Biome Culminating Task Grading Rubric
Due Date______
Point Value______
In groups of 5, you will present research about the following biomes using ONE of the following methods:
· Free-standing display board/poster
· 5-7 minute PowerPoint Presentation (provide slideshow handout to teacher)
· Storybook
Each section should include picture to accompany each response. Each team member should choose a website from the research list and find their biome, they should record facts and information about the biome. THIS FACTSHEET WILL BE SUBMITTED TO SHOW THAT YOU DID YOUR SHARE OF THE GROUP WORK. PLEASE DO NOT PRINT OUT THE WHILE WEB PAGES, A LIST OF FACTS ON NOTEBOOK PAPER IS FINE.
1. What is permafrost? Describe its effect on plant growth.
2 Describe at least two adaptations plants and animals have to allow them to survive in this biome.
3. How have humans impacted this biome (positive or negative)? Describe the impact and how humans are working to restore the natural habitat.
1. Describe seasonal immigration and emigration.
2. Describe at least two adaptations plants and animals have to allow them to survive in this biome.
3. How have humans impacted this biome (positive or negative)? Describe the impact and how humans are working to restore the natural habitat.
Temperate Deciduous Forest
1. Describe annual changes in the Deciduous Forest.
2. Describe at least two adaptations plants and animals have to allow them to survive in this biome.
3. How have humans impacted this biome (positive or negative)? Describe the impact and how humans are working to restore the natural habitat.
Tropical Rainforest
1. Describe the four layers of the rainforest
2. Describe at least two adaptations plants and animals have to allow them to survive in this biome.
3. How have humans impacted this biome (positive or negative)? Describe the impact and how humans are working to restore the natural habitat.
1. Why are there very few big animals in the desert?
2. Describe at least two adaptations plants and animals have to allow them to survive in this biome.
3. How have humans impacted this biome (positive or negative)? Describe the impact and how humans are working to restore the natural habitat.
Exceeds Expectations10 pts / Meets Expectations
7 pts / Approaches Expectations
5 pts / Far Below Expectations
1 pt / Multiplier
Attractiveness & Organization / The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting & well-organized information. It has a front, inside, and back. All of the required information is included in each section. / The brochure has attractive formatting & well-organized information. Most of the required information is included but may not be in the correct area or may be incomplete. / The brochure has well-organized information. Some of the required information is included but may not be in the correct area or may be incomplete. / The brochure’s formatting & organization are confusing to the reader. Much information is missing or is not in the correct area. / ½ x
Graphics /Pictures / Graphics compliment the text, and do not distract from the text. There are four (4) or more appropriate pictures that illustrate the biomes well. / Graphics go well with the text, and there are not so many that they distract from the text. / Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few/too many and the display seems to have too much text. / Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen, or are missing. / 1 x
Information / You included all of your information, which was researched previously. (all 5 sections completed) / You have included some of the information that was researched previously. (4 of the 5 sections completed) / You have included some of the information that was researched previously. (2-3 of the 5 sections completed) / You have included very little of the previous information researched. (less than 2 sections completed) / 3x
Fact Sheet / The facts sheets are present for all group members and contain adequate information. / The facts sheets are present for 4 group members and contain adequate information. / The facts sheets are present for 2-3 group members and contain adequate information. / The facts sheets are present for 1 group member and contain adequate information. / 1x
Presentation Participation / All experts present their portion in a clear and professional manner / 4 experts present their portion in a clear and professional manner / 2-3 experts present their portion in a clear and professional manner / 1 expert present their portion in a clear and professional manner / 1 x
Grammar / Display contains no grammatical/spelling errors / Display contains very few grammatical/spelling errors / Display contains several grammatical/spelling errors / Display contains numerous grammatical/spelling errors / ½ x
Resources / Three or more resources sited and formatted correctly / Two resources sited and formatted correctly / One resource sited and formatted correctly. / One resource sited but incorrect formatting / ½ x