Name______Date______Period: ______

Georgia Fact Quilt

Number the squares of your quilt 1-88 beginning in the upper left corner, moving left to right. Follow the instructions below for each square. Use colored pencils to make your quilt visually appealing. Use your book to help you.

  1. Draw a picture of the state fruit of Georgia. (pgs. 554-559)

2-6. Name the 5 physiographic regions.

  1. Draw the familiar symbol of Georgia’s first land grant university. (pg. 187)
  2. Which was our most advanced group ofprehistoric Native Americans?
  3. Draw a picture of the tool used by the Paleo culture to hunt their prey.
  4. Draw a picture of the person in the family with whom the Cherokee society traced their family lines. (textbook pg. 88)
  5. Draw a picture of something that could be traded in a barter economy. (pg. 90)
  6. Who founded the original colony of Georgia for the king?
  7. What is the first letter of the Indian Chief’s name who gave land for the first settlement?

14-18. Name the 5 southern colonies. (pg. 136)

  1. Draw one of the items taxed under the Townshend Act.
  2. Georgia was the __ colony to ratify the Constitution.
  3. Draw something to represent the Boston Tea Party.
  4. How many people from Georgia signed the Declaration of Independence?
  5. How many houses did the Georgia Legislature have under the first state constitution?
  6. Draw the symbol that sounds the same as the last name of the woman who is Georgia’s most famous war heroine. (pg. 159)

25-27. Name the branches of Georgia state government.

  1. In what year was Jimmy Carter elected president?

29-33. One letter per box for the 5 capitals of Georgia in chronological order.

  1. Which compromise counted a portion of the slave population into the total for representation in government?
  2. Which Amendment to the Constitution gives us freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition?
  3. How many members are there in the Georgia Senate?
  4. How old does a member of the Georgia House of Representatives have to be?
  5. How many years is the governor’s term in office?
  6. Before a law is signed it is called a ______.
  7. What are the initials of Georgia’s law-making body of government?
  8. A ______vote is required to override a presidential veto. (pg. 513)
  9. How many electoral votes are required to become president? (pg. 514)
  10. Draw and label a picture of Georgia’s state bird. (pgs. 554 – 559)
  11. How many justices are there in the U.S. Supreme Court? Draw stick figures to represent this number. (pg. 520)
  12. How many justices are there in the Georgia State Supreme Court? Draw stick figures to represent this number.(pg. 545)
  13. Write the initials of our governor.
  1. How many days is the Georgia General Assembly in session? (pg. 537)
  2. Children under _____ years old in Georgia are considered to be juveniles.
  3. Draw and label a picture of the state flower. (pgs. 554-559)
  4. How much did an acre of land sell for in the Yazoo Land Fraud?
  5. Name an example of a status offense. (pg. 548/Figure 71 – remember an “unruly” act/juvenile is the same)
  6. Write the first name of the person who invented the cotton gin.
  7. What was the railroad-inspired name of Atlanta before 1842?
  8. Write the 3 initials of the first black legislator in Georgia during Reconstruction.
  9. Draw a picture of the creature that the first Cherokee newspaper was named after.
  10. How many sounds did the Cherokee syllabary have?
  11. Write the initials of the capital of the Cherokee nation.
  12. The ______Sticks wanted war. (color the square) Pg. 195
  13. This is the color of the material discovered in Dahlonega that lead to Indian removal.
  14. What is the abbreviation of our neighboring state where some Cherokees escaped to during the Trail of Tears period?
  15. Write the term used to justify westward expansion. (pg. 210)

62-64. Draw or name the 3 Ps (crops) of Georgia.

65-68. Name 4 of Georgia’s barrier islands.

  1. Draw a picture of one reason people moved westward in the early 1800s.
  2. What are the meanings of the stems in the word “antebellum”?
  3. Most of the political leaders in the south came from ______plantations. (pg. 217)
  4. Slave children were responsible for shooing these away from food on the table. Illustrate please. (pg. 230)
  5. What is the first letter of the word meaning “to do away with slavery?”
  6. “Cotton is ______” Draw a picture to complete this famous slogan.
  7. The initials of the slave who sued for his freedom, but lost because he was not a citizen.
  8. Draw a symbol to represent the name of Frederick Douglass’ newspaper. (pg. 222)
  9. What are the initials of the woman who made a famous speech called “Ain’t I a Woman?” (pg. 235)
  10. Because of the Fugitive Slave Act, runaway slaves had to get all the way to ______to be free. (pg.234)
  11. “Honest Abe,” was elected to be our 16th president in the year ____ and was in the newly formed Republican Party.
  12. How many electoral votes did Lincoln get from the southern states?
  13. Draw a picture of the name of the North’s strategy to “squeeze the South to death.” (pg. 263)
  14. How old was the commander of the Confederate forces at the first battle on Georgia soil? (pg. 269)
  15. On April 9, 18___, General Lee surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
  16. What are the initials of the man who shot Lincoln at Ford’s Theater?
  17. Which amendment to the Constitution granted equal protection to all citizens?
  18. Draw the pattern that prisoners wore while working on a chain gang.
  19. Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
  20. When Woodrow Wilson was president in 1914, World War ___ started between several European countries.