FLRC Board of Trustees Meeting

Meeting Called to Order:10-Mar-2007, 09:32

In Attendance:

  • Steve Butsko, Vic Dykstra, Kinton Fowler, Jean Martwick, Art Mitchell, Gary Rinehart, Eileen Rule, Allen Tuck

Approval of 10 Feb. ’07 Minutes:

  • Kinton moved to approve the minutes of the February, 2007 meeting. Art seconded the motion. Arlene Stauning raised a concern over accuracy of Scott Shulda’s comments. (Arlene’s comments noted below). Motion carried.

Additions to Agenda:

  • Comments on Scott Shulda’s presentation of Water Operators Salary:

Scott stated his salary for water supervision as a certified independent contractor is $60,000 per year. It was Arlene’s opinionwith his experience and credentials hissalaryis appropriate. Arlene also provided salary data from NeskowinSewer District: Level One Certified Operator $27,300. Certified Level Two Operator pays $35,650 per year and their Facilities Manager’s salary is $41,000 per year.

  • Membership List Policy:

The FLRC membership list is kept private and remains confidential. The office does not give it out. Email lists and membership lists are not to be used for unofficial business.

LakeManager’s Report:

Tree trimming postponed due to weather. Trimming will happen in the next three weeks. Notify Tim if you have a tree that needs to be trimmed.

  • Mist – Birkenfeld Fire Department will be doing red rock, green rock drill. Red rock designates fire danger issues related to clearance around house. Fire Department would not be able to protect a “red rock” house due to hazards.

Property line is from ground to sky. You may trim anything overhanging your property.

Propane tanks should be twenty feet from the house.

  • ISO ratings have not come in yet. Fire Chief is expecting a 5 or 6 rating.

Executive Secretary’s Report:No Report

New Business:

  • 501 (c) 3: Art-about 80% done: Art still needs to address questions about how to protect water shed without affecting our property. He has found about “500 pots of money” for this type of organization. FLRC can apply for the grants as soon as the application is submitted.

Transitory nature of the fish run is what needs to be protected. 501(c)3 proposalshould be ready to turn over to the attorney for approval by the end of April. Art has also found state money that is available for projects. The 501(c) 3money will need to be aimed specifically at the water quality. Streams that feed the lake water are defined as “water shed”. FLRC will need a separate board and separate set of books to manage the 501(c) 3. Approval takes about 60 days after submission of application. FLRC will need a grant writer. The board should think about hiring and training a grant writer. Glen Post may have experience with grant writing.

Board Reports:


  • FLRC is under budget primarily due to Interest incomeand transfer fees exceeding budget and we have not spent money for spoils or weed removal.Over in Building and Grounds by $3,900. $1,600 of that for backhoe repair.
  • Backhoe repair: Members may hire the backhoe for an hourly rate. Income last year from backhoe rental was $1,669. Kinton made a motion to pay the $1,600 backhoe repair from buildings reserve account. Vic seconded. Motion carried.
  • Budget committee is needed to work with Kinton and Tim to put together the proposed budget for next year. The board will review, and thenit will go to the general membership for final approval in August. Anyone interested please contact .
  • Wells Fargohasproposed combining our two accounts to earn higher rate of interest. Current interest rate is 1.9% the proposed would yield 3.2%Money sweeps to account in Cayman Islands. FLRC would lose FDIC insurance due to account value exceeding $100,000.

Art mentioned Morgan Stanley has a sweep account at 5.3%. Interest accumulates daily until it is moved out to our checking account. The Morgan Stanley representative will make a presentation. Kinton will look at creating a written fiscal policy.

Question: is there anything in the bylaws that requires keeping money in FDIC insured accounts? Answer:(Kinton) I don’t believe so.

Question: Was Scott Shulda (Operator of Record and Chief WTP and WWTP Operator for Clatskanie) paid $25 per hour for his presentation at February board meeting?

Answer:His trip was considered part of his normal supervision activity. No extra charge for his presentation.

Jean clarified that we are actually over budget in building and grounds; If we take into consideration money has not been spent on spoils removal.

Tim clarified that our dredging permit will not allow us to start dredging again until June 1st. Maintenance on dredge will be done and maintenance on infrastructure at the dewatering ponds will be done between now and June.

The Northshore pond rehabilitation plan is written and will be submitted today. That should satisfy the requirements of our special use permit.

Communications:-No report


  • Maintenance workcomplete on the Dredge. It will be down until June 1st.
  • Rehabilitation plan for Northshore pond has been written.
  • Art would like long range planning committee to look at options for spoils pond issues. The land we lease may not be renewed in two years.
  • Every two months the drag line needs to clear the spoils pond. LRP will look to at options. Landowner one mile away has agreed to allow us to bring spoils to him.

Legal and Special:Dues from prior years remain uncollectedon two properties.

Personnel: Was not able to meet per February 10th motion.

Committee Reports:

Executive Advisory Committee:

  • EAC meeting held last night. Purpose of meeting was to give Troy Horton the opportunity to talk about his issues. He declined to attend.Troy did not feel the guidelines would meet his mission.
  • Kinton said he was the one who pushed Art to make the motion in November to have the group meet with the EAC to discuss issues. The EACchairman thought the issues should be handled bythe personnel committee. Kinton had hoped that the group would meet with the EAC. Kinton’s motion in February for mediation was made as an alternative to meeting with the group.
  • Kinton made a motion to remove mediation from the table and reinstate the personnel committee. All were in favor.
  • Troy clarified that the document put out to the membership was authored by Troy, Heather and Helen.
  • FLRC board members have consulted with attorneys and researched mediation.Heather Reynolds has provided FLRC withher written opinion this is not a legal issue and is not appropriate for mediation. Troy stated in the November meeting that he would get the necessary signatures to call a special meeting and has not done that yet.


  • Interim Chair Thank Delores Sasse for walking properties.Five applications were approved.
  • Committee has started the process of looking at FLRC CC&R’s for better guidelines. It is a long and difficult process. Guidelines are for the future look of the lake, so there are no future misunderstandings about guidelines.
  • Ginele will be training for EMT on Saturdays for the next twelve weeks. Arlene volunteered to temporarily step into her Architectural Chair position while Ginele is working on EMT training.


  • We are in desperate need of at least one more security volunteers for one day a week.Security looks for water breaks, checks properties, and looks for things out of place. All members are responsible for security issues. Call security or call 911 if you see anything that does not look right.Get the license plate number if you can.
  • A reminder, the lake is private property and the boat ramps are for members and guests only.


  • Game night is first Saturday of every month 7:00 to 10:00.
  • March 24th 5:00 pm Kids movie and make your own pizza night. Kids need an adult with them. The cost is $3.00 per person. Please contact social Diana, Julie, Jean, Mary, or Kathy to let them know if you will be attending. Mary will be bringing supplies on Friday. Let Kathy know if you will be attending.
  • Gary: Applications were turned in for 4th of July permit. Fireworks Party will be on the island and the fireworks will be set off from the island on Saturday June 30. Fun Day, July 4th all combined on that day. This year’s theme is RED white & blue


  • Jack-No lake owned property transactions in the last month. Larry Bolin may submit an offer on five lots owned by FLRC.

Long Range Planning:

  • Heather and Helen resigned from long range planning committee. Written Transcript is available upon request. Gary suggested we appoint a board member to oversee the long range planning.
  • Eileen Rule moved to have Allen vacate “Communications” position and step into the role of Long Range planning director. All were in favor. Anyone who would like to make application please contact Allen Tuck at .


Art recommended expanding audit into past years. He will also recommend managerial changes to reduce expenses.


  • Gary introduced the following motion regarding mediation. “If future conflicts, of any kind, are to be resolved by Mediation or Arbitration, after first exhausting FLRC, Inc. by-law remedies, the cost of such action shall be borne by the complainant according to the allocations determined by the legal forum” Vic seconded the motion. Kinton abstained motion carried.
  • Meeting adjourned 11:10 am.

Eileen Rule

Secretary, FLRC Board of Trustees