Dr. Marguerite Hoerger, PhD, BCBA-D
Behaviour Analyst
February 2004PhD in Applied Behaviour Analysis, University of Wales, Bangor. Supervisors: Professor F. Charles Mace and Professor Richard Hastings.
June 1996BA, magna cum laude, Cornell University
Academic Posts
2010-currentLecturer in Psychology (Teaching and Scholarship)
2002-2010 Teaching Associate, Bangor University.
2000 -2002 Research Associate, University of Wales, Bangor
Current Clinical Posts
2008-presentApplied Behaviour Analysis Consultant to Gwynedd,
Conwy, and Anglesey Local Education Authorities.
2007- 2008Clinical Director Procare Wales. Lead Behaviour Analyst for an organisation that provided educational and residential services to adolescents and adults with severe challenging behaviour.
1998- 2000 Applied Behaviour Analyst, Shore Educational Collaborative,Chelsea, MA, USA.
1997 –1998 Applied Behaviour Analyst, BEACON Services, MA, USA.
Professional Qualifications
June 2004-presentBCBA-D, Board Certified Behavior Analyst - Doctoral. Certificant: 1-04-1505
2004 - presentPLP4003 - Behaviour Change Procedures
2009- present PLP2015 – Learning and Language
2005- 2009PLP-4005 - Advanced Behavioural Research Methods
2002- 2005PHP4005 - Research Methods in Clinical Psychology
Published Papers:
Hoerger, M.L. and Mace, F.C. (2006). Self-control in Children with ADHD Correlates with Activity Levels and Concentration in the Classroom. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 39, 147-159.
Mace, F.C., Zangrillo, A.N., Prager, K., Carolan, E., Hoerger, M.L., Thomas, K., and Pritchard, D., (2008). A methodology for maintaining low levels of attention-maintained problem behaviours following variable-time schedule thinning. European Journal of Behaviour Analysis, 9, 149-156.
Walker-Jones, E. and Hoerger, M.L. (2009). Brief report: establishing ABA programs in a Welsh context: cross cultural considerations. European Journal of Behaviour Analysis, 10, 249-255.
Pritchard, D., Hoerger, M.L., Iken, A., Kochy, J., Penney, P., Thomas, K. (2011). An Evaluation of Three Methods of Denying Access to Computers to a Person with Learning Disabilities. European Journal of Behaviour Analysis.
Jones, E.W., Hoerger, M.L., Hughes, J.C., Williams, B.M., Jones, B., Mosley, Y. Hughes, D.R., Prys, D. (2011). ABA and Diverse Cultural and Linguistic Environments: A Welsh Perspective. Journal of Behavioural Education.
Pritchard, D., Hoerger, M.L., Dyer, T., Graham, N., Penney, H., & Mace, F.C. (2013) Sodium valproate withdrawal correlates with reduced aggression. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 1, 1-6.
Pritchard, D., Hoerger, M.L., Mace, F.C. (under review) Models of treatment relapse derived from basic research. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis.
Selected Conference Presentations
Hoerger. M.L. (2012) Using Applied Behaviour Analysis as part of a standard education provision Paper presented at the European Association for Behaviour Analysis, Lisbon, Portugal.
Hoerger. M.L. (2012) Using the York Measure of Intensive Behaviour Intervention to Improve the Quality of an Early Intensive Behaviour Therapy Program. Invited Speaker at the VIII International Scientific Symposium of the Polish Society for Behavioral Psychology.
Hoerger, M.L. and Jaffrey, S. (2011) Using the YMQI to identify qualities of effective therapists. Paper presented at the Association for Behaviour Analysis International Conference in Denver, CO.
Jones, E.W., Hoerger, M.L (2010) Delivering An ABA Curriculum Within Mainstream And Special Schools In A Welsh Context. Paper presented at the Association for Behaviour Analysis International Conference San Antonio, TX.
Hoerger, M.L. and Daley, D. (2005) Self Control Training for children with ADHD. Nuffield Foundation, £9,473.
I hold dual citizenship in the United States of America and the United Kingdom.
Professional Membership
BCBA-D, Board Certified Behavior Analyst - Doctoral. Certificant: 1-04-1505EABG
Member of Association for Behaviour Analysis International (ABAI)
Member of the European Association for Behaviour Analysis (EABA)
Member of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Group (EABG)
Member of the UK Society for Behaviour Analysts