Significant Disproportionality

Technical Assistance Document Data Sources

Please bring the following data sources to the Significant Disproportionality Symposium on September 9, 2008.

  • Performance-Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS) Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) or any related plan if you have not been required to complete a PBMAS CIP.
  • 2008 LEA Significant Disproportionality District Profile from TEA
  • Excel spreadsheet with district data and methodology to determine the presence of significant disproportionality.
  • PBMAS data for indicator 15 and 16 for 04-05, 05-06, and 06-07,(07-08 is the newest data available as of 8.29.08 on your district’s Accountability TEA SE account). Go to the information and click continue.
  • SPEARS data for Disproportionality Ethnic Comparison: Use your TEA SE logon to go to the SPEARS web site. Click Reports, Disproportionality, Ethnic Comparison, pick year, percentage, your region and district, all grades, all for Oct Age Group, all for October Age and run report. Do this for 2006, 2007, and 2008.
  • SPEARS data for Child Count Report for Ethnicity By Disability: Use your TEA SE logon to go to the SPEARS web site. Click Reports, Child Count, Ethnicity By Disability, pick year, percentage, your region and district, all grades, all for Oct Age Group, all for October Age and run report. Do this for 2006, 2007, and 2008.
  • SPEARS data for Disciplinary Action Report Disc. Action Comparison by Ethnicity: Use your TEA SE logon to go to the SPEARS web site. Click Reports, Disciplinary Action, Disciplinary Action by Ethnicity, pick year, percentage, Disciplinary Action, Student Count, your region and district, all grades, and run report. Do this for 2005, 2006, and 2007.
  • 2007 AYP Report from TEA web site which is a two-year trend data on percentage of statewide performance data by ethnicity. Click Accountability, Adequate Yearly Progress, 2007 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), District Data Tables, complete data on page, continue, print two year report.
  • Multi-Year District AEIS Report from TEA web site at which is a five-year trend data on percentage data of TAKS performance, dropout, completion, and demographics. Click Accountability, Academic Excellence Indicator System Reports (AEIS), multi-year History for districts, choose 2003-2007 years, HTML format for District AEIS Multi-Year History Report, complete information, continue, and print report.
  • District three year trend of special education referrals by ethnicity.

EducationServiceCenter Region XIII