Alpraham and Calveley Reading Room

Minutes of Meeting held September 12 2017 at 7.30pm

In Attendance


Richard Lloyd Chairman, John Faulkner Treasurer, Ann McLennan, Ann Waterhouse, Trevor Rowell,

Christine Konieczny.

Parishioners in attendance

Roger Dawson, Mark Sharkey, Peter Young, Robert Konieczny, Matthew Waterhouse, Jeff Crook, Kevin Peacock, Ruth Wilson, David Evans.

Apologies from Dereck Stoker

Emails from Joan Gillon, Jasper Carson, Jo Kenwright and Chris Sharkey

Richard Lloyd commenced with the reason for the meeting. He confirmed the Trustees wanted comments from the parishioners but that it was inevitable that the Reading Room should close as funds will run out by April 2018.

Before he opened the meeting for comments he gave a brief history of the reasons why this stage had been reached. Attempts to start a revamp of the Reading Room started in 1990.

Sites off Hilbre Bank and near Manor Fields close to Calveley were offered by the Leverhulme Estate(the local land owners prior to Wellcome). Their idea was to build 80 houses and include a village hall in a weather proof condition to be totally fitted out by the parishes. This proposal was made public to the occupants of Alpraham Parish but they were against the idea.

The builders who bought and built the houses on the site of the old garage against the A51 (Archway Homes) applied for planning permission for 2 semis to be built on the Reading Room land. For this they had use of the Reading Room and included in their application the building of a new hall on part of the Alpraham playing field which had been given to the parishioners of Alpraham by the Borough Council. Cheshire East Planning delayed their decision for this application for so long that Archway had completed their houses and had moved on.

In 2013 a new developer was found (by the Trustees) who were interested in the same deal. Negotiations for the lease of the land on the playing field were commenced but, unfortunately after changes within Alpraham Parish Council, negotiations came to a halt. Alpraham Parish Council demanded terms within the proposed lease which the Trustees (acting on behalf of the residents of Alpraham and Calveley) were not prepared to sign. Whilst these negotiations were on going the Trustees were never made aware that Alpraham Parish Council were already in discussion with Wellcome regarding the New Village Project which was to include the building of a new hall/pavilion. Wellcome inferred this was to be fully funded by the build of the New Village Project. This meant the Reading Room plans became redundant.

The Reading Room Trust operates under a Deed of Trust which is authorised by the Charities Commission. The Trustees have continued to update the Commission and they are fully aware of the intention to sell the current site of the Reading Room.

Ruth Wilson asked how much the sale is expected to raise. Richard Lloyd confirmed the valuations (including the current planning permission which is now expired) ranges from £180,000 to £220,000 but that these were merely estimates.

Once the site is sold the Trustees will have to decide whether the Trust is ‘wound up’ by use on a large project or used as a Charitable Trust to fund small projects from time to time.

Regarding the proposal to sell - Kevin Peacock recommended that the Trustees get the planning permission (which is now for 2 separate houses) reinstated. Richard Lloyd advised currently there were no funds available for this. There was a discussion generally that this application might fail but Robert Konieczny confirmed that an expired planning application in Station Road, Calveley had been reinstated with no difficulty, so this had set a precedent with Cheshire East Planning and he did not foresee a problem.

Robert Konieczny produced a copy of the Alpraham Parish Council Minutes of January 2015. After a discussion in the meeting it was concluded that the contents had contributed to the stalling of the relationships between Alpraham Parish Council and both The Reading Room Trust and Calveley Parish Council.

Robert Konieczny suggested that any decision is for the Trustees alone and neither Calveley nor Alpraham Parish Council should be involved. He also commented on the lack of attendance at the meeting and there was also a discussion between Robert Konieczny, Ruth Wilson and Jeff Crook regarding the previous discussions and communications between the Trustees and Alpraham Parish Council and their joint failure to negotiate the lease for the plot on the playing field.

Robert Konieczny proposed that the capital from the sale of the site be invested sensibly to allow for any drawings to be taken from the interest to leave a legacy for the future for the residents of both parishes.

Mark Starkey suggested the funds be passed to Bunbury Parochial Charitable Trust who already do this. Ruth Wilson was not aware of this local charity so Matthew Waterhouse gave her more information. Currently Calveley Parish Council have a representative on the Bunbury Trust but Alpraham have chosen not to do so.

Peter Young gave more historic information regarding the origins of the Bunbury Trust and that it was used to supply financial benefit to anyone or body who are in need of financial assistance.

Kevin Peacock asked about arrangements for the closure of the current building and site. Richard Lloyd advised we could not just ‘shut it’ as we are required to continue the insurance until all the services are switched off and the site is securely fastened off.

As a final question Richard Lloyd asked if there was any need for the parishes to have 2 village halls. No one said yes.

Roger Dawson read out the part of the Trust Deed which referred what actions the Trustees were able to take. Richard Lloyd confirmed he had already taken legal advice to the effect that the terms of the Deed can be amended ‘as the Trustees think fit’. This supported Robert Konieczny’s comments that any decisions regarding the funds raised from the proposed sale of the site were for the Trustees alone to make. Matthew Waterhouse also confirmed he understood the terms of the deed suggested the monies raised should be in the control of the Trust. Ruth Wilson confirmed she agreed the Trust was a completely separate entity from both Calveley and Alpraham Parish Councils.

Roger Dawson said the Trust was gifted by the 5th Lord Tollemache and is ‘the glue’ between the two parishes.

Jeff Crook asked if the Trust intended to keep parishioners informed at least annually. Richard Lloyd confirmed this would be the intention of the Trust and would be included in the terms of the proposed new Trust Deed.

Richard Lloyd confirmed, to date, no one had come forward to try to buy the plot.

Kevin Peacock asked what parking facilities had been included in the plans for the new hall. This was discussed but it was confirmed that Wellcome had just sold the land and to date there was only outline planning permission so nothing could be confirmed. Kevin Peacock also suggested that, at the moment, no one has any idea whether the proposed new hall will be fully utilised and cost effective. Peter Young supported this comment. The original suggestions made by Wellcome were that the hall was to be fully funded but now the understanding of the meeting is that the proposed hall is to be supplied as ‘a shell’. The discussion continued generally and information regarding the actual plans were requested but these are not available –as previously stated there is currently only outline planning permission and detailed permission for the whole development will need to be applied for.

Ruth Wilson did confirm items that are on the Wish List:-

ie hall with stage, kitchen, toilets with baby changing facilities, changing rooms.

Roger Dawson suggested that this will all be up the purchasers of the Wellcome site.

Trevor Rowell confirmed he has spoken to Cheshire East Planning who confirmed the current outline plans cannot be amended to not include building the hall. Ann Waterhouse stated that it is possible to change S106 agreements if it can be demonstrated that the provision makes the development financially unviable. But data and a robust viability study by Wellcome would be necessary.

Trevor Rowell also mentioned all the effort the Reading Room Trustees had made with their WREN grant application and all the information they were required to collate to confirm the new hall would be fully supported to ensure there is a need and a future for a new hall.

Richard Lloyd said that the Trust had always hoped that the current hall and the new hall/pavilion would have a transitional period.

In conclusion Peter Young confirmed the current site should be sold and the Trustees should explore all avenues for the best use of the monies from the sale.

The attendees at the meeting again referred to the few people who had attended and agreed that it was up to the Trustees to decide what should be done with the Reading Room and the Trust Deed.

Jeff Crook confirmed he would ensure the relocation of the Alpraham Parish War Memorial would be discussed by the Parish Council.

The meeting closed at 20:40.

The Emails.

Jo Gillon , as resident of Alpraham for the last 4 years, was not aware of the Reading Room.

Jasper Carson referred to fond memories of childrens parties held in the Reading Room, its use as the Polling Station, the Millenium Exhibition, and other village events showing how it has been a part of the lives of the occupants of both parishes past and present and is sad that this facility appears to have been sidelined. Jasper wished proceeds from the sale of the site will be used for community projects for the communities through the Trustees.

Jo Kenwright is aware the decision to close has been a difficult decision and not been made lightly and if there is to be any voting then her vote be placed with the preferred plans of the Trustees.

Chris Sharkey suggests the monies from the sale of the Reading Room site is placed in some form of Trust to aid people in need.

Acceptance of Minutes Proposed by Seconded by

Ann Waterhouse John Faulkner


Minutes of Meeting held September 12 2017 at 7.30pm