Last Updated: October 9, 2010

I included spur trails 100 yd. or longer, and two shorter RMC trails that have names. Also listed here are some routes, mostly mentioned in passing, that I did not include. Bushwhack routes described in section intros (Bartlett Haystack, Mts. Jericho/Forist, Rump Mtn. and others) were not included.

Washington/Southern Presys

Lila’s Ledge spur 0.1

Dry River Connection 0.4

Resolution Shelter 0.1- (to be abandoned?)

Resolution South Peak 0.1

I did not include Huntington Ravine Fire Road or Lion Head winter route, or Gulf of Slides Ski Trail.

Northern Presys

Greenough Spring 100 yd.?

Osgood Campsite 100 yd.

Valley Way Tentsite 0.1-

Ice Caves Loop 100 yd.?

Along the Brink 20 yd.

Quay Path 50 yd.


Shining Rock spur 100 yd.

Garfield Ridge Campsite 0.1

Beecher-Pearl Cascades 0.1?

Guyot Shelter spur 0.2


Boulder Loop Cliff spur 0.1


Kinsman Flume spur 0.1-

I did not include old South Landaff Road mentioned under Cobble Hill Trail.

Moosilauke Region

Blueberry Mt. summit 0.1

Waternomee Falls 0.2

Moose Mtn. Shelter 0.1

Trapper John Shelter 0.3

Hexacuba Shelter 0.2

North Cube side trail 0.3

Ore Hill Shelter 100 yd.

Wachipauka Pond spur 0.2


Dickey Mtn. N outlook 0.2

Cascades Westside path 0.3

Snow’s Mtn. view spur 0.1

Lower Greeley Pd. spur 0.2

Jennings Peak spur 0.2

Mary Cary Falls spur 0.1

Percival boulder route 100 yd.?

Morgan ladder route 100 yd.

Chocorua/Eastern Sandwich

Passaconaway N View 0.3

Wonalancet Hedgehog

South Outlook spur 100 yd.

East Sleeper spur 0.1

Note: McCrillis Path is down from 2.9 to 1.1 due to landowner closure


East Royce view spur 0.2

Brickett Falls spur 0.1

Meader Ridge view 100 yd.

Emerald Pool spur 0.1

Chandler Gorge loop 0.5

So. Doublehead spur 0.1?

No. Doublehead spur 100 yd.

Black Cap summit link 0.2

Peaked Mtn. Connector 0.1

Speckled Region

Roost Trail spur 0.1

Rattlesnake Pool spur 0.1

Deer Hill Spring spur 0.2

Ledges Trail alternate 100 yd.

I did not include “Mine Hill Connector” (a 0.2 segment of logging road) from Tony’s spreadsheet.

Mahoosuc Range

Mascot Pond spur 0.2

Trident Col Tentsite spur 0.2

The Outlook loop 0.3

Giant Falls spur 0.3

I did not include route to Alpine Cascades mentioned in section intro.

Northern NH

Spur to Cherry Pond

Viewing platform 0.1

Shore Path 0.1

Rampart Trail 0.2

Grassy Lane 0.1

Davidge Path 0.2

Old Carriage Road 0.7

Horn spur 0.3

Cabot spring spur 0.1+

Terrace Mtn. spur 0.1

Magalloway view spur 0.2

Magalloway spring spur 0.1

Should remove closed sections of Mt. Cabot Trail and York Pond Trail.

I did not include these Cohos Trail sections and spurs, and a couple of other assorted routes that are mentioned in passing: Colonel Whipple Trail; section leading from Old Summer Club Trail to NH 110 (“Bald Mountain Trail” on map); Pond Brook Falls path; section leading to Devil’s Jacuzzi and Nash Stream Bog; old roads to Whitcomb Pond; unmaintained path to Devil’s Slide; route to Dixville Peak; Sanguinary Summit Trail to Panorama lean-to.