn,

Nonvoting Members Present: None

Nonvoting Members Absent: Anne Benvenuti, Vern Hill, and David Oliver.

Guests: Lydia Kramer, St. Paul’s Preschool; Sharon Brown, St. Paul’s Preschool;

and Robin Paggi, Presenter.


1. Call to Order: A quorum was established at 6:46 pm.

2. Opening Prayer: Tim led us in prayer.

3. Review and Approve Agenda of January 19th

Delete #3 and #6 of Ongoing/New Business

Renumber Section 1. New Teacher-Director of St. Paul’s Preschool

2. Preschool Name

3. Election of Asst. Warden

4. Sound System

5. Counter Rota

6. BC Retreat Feb. 7th 9-12 in Forum

M/S/P with corrections: (7-0) Marilyn M./Stephanie A.

Approved with corrections

4. Approval Minutes of December 15, 2014

M/S/P: Stephanie A./Cari D. (7-0) Approved


1. New Teacher-Director of St. Paul’s Preschool

Lydia Kramer has been appointed as Interim Teacher-Director of the St. Paul’s Preschool. Sharon Brown, Mentor and Consultant, is assisting in the transition.

ACTION: Motion to appoint Lydia Kramer as Interim Teacher-Director of the St. Paul’s Preschool.

M/S/P: Stephanie A./ Elaine B. (7-0) Approved

2. Update Preschool Name:

Changing the name of the Preschool is not a license issue. The following

information must be submitted: B.C. Agenda

B.C. Minutes

Vote for the name change

Letter from Priest-in-Charge

Date of original license.

The Preschool name is changed to the St. Paul’s Preschool.

ACTION: Motion to change the name of the old M.O.M.s Preschool to St. Paul’s Preschool.

M/S/P: Marilyn M./Jerry P. (7-0) Approved.

Lydia Kramer with Sharon Brown are developing new parent policies and new

employee policies.

Question: Can the children be moved temporarily to a different room?

Answer: On an emergency basis, children can be moved for not more than 4

days. Emergency maintenance is needed and would be accomplished on a

Friday-Monday schedule. Grace Hall was suggested for a temporary space.

Lydia Kramer presented a new logo for the Preschool. The B.C. approved.

A new website for St. Paul’s Preschool is under development. The Preschool can

also have space on the St. Paul’s website. Lydia K. intends to have all forms and

information in an electronic format. Lydia K. should be added to St. Paul’s

Midweek email list.

Square feet needed per child was discussed.

3. Election of new Assistant Warden:

Table and move to B.C. Retreat.

ACTION: Motion to Table M/S/P: Jerry P./Marilyn M. (7-0) Approved.

4. Sound System:

The Budget and Planning Committee moved to upgrade our sound system. There are two choices: 1) Apple costing approximately $13,000.00 to replace and

upgrade, or 2) upgrading the existing equipment. Currently there is $1,500.00

budgeted for a sound system.

Two main reasons discussed for the urgency of upgrading sound system:

1)  Our hard-of-hearing parishioners are missing out.

2)  Weddings and funerals need the sound system. If we cannot provide said sound system, we may miss out in the income that could be made in the future.

ACTION: Motion to give Mal S. and Vic M. of B & P Committee the ability to utilize their budget to upgrade the sound system using up to $1,500.00.

M/S/P: Lori T./ Cari D. (7-0) Approved.

Cari D. asked “Why do we have to vote on every expense when the money is in

the budget? Marilyn M. gave history that this voting started through caution.

Then the B.C. started voting on everything.

5. Counting Rota:

B.C. members were asked to sign up for three times on the Counting Rota.

When counting members need to list number of bills per denomination, total of

money, and number of checks. The amount written on check is not needed. Just

list number of checks. Any envelopes submitted are to remain sealed and the number of envelopes listed on documentation. The money and checks are placed in the lockbox.

6. B.C Retreat rescheduled:

The B.C. retreat will be held February 7th at 9am-12pm in the Forum. The Clerk

will attend from 9:00 – 10:00 am for business minutes.


Minutes are needed. Executive session minutes will be approved at the next

executive session. Preschool director salary and contract will be discussed at BC



1. Priest-in-Charge: Tim V.

a. Mike Glass has issued a Cease and Desist Order for a legal contract.

b. Canon Kate is in France until the end of February.

c. The Memorial Service for Steve Swenson went well and interment was

held January 11 at noon.

e. Food Pantry needs a male from 9am-1pm this Thursday, January 22nd.

to open and be there.

f. The Stewardship Committee will meet February 19th.

g. The Jim and Dee Whitley St. Paul’s Endowment Fund: Thanks to the Whitleys the work begins.

It was agreed to reserve and not spend the principle.

h. We need to bring in more money or we will continue to function in a

survival mode. We may not have a grant next year. All committees are

asked to help.

2. Bishop’s Warden: Lori T.

a. Many individuals in the parish are unfamiliar with the Bishop’s

Committee. B.C. members need to become known by the parish and tell

parishioners what we are doing. Many parishioners do not feel they have

a voice.

b. Find someone to mentor to sustain the B.C. Be an unofficial greeter. Find

out who is new and spend time with them.

c. Heat/Air needs to come on automatically. Currently someone needs to

come at least 2 hours before a function to turn on heat or air.

3. Assisting Minister: No report.

4. Assistant Warden: No report.

5. Assisting Priest: No report.

6. Deacon Report: No report.

The Deacon position is not paid and is not a voting member of the B.C. He will

be at St. Paul’s three Sundays per month. On the 4th Sunday he will visit other

parishes. His role includes participation in parts of the Liturgy but he can’t

consecrate the bread and wine or offer Absolution.


1. Next Meeting Date – February 07, 2015 for B.C. Retreat

February 16, 2015 at 6:30 pm

2. Jerry P. will offer next month’s prayer.

3. Adjournment: at 8:02 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Harmon Fleming

Clerk of the B.C.