Covered Supply Wagon Activity

Wagons usually carried supplies for 4 or more people. The wagons were pulled by mules or oxen, and if you loaded your wagon too heavily, it would injure or kill your animals. You can only load up to 2,000 pounds. Using the list, choose what you would include on your journey, up to 2,000 pounds total. When you have your list, get in a group with others and debate until you all can agree what goes in the wagon. You may have to convince the others why to keep your favorites – so be ready with your reasons! Next, as a group write down on a sheet of paper defending why your group chose the items that ya’ll did. Be prepared to share with the class.

flour / 150 / coffee grinder / 5 / doll / 2
tea / 10 / rug / 40 / jump rope / 1
salt / 50 / bedding / 20 / marbles / 1
sugar / 50 / mirror / 40 / family Bible / 2
coffee / 50 / Dutch oven / 70 / books / 2
bacon / 100 / butter churn / 40 / hunting knife / 1
dried fruit / 40 / table and chairs / 200 / bag of clothes / 40
dried beans / 100 / piano / 900 / fiddle / 2
cornmeal / 100 / organ / 2000 / snowshoes / 8
split peas / 10 / baby cradle / 75 / rifle / 10
oatmeal / 100 / wooden bucket / 10 / pistol / 7
vinegar / 8 / bedpan / 2 / first aid kit / 3
pickles / 25 / butter mold / 1
dried beef / 50 / rocking chair / 50
salt pork / 25 / pitcher and bowl / 5 / TOOLS / POUNDS
assorted spices / 5 / cooking stove / 700 / ax / 15
barrel of water / 350 / cooking utensils / 2 / shovel / 12
vegetables / 5 / stool / 10 / hatchet / 9
spinning wheel / 80 / hammer / 7
lantern / 4 / hoe / 3
clock / 1 / anvil / 150
10 candles / 1 / grinding stone / 75
set of dishes / 40 / animal trap / 15
rope / 4