CentralNew YorkRegionalInformationCenter


Help Document for Transferring Student

Data to a Generic Location

Transfer Students

1. Check the box next to the student(s) name.

2. Click the Transfer button.

3. Select the transfer-to school and grade:

Note: Transfer Students is designed to accommodate the transfer of multiple students to multiple

schools. Selected students leaving the school will display in the Transfer Students page.

4. Select the students' new grade level in the Grade After Transfer drop-down menu.

5. Use the Transfer-To drop-down menu to select the students' transfer schools.

Note: If the students will not be attending a school within your AIMSweb system, select the

unlisted school option.

6. Click the checkbox next to the students' names to transfer to the selected grade and school.

7. Click the Next button. Continue this process until all students have been assigned to their

respective transfer-to schools and grades.

8. When complete, the next page allows for double-checking of students' transfer-to information.

9. Make any changes using the grade and school drop-down lists.

10. Click the Save & Next button to continue or the Cancel button to cancel the transfer. If a conflict

exists between selected grades and schools, a message will display and student records that

were unable to be transferred will display highlighted in red.

11. After clicking the Save & Next button, a prompt will be displayed with a Print button to print

transfer slips.

Note: Transfer slips are important. If a student returns to the school, the transfer slip information

is needed to re-enroll.

12. After the transfer slips are printed, click Finish to complete the transfer. A reminder to print the

transfer slips will display.

13. Click OK to complete the transfer process. Click Cancel to discontinue the action.

Transfer Students back into your School from the Unlisted School

1.Click the Students link from the Manage tab to open the Student List.

2. Click the Show link next to Advanced Fields to open the Advanced Fields.

3. Enter the Transfer ID into the last field in the list.

Note: This is the number on the Transfer Slip that was printed when the student was transferred.

The Transfer ID can be retrieved by clicking the Year in the top-right corner of the screen under

the Help and Logout button and view the roster for the student's previous class. The Transfer ID

is the AIMSweb ID.

Copy the AIMSweb ID and switch the year back to the current school year.

4. Click Search. The student will display in the list. Click the Transfer button next to the student's

name to transfer that student back into your school. Follow the Transferring Students steps to

complete the transfer.