Do you want to test your Chinese language proficiency?

Chinese language mastery is an essential skill in the 21st century, whether you wish to do business in the global economy, study abroad with one of China’s prestigious universities, travel and see the cultural centers of the world’s most populous nation, or simply develop your understanding of the most-spoken language on Earth.

The Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) and Youth Chinese Test (YCT) both assess students’ Chinese language proficiency and help prepare them for whatever their Chinese language needs might be. HSK results can help applicants searching for employment in Asia, applying for scholarships or funding for study abroad opportunities, or seeking advanced placement in Chinese language courses. YCT test takers have priority when applying for the Chinese Bridge Summer Camp and are better prepared to take the HSK in the future.

Schedule for 2014 HSK/YCT Chinese Language Testing at CSU

Testing Date / Registration Deadline / Results Released
HSK / December 6th, 2014 / November 5th, 2014 / January6th, 2015
YCT / November 15th, 2014 / October 17th, 2014 / December15th, 2014

Register for the HSK/YCT today!

Registration is quick, simple, and very affordable. The Confucius Institute at Cleveland State University offers support to HSK/YCT applicants including testing information and preparatory materials, study guides, and practice tests. For more information, contact Mu Li, HSK Testing Program Manager, at or 216-523-7127.

The HSK written assessment can be taken for either Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters. Please indicate during registration which test you are applying for. CSU campus testing locations will be announced soon.

Testing Levels and Registration Fees

Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) Application Fees
Written Test / Application Fee / Oral Test (HSKK) / Application Fee
Level I / $20 / Beginner
Level / $20
Level II / $30
Level III / $40 / Intermediate
Level / $30
Level IV / $50
Level V / $60 / Advanced
Level / $40
Level VI / $70
Youth Chinese Test (YCT) Application Fees
Written Test / Application Fee / Oral Test (HSKK) / Application Fee
Level I / $10 / Beginner
Level / $15
Level II / $15
Level III / $20 / Intermediate
Level / $15
Level IV / $25

Registration will not be considered complete unless applicants have paid all fees by check before the registration deadline.Separate fees for multiple tests may be paid in a single payment. Groups registering together are also welcome to submit a single check for all registered testing services. Checks should be made payable to the CSU Foundation with “Confucius Institute” noted in the memo field.Payments may be delivered in person or mailed to:

Cleveland State University
Confucius Institute
2121 Euclid Avenue
Rhodes Tower (RT) 1214A
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

For more information, or to register, visit: