III godina, Milica Vukovic


- stock market = stock exchange - the business of buying and selling shares in companies and the place where this happens; berza;

- share – stock - any of the units of equal value into which a company is divided and sold to raise money. People who own shares receive part of the company's profits; dionica, akcija;

- issue – to give out or allocate officially; emitovati;

- equity - ownership, especially in terms of net monetary value of some business; akcijski kapital;

- equities – shares of equity; dionice, akcije;

- ordinary share – common share – a regular share in a company, giving the holder the right to vote on company decisions and receive a dividend; redovne dionice, obične dionice;

- shareholder – stockholder - an owner of shares in a company or business; akcionar;

- stake – a share in a business; ulog, udio;

- dividend - an amount of the profits that a company pays to people who own shares in the company; dividenda;

- fixed interest rate – fiksna kamatna stopa;

- bond - a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money; the issuer is required to pay a fixed sum annually until maturity and then a fixed sum to repay the principal; obveznica;

- securities - documents proving that sb is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company; hartije od vrijednosti;

- trade - to buy and sell things; trgovati;

- authorise - to give official permission for sth, or for sb to do sth; ovlastiti;

- gain - financial profit; dobit;

- drive – in an effort to achieve sth; napor, trud, nastojanje;

- slight - very small in degree; mali, neznatan;

- quarter – one fourth of a year; three months; kvartal;

- cause – reason; razlog;

- disastrous - very bad, harmful or unsuccessful; užasan;

- face - if you face a particular situation, or it faces you, you have to deal with it; suočiti se sa nečim;

- log on - to enter identifying data, as a name or password, into a multiuser system, so as to be able to do work with the system; ulogovati se;

- fever - a medical condition in which a person has a temperature that is higher than normal; groznica;

- target - to use, set up, or designate as a target or goal, to make a target of (an object, person, city, etc.) for attack; ciljati, napadati;

- ashamed - feeling shame or embarrassment about sb/sth or because of sth you have done; posramljen, postiđen;

- hooked – addicted; zavisan; navučen;

- boom - a sudden increase in trade and economic activity; a period of wealth and success; porast, brzi rast, bum;

- gain – get; dobiti;

- gain popularity – become popular;

- enter – submit; unijeti, podnijeti;

- infancy - the early development of sth; začetak, rana faza;

- gather pace – move faster and faster; ubrzati; uzimati maha;

- gather – collect; sakupiti;

- pace - the speed at which sb/sth walks, runs or moves; brzina;

- increasingly – more and more; sve više;

- set your sights (on doing something) also have your sights set (on doing something) - to decide what you want to get or achieve something; usmjeriti se ka nečemu, okrenuti se nečemu, usredsrediti se na nesto;

- pose - to create a threat, problem, etc. that has to be dealt with; predstavljati problem;

- trading firm – trgovačko preduzeće, preduzeće za trgovinu, preduzeće za promet;

- accelerate – speed up; ubrzati;

- vast – big, enormous; ogroman;

- under way - having started; započet; u toku;

- apparent – obvious; očigledan;

- set up – establish; osnovati;

- announce - to tell people sth officially, especially about a decision, plans, etc; objaviti, najaviti;

- joint venture - a joint venture (often abbreviated JV) is an entity formed between two or more parties to undertake economic activity together; zajednički poslovni projekat, zajednički (poslovni) poduhvat;

- licensing agreement - contract giving someone the legal right to use a patent or trademark; ugovor o licenciranju;

- catch up - to reach sb who is ahead by going faster; sustići;

- study – examine sth carefully; ispitati, preispitati;

- move – an action toward an objective or goal; step; korak, potez;

- drive down - to make a price or amount fall to a lower level; smanjiti;

- profit margin - the difference between how much money you get when you sell something and how much it costs you to buy or make it; profitna marža, zarada;

- draw – attract; privući;

- lucrative – profitable;

- discount broker - a brokerage firm that executes buy and sell orders at lower commission rates than those charged by a full service broker; diskontni broker;

- novel – new; nov;

- guide - a book, magazine, etc. that gives you information, help or instructions about sth; uputstvo, vodič;

- amount - to be equal to or the same as sth; iznositi;

- going – current, prevailent, usual; uobičajena;

- commission - an amount of money that is paid to sb for selling goods and which increases with the amount of goods that are sold; provizija;

- securities regulator – regulator tržišta hartija od vrijednosti;

- long-range - of or extending into the future; dugoročni;

- goal – objective, aim; cilj;

- boundary - Something that indicates a border or limit; granica;

- lag behind – move more slowly than; zaostajati;

- foster – help sth develop; podsticati;

- spread – expansion; širenje;

- fight off - to repulse; repel; odbiti;

- real-time - of or relating to the actual time during which something occurs; that is, current as opposed to delayed; u stvarnom vremenu, u realnom vremenu, bez odlaganja;

- head - a person to whom others are subordinate, as the director of an institution or the manager of a department; leader or chief; načelnik, šef;

- squeeze – make it difficult for someone to do business; izgurati;

- note – give a remark; primjetiti;

- dip – sink; pasti, smanjiti se;

- insurance - the act, system, or business of providing financial protection for property, life, health, etc., against specified contingencies, such as death, loss, or damage, and involving payment of regular premiums in return for a policy guaranteeing such protection; osiguranje;

- ratio - rlation in degree or number between two similar things; odnos, proporcija;

- yield - financial return or reward (especially returns equal to the initial investment); dobit; prihod;

- close - to have a value at the end of a day's trading; završiti dan trgovanja na određenoj vrijednosti indeksa;

- tumble – fall down suddenly; naglo pasti;

- plunge - to become suddenly lower; decrease dramatically; dramatično se smanjiti, pasti;

- resignation - the act of giving up your job or position; the occasion when you do this; ostavka;

- customer base - the group of customers and/or consumers that a business serves; baza klijenata, baza kupaca;

- soar - if the value, amount or level of sth soars, it rises very quickly; skočiti, naglo porasti;

- cite - to speak or write the exact words from a book, an author, etc.; to quote; citirati;

- bidder - a person or group that offers to pay an amount of money to buy sth; ponuđač;

- copper - a chemical element. Copper is a soft reddish-brown metal used for making electric wires, pipes and coins; bakar;

- surge - (of prices, profits, etc.) to suddenly increase in value;

- gainer – the one who gains sth, gets sth; dobitnik;

- open - to have a value at the beginning of a day's trading; početi dan trgovanja pri određenoj vrijednosti indeksa;

- flagship - the most important product, service, building, etc. that somebody owns or produces; the finest, largest, or most important one of a series, network, or chain; vodeći, najpoznatiji;

- dive - to fall suddenly;

- forecast - to say what you think will happen in the future based on information that you have now; predvidjeti;

- purse-string – a drawstring for closing certain purses; Hence: financial support or resources, or control over them;

- keep purse-strings tight – make funds less readily available; trošiti manje, “zatvoriti” se, pritegnuti kaiš;

- loosen purse-strings – otvoriti se, otvoriti kesu, odriješiti kesu;

- profligate - using money, time, materials, etc. in a careless way; wasteful; (trošiti) nemilice;

- bank on sb/sth - to rely on sb/sth; osloniti se, pouzdati se;

- revenue - the money that a government receives from taxes or that an organization, etc. receives from its business; prihod;


boom, bounce up, bound up, creep up, edge upwards, escalate, go up, grow, harden, improve, increase, jump, leap, mount, move up, pick up, rally, rise, rocket, rocket up, shift up, skyrocket, shoot up, soar, surge, surge upwards, take off...


collapse, come down, crash, cut, decline, decrease, dip, dive, drift, drift down, drop, fall, fall back, fall off, go down, move down, plummet, plunge, reduce, sag, sink, slide, slip, slip back, slump, soften, tumble, weaken...