The Cape Buffalo

Picture by Yong WahSim

Animal Planet Article:

South African hunter turned conservationist Lindsay Hunt, featured in the Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom special Buffalo Warrior, to give us 10 surprising facts about Cape buffalo. Here's his list.

10. "Twins are very rare — the only recorded twin birth where both calves survived occurred at Hunt Africa."

9. "White calves are also very rare — one has been born on Hunt Africa."

8. "Buffalo are reported to kill more hunters in Africa than any other animal. They are known to ambush hunters that have wounded or injured them."

7. "Buffalo are capable swimmers and often cross deep water in search of better grazing."

6. "The hide on a bull buffalo's neck is as thick as 2 inches in places, which protects it during battles with other bulls for dominance."

5. "Buffalo have smooth tongues — the old lore that their tongues can lick the skin off a man is nonsense."

4. "The adage an elephant never forgets would be matched by a buffalo never forgives. They have been known to attack people that have harmed them even years after the event.

3. "A buffalo has four times the strength of an ox, according to research by Dr. John Conde — he tested their pulling strength. This explains why they are able to tip a motorcar."

2. "Cape buffalo are known to kill lions, and can seek out and kill lion cubs — preventative punishment."

1. "Cape buffalo have exceptional memories. I have often been approached by buffalo that I have not seen for many years, which are tactile and demand affection."

Predators! Amazing Facts About the Most Dangerous Animals:

The African or Cape Buffalo is one of the most dangerous animals in the world. Only hippos and crocodiles have killed more humans in Africa than the Cape Buffalo. They are especially dangerous when wounded. These are very large creatures whose shoulders measure over five feet. They may also weigh over 1750 pounds. If a wounded Cape Buffalo is preparing to attack, it will circle its prey over and over, until just the right moment to charge. The Buffalo

will use its horns to gorge the animal/person who has harmed it or anyone they may perceive as a threat. Even if you are armed it is difficult to kill unless struck directly in the spine. The large beast can charge at up to 35 mph. It is not likely that a human could survive an attack. It is estimated that Cape Buffalos are responsible for an estimated 200+ deaths per year.

(Guide to the world’s hoofed animals)

ecology and behavior- African buffalo may be active throughout the day and night; on average, 18 hours per day are spent foraging and moving. Herds usually occupy a stable home range; in savannah buffalo, these areas may be 126 to 1,075 square kilometers in size. African buffalo are formidable animals on account of their large size, large herds, and large horns. Herds will stick together and may charge as a unit when threatened, a tactic which ensures that predators have difficulty preying on even young and feeble animals.

Fast Facts

Family group:Herds


Main Predators:Lions, crocodiles.

Habitat and Distribution

African buffalo are found in a variety of habitats, including open savannah, woodlands, and rainforest. Once ranging widely in sub-Saharan Africa, the distribution of this species has shrunk due to hunting and disease issues. The approximate range is depicted in the map below.

Range Map

(After IUCN Antelope Specialist Group, 2008)

Threats:Hunting by humans for meat and trophies, habitat loss, and introduced disease (especially rinderpest).

The estimated total population is just under one million animals, although this species is in decline over most of its range.