MARCH 19 2009


Call to order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m.

Tara Hyder a new Board of Education member was sworn in by Chairwoman Sheila Parizo.

Roll Call

Present: Tara Hyder, Jodi Chevarella, Rebecca O’Hara, Sheila Parizo, Margo Bondi, Kim Kreiger, Brad Tobin and James Stadt.

Excused: Ken Marcucio

Also Present: Dr. Lois Knapton and Dr. Stephen Tracy.

Chairwoman Parizo thanked principal Gallo for hosting the meeting tonight.

Mr. Gallo acknowledged his school counselor and school psychologist who selected 15 boys from the fifth and sixth grades for a dance program called Pilobolus. The point of the event is to have boys at high risk explore what they are capable of doing. Mr. Gallo presented a video of the dance project.

Additions Deletions or Corrections to the Agenda

Motion to accept the agenda by Kim Kreiger with a second by Jim Stadt, all in favor, motion carried.

Public Participation

Laura McMann had a question as to why the eighth grade graduation was moved to the morning.

Public Portion closed.

Ms. Bonina addressed the question in public portion. It was a careful deliberation over a period of three years. There was no middle school philosophy in place. As a team it was decided to embrace a middle school philosophy. Slowly they stopped calling it a graduation, but a moving up ceremony. It allows for a smooth transition from middle school to high school. The moving up ceremony will be during the day, and the high school will have their graduation in the evening.

The school guidance counselor said the students are changing into young adults and other schools also celebrate during the day. The decisions were done collaboratively with the students and it came from the students.

Shelly Sheridan - eighth grade teacher. The eighth grade team supports this decision in promoting the middle school philosophy and the moving up ceremony.

Walt Mayhew said when he was on the board of education the thing that was important was getting the middle school back. From a middle school philosophy and one of the new people on staff he is happy with the idea of continuing to extend the middle school philosophy to the point of really treating these things as they should be treated in perspective of what the accomplishments are.

Kim Kreiger said she feels there are so few opportunities to celebrate as a community. She understands how some of the parents don’t have the ability to attend a celebration during the day.

Approval of Special Board Meeting Feb 11 2009

Correction on page 5, instead of key squad, it should be IT Squad. Motion to approve with the correction by Brad Tobin, second by Kim Kreiger, all in favor, motion carried.

Approval of Board Meeting Feb 12 2009

Motion to approve by Jim Stadt, second by Kim Kreiger, all in favor, motion carried.

Approval of Special Board Meeting Feb 21 2009

Correction to add to Also Present: Dr. Knapton, Motion to approve with the correction by Kim Kreiger, second by Jim Stadt, all in favor, motion carried.

Approval of Special Board Meeting Feb 26 2009

Motion to approve by Brad Tobin, second by Kim Kreiger, all in favor, motion carried.

Special Presentation to Walter (Buster) Jadach

A resolution was presented to the board and read into the record:

“Whereas Walter “Buster” Jadach has served with distinction as a wrestling coach at Derby High School since 1981

Whereas with his team’s victories in Suffield on February 7 2009, Buster Jadach became the most successful high school wrestling coach in Connecticut history

Whereas Buster Jadach’s record of service and accomplishments stand as an example of selflessness and good citizenship for the entire Derby community

Now therefore, be it resolved that the Derby Board of Education does hereby recognize and thank Walter “Buster” Jadach for a lifetime of commitment to the well being of our City and the positive development of our children and extends to him every good wish for continued success done this 19th day of March in the year of 2009 at Derby CT.

Motion by Kim Kreiger with a second by Jim Stadt, all in favor, motion carries.

Mr. Jadach thanked the Board, Mr. Orazietti and his family. He also thanked his wrestling team for giving him 20 more victories.

Chairwoman’s Report:

A.  Superintendent’s Evaluation – the process has started.

Committee Reports:

A.  Committee on Budget, Personnel & Facilities (Kim Kreiger, Chair) – they did not meet this month.

B.  Committee on Policy & Communications (Brad Tobin, Chair) – the committee is presenting the second readings on two policies for action tonight.

1.  Second Reading: Proposed amendment to Board Policy #5143: Drug and Alcohol Abuse

2.  Second Reading: Proposed amendment to Board Policy #5145.12(c): Search & Seizure

3.  First Reading: Policy on Workers Compensation – Ms. O’Dea-Wyrick addressed the board. The policy says the Board will follow the workers comp laws as they stand. This was not in the board’s policy manual. No action tonight, will be done at the second reading in April.

C.  Committee on Teaching & Learning (Kenneth Marcucio, Chair) – they did not meet this month.

Administrative Reports

Mr. Gallo said Irving had a celebration of poets. Four students will be recognized at next month’s board meeting.

MS. Coppola said Bradley’s CMT’s are done. The channel 8 Weather Mobile came to the school. Themis Klarides spoke at the school, also 28 students signed up for Buster’s after school program.

Ms. Bonina of the Middle School said the CMT’s are done but there were a lot of makeup’s due to illness. The pennies for patients campaign collected over 500.00. There was a walk through of the middle school.

Dr. Knapton said she is more settled. There have been round table discussions at each of the schools. There have been kids moving in and some moving out.

Mr. Thompson said next week will be the registration process for courses for next year. The eighth grade parents will be invited on March 30th to meet the high school guidance staff and some of the department heads.

Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Tracy passed a thank you letter from Nancy Maleri to the board for the flowers sent in honor of the passing of her mother.

In the packet is a letter from Columbus House commenting on the volunteer work of Paula Ferrara for the pillows program.

Dr. Tracy and Ms. O’Dea-Wyrick went to Hartford this week to meet with the Commissioner of Education and other superintendents and business managers. The governor is committing to not cutting the education cost sharing grant. Seven million of Derby’s 16.6 million dollar budget is cost sharing grant money. The governor will level fund the grant money for 2010 and 2011.

The board’s adopted budget has one million dollars of new money requested.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of the Federal Stimulus program for Derby is looking at an additional 200,000.00 in Title I assistance and about 364,000.00 under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. There are a lot of strings attached to the money. It must be spent in certain ways.

As of last month the enrollment report is at 1502 students in the schools.

Dr. Tracy handed out a letter from Melissa Hatton, a Business Education teacher at the high school. She expresses her concern about the importance of maintaining the business education course.

Dr. Tracy has been in contact with Mr. Thompson about the high school graduation ceremony. It will be continued at the Teaching and Learning Committee next month. Dr. Tracy intends to limit the graduation to those who will actually graduate. There has been a practice in the past to allow students who almost have enough credits to graduate to participate in the ceremony on the promise they will attend summer school.

2008 Audit Report

Ms. O’Dea-Wyrick said the audit went well. Last year’s audit the Board of Education had 3 comments. All of the auditor’s requests have been satisfied. This year there were 2 comments. One was the Federal/State grant expenditures; the auditor’s want the actual program grant numbers. They also want the board to continue to document policy procedures.

There were positive responses for the new chart of accounts, the revised reconciliation process with the City and improved grants management reports.

Vacancy Report

Dr. Tracy said they are fully staffed, there are no new positions to fill. There is a girl’s head soccer coach position for the fall season which Mr. Orazietti is pursuing.

New Business

No new business

Previous Business

Mr. Stadt asked Nancy about the supplemental life insurance for the teachers. Dr. Tracy said they are still working on this. There should be something before the board by next month.

Action Items

A.  Motion That the Board of Education approve the February 28, 2009 Financial Report as presented by the Business Manager by Kim Kreiger with a second by Jodi Chevarella, all in favor. Motion carried.

B.  Motion That the Board of Education approve the revision to Policy #5143, Drug and Alcohol Abuse by Kim Kreiger with a second by Brad Tobin, all in favor. Motion carried.

C.  Motion That the Board of Education approve Policy #5145.12©, Search and Seizure by Brad Tobin with a second by Rebecca O’Hara, discussion: Mr. Stadt wanted to know if this is a standard policy, Mr. Thompson said it is an opportunity to allow an administrator to use a breathalyzer, when they have a reasonable suspicion, which the student has a right to decline. All in favor, motion carried.

D.  Motion That the Board of Education approves the Calendar for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent by James Stadt with a second by Brad Tobin, all in favor. Motion carried.

Executive Session

Motion to go into Executive Session at 8:23 p.m. by Kim Kreiger with a second by Margo Bondi, all in favor. Motion carried.

A.  Recommended Appointments and Resignations

B.  Non-renewal of Non-tenured teachers

C.  Approval of a Contract of Employment

Motion to come out of Executive Session at 9:35 p.m. by James Stadt with a second by Brad Tobin, all in favor. Motion carried.

Public Portion

Melanie Bowman – 5 Mountain Street. She is a 6th grade science teacher. Since there has been no decision by the Tax Board, why are three sixth grade teachers being considered as far as the lay offs go and what that will mean for the students, they are concerned about them.

Roger Bowman – 5 Mountain Street. It appears the Board is folding and willing to give in. There are classrooms with no textbooks and old computers. The school board is continually under-funded. He hopes the superintendent tells the Tax Board if they cut the budget he will lose a certain number of teachers and the classes go from 25 to 30 kids which means grades will go down. That is never given to the Tax Board. Tell them the direct consequences. Otherwise, CMT’s will fail and so will funding from the State.

Linda Romano – 304 Hawthorne Avenue. She is a teacher at DHS. She is concerned with all of the teachers. The 25% reduction in staff translates to five classes. Her concern is having the classes and electives available to the students.

Kaitlyn – 267 Caroline Street. She thinks the board should not lay off any 6th grade teachers. She was out sick with an illness and they helped her get back on track.

Lou Coppola – Representing the Derby Education Association. Mr. Coppola wants his feelings and those that he represents that the layoffs will be a devastating effect throughout the system.

Public Portion closed.

Dr. Tracy wants to make clear to the Tax Board why this board needs the money it has asked for, and the impact the reductions from that level would have.

A status quo budget with just increased salaries, benefits, special education out of district placement would have required a budget of 18 million dollars.

He welcomes the opportunity to explain what a zero budget increase would look like for the purpose of educating people.

The process tonight is required by teacher tenure law to notify non-tenured teachers of possible lay offs b y April 1st. He has notified 54 teachers which is not all of the non-tenured teachers. This is a decision without the respect to the performance and value of these employees. We will work hard between now and June to make this problem go away or reduce it to the extent that they possibly can.

Action Items

A.  Motion That the Board of Education approve the Schedule of Appointments as recommended by the Superintendent by Rebecca O’Hara with a second by James Stadt, all in favor. Motion carried.

B.  Motion That the Board of Education accept a resignation of Christopher Cevetillo as a teacher of Derby Public Schools effective at the end of the current school year as recommended by the Superintendent by Kim Kreiger with a second by Margo Bondi, all in favor, Jim Stadt abstained. Motion carried.

C.  Motion That the Board of Education accept the resignation of Timothy Hill as a paraprofessional with the Derby Public Schools effective March 27, 2009 as recommended by the Superintendent by Kim Kreiger with best wishes, second by Brad Tobin, all in favor. Motion carried.