First Start Childcare & Learning Center

September 2011 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Summer is officially over and autumn has arrived. Football season is in full swing. The weather is getting cooler, and soon the leaves will change color.

Please be sure to check your child’s cubby for a seasonal change of clothes and replace those shorts and t-shirts with pants and long sleeve shirts.

The Howard County Public School calendar includes the following closings:

Thursday, September 29th – closed for Rosh Hashanah

Please be sure to inform the staff if your child is attending the center on school closing days.

Infant A with Ms. Ferdousieh/Ms. Michele… We welcome our new friends, Ella and Mia, who started with us a few weeks ago. Mae is sitting up with little support and Mason is rolling over. They grow so quickly at this age.

Infant B with Ms. Jen/Ms. Olinda/Ms. Coressia… Sean has just started with this group and is beginning to crawl everywhere. Nathan has become more vocal. Wyatt U knows animal sounds and likes to cuddle. Jackson is walking while using a push toy. Soon he won’t have to hold on. Damian enjoys circle time and learning new words using flash cards.

Toddler/Twos with Ms. Lisa/Ms. Tina/Ms. Kelly… We have some new staff in the twos room and they are doing well and getting to know the children. We welcome our new friend Kareem. Wyatt B has completed his transition and is soon welcoming a new baby to his family. The children love music and dancing. They have a few new interests including floor puzzles and waffle blocks.

Mixed Age Group with Ms. Amy/Ms. Chris/Ms. Kelly … The class is back on track for the new school year lessons. Included in their daily routines are letters and phonics, color shades, numbers, and shapes. They are being introduced to site words and ending word sounds. The alphabet books are taking shape and will be completed in the spring, working on a letter each week. We welcome our new friends Preeta and Leyly, and we welcome Kaili back to the program. We have celebrated several birthdays this month and really enjoy the cakes and cupcakes.

Our weekly themes for September include ‘Back To School’, ‘All About Me’, ‘Our Five Senses’, ‘Community Helpers’ and ‘Autumn is Here.’ Remember to check your child’s folder below the sign in computer for your copy of the weekly lesson plan and other important information.

September Birthdays:

1 – Kaili 15 – Ceyla 17 – Avery 21 - Veronica 27 – Sachi


·  Tuition payments are expected on Monday of each week.

·  Children should not bring toys from home to the center, other than planned show-n-tell. We are not responsible for lost or broken items.

·  If your child is sick, please allow a 24 hour period, free of symptoms, before returning.

As always, any comments, concerns, and compliments are welcomed.

Visit our website at

6501 Huntshire Drive, Suite 106

Elkridge, MD 20175

Phone 410-379-8200 Fax 410-379-8262