Colonial Writing Assignment

"Of Plymouth Plantation" by William Bradford

Page 56

Define author’s purpose.

His or her reason for writing.

What is William Bradford's purpose in writing "Of Plymouth Plantation"?

Bradford's purpose in writing "Of Plymouth Plantation" was to inform children and grandchildren about the Pilgrims’ history and to inspire the new generation to uphold Puritan values.

Page 57 William Bradford

1. As a Puritan, what did Bradford believe about the Church of England?

As a Puritan, Bradford believed that the Church of England was corrupt.

2. How many times was William Bradford elected governor of the colony of Massachusetts?

William Bradford was elected governor of the colony of Massachusetts 30 times.

3. List 4 things that Bradford did during his tenure (time served as governor).

a. organized repayment of debts to financial backers

b. encouraged new immigration

c. established good relations with Native Americans

d. instituted town meetings within colony (part of our democratic process)

4. "Of Plymouth Plantation" is written in what type of language? As what is this type of language also known?

"Of Plymouth Plantation " is written in simple language.

It is also known as Puritan Plain Style.

Preview vocabulary on each page. Read "Of Plymouth Plantation" page 59. Use complete sentences to answer the following questions:

5. Read the second complete sentence in the 1st paragraph and paraphrase it. (Put it in your own words) pg. 59

The main officials discussed retuning to England.

6. How did the ship get damaged in the storm? (pg. 59)

The ship is shaken and damaged by the wind and seas: in addition to leaks, the ship sustains a crack in a main beam amidships.

7. How do the passengers feel about reaching Cape Cod? (pg 60)

Extremely happy that they had crossed the Atlantic Ocean safely.

8. What season was it when the pilgrims arrived in Cape Cod? (pg 61)

According to Bradford, “it was winter.”

9. How is John Carver (the first governor) described? (pg 61)

He is described as being patient, fair, and wise.

10. Why do you think Bradford describes in such detail the different reactions of the crew and Pilgrims to the illness? (pg 62)

Bradford wants to show that the Pilgrims faith and values produce a sharp difference between their behavior and that of the crew.

11. What event could be used as an example of self-sacrifice during that first terrible winter? (pg 61-62)

The settlers with good health tended to the many settlers who were sick without complaining.

12. Who is Samoset, and how do the pilgrims meet him? (pg 63)

Samoset is a Native American from lands east of Plymouth. He learned basic English while living in the vicinity of English fishing parties. The Pilgrims meet Samoset after he approaches their settlement and addresses them.

13. Why do you think Bradford refers to Squanto as a “special instrument?” (pg 64)

He is reminding his audience that the Pilgrims’ belief in God is an active, benevolent presence in everyday life.