White Pine High School
Professional Development Plan
PD Day Outcomes for the 2013-2014 School Year First Semester
- Fine tune and implement the professional learning communities model including learning outcomes, common assessments, intervention, and effective instruction as driven by teams and their continuous analyses of student learning with the purpose of increasing students’ performance. This is accomplished during team meetings.
- Research and analyze the Common Core Standards and outline curriculum, instruction, and assessment (including Smarter Balanced) adjustments necessary for implementation with the purpose of increasing students’ performance.
- Revisit the connection between assessment and grading.
- Examine the statewide Nevada Educator Performance Framework.
- Fine tune and implement rigor and relevance strategies through Quadrant D lessons with the purpose of increasing students’ performance. This is accomplished during PD time.
- Fine tune and implement family friendly practices through regular parent calling, website updating, and usage of the web locker with the purpose of increasing students’ performance. This will is accomplished during PD time.
Products Created by Teams
1.By the 16th of September, Teams will review data from previous years, identify strengths and weaknesses based on data, and report to the principal their findings.
2.By the 16th of September, Teams will revisit and revise if necessary their own set of guiding principles in the form of mission, vision, values. Teams will publish these on Fusion and/or Facebook pages. Teams will also post these on the walls of their classrooms and the wall of the Teachers’ Lounge.
4.By the 16th of September, Teams will determine common assessment for the year. Teams will identify the common assessments, how many there will be, which essential outcomes are addressed, the associated SMART goal, what is to be done with students who do not meet the proficiency level, and how to celebrate with students who do meet the proficiency level. Teams will report to the principal their common assessment plan and SMART goal.
5.By the22nd of September, Teams will identify a common team learning area for the year. This could be an area of classroom management of interest to the team, an assessment idea, reviewing recent research, instructional strategies, a book club, etc. that will be the Team’s area of action research through the year. This learning area may be a continuation of work done in previous years or something new but must be driven by the needs of students. Teams will establish a learning plan for themselves in and turn it into the principal.
6.By the end of October, Teams will create, administer, and analyze data from a first common assessment. How will this data impact the way we move forward?
9.By the end of December, Teams will create, administer, and analyze data from a second common assessment. How will this data impact the way we move forward?
Tentative Schedule for Monday PD Time First Half of Year
August 26Extra prep
September 2 Labor day
September 9PD
September 16PD
September 23PD
September 30Family Friendly
October 7PD
October 14Family Friendly
October 21PD
October 28PD
November 4Family Friendly
November 11Veterans’ day
November 18PD
November 25Extra prep
December 2PD
December 9Family Friendly
December 16Family Friendly
/Social Studies
/Fine Arts
/ Student Support TeamWright
/ ManningHeggie
/ HewkoHermansen
/ FuaGriffith
/ ThompsonPlenger
/ CobleJohnson
/ GerouxWhited