Student Teacher: Samantha LathropGrade Level: 5th grade

State Standard: LA 5.1.6.b/ LA 5.1.6.cSubject: Reading

Name of Lesson: Thematic Tales and Setting SailsPeriod / Time: 8:20-9:50

I. Goal:
To teach the students about how to use setting and theme in recalling important ideas from a story that can impact where future thought processes go when setting and theme are triggered in reading and writing. / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
To teach the necessary skills for identifying the theme and setting in any given story with the appropriate level of coaching and grouping.
II. Objectives:
Students will be able to illustrate the setting of the story, Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scot O`Dell when presented with a folded sheet of paper and a sheet of paper describing an unidentified setting.
Students will be able to organize the themes of the story, Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scot O`Dell when presented with the story map form.
Students will be able to respond based upon what they have discussed with the class about the story when presented with the prompt to finish the story a different way than the author did. / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
Students will be able to compare and contrast the separate unidentfied settings and then choose one to illustrate when presented with the folded sheet of paper.
Students will be able to illustrate the setting of the story, Island of the Blue Dolphins when presented wit the folded sheet of paper and they will add more unidentified settings.
Students can choose to change the beginning or ending of story.
Students can work with partner to complete the story map form.
III: Faith / Values Integration: / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
IV. Integrated Technology: / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
V. Materials:
Reading workbook story: The Island of the Blue Dolphin by Scott O`Dell
Unidentified setting strips of paper (lamenated)
13 medium sheets of white paper
13 story map sheets (various colors, representing different groups)
sheets of writing paper / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
VI: Procedure:
Ask the students to close their eyes and listen to the story I am about to tell them. Proceed to tell story that sets the scence of a particular setting where conversation and action is taking place.
Describe this in the story out loud to the students. Then as the students to open their eyes and tell a partner where I was when I was describing this SETTING.
Tell the students that today I will be teaching on the subjects of setting and theme in a story. Ask students to jot down on a piece of paper the vocab words from the story, The Island of the Blue Dolphins. Then collect these pieces of paper.
Ask the students to return to their desk and on my command state the two terms we will focus on today (setting and theme).
Once the response is heard hand out the white pieces of folded paper and ask for attention forward as I explain the setting on my piece of paper and how the illustration points out specific details.
Give time for the students to complete this by drawing one of the unidentified setting stips and illustrating such a setting while observing and coaching along the way.
Retain focus back up front and call on a few students to display their illustrations.
Ask the question, what else contributes to a story and are these ideas all equally important or are some more important than others. Elicit responses
Split the students up into groups and allow for story mapping or reader response writing.
Provide necessary learning tools and methods for all students to complete the performance tasks at hand.
  1. Set / Hook
  2. Transition
  3. Main Lesson
  4. Transition
  5. Conclusion
/ Required Adaptations/Modifications:
If necessary stand by certain students who need the knowledge of teacher proximity.
Peer buddies
VII. Assessment:
One sample of a story map completed.
An illustration between two or three people showing a setting from one of the unidentified setting strips.
The beginnings of a reader response log to be completed by the end of the week.
Assessing also on the response that are given in whole group, partner, volunteer, and purposeful/intentional selection. / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
One of the three performance tasks completed this day, the remaining are to be completed in smaller chunks by Friday.
VIII. Assignment:
WKB pg. 27 from Student Reading Workbook
3 performance tasks completed by Friday of this week (progress is assessed as well) / Required Adaptations/Modifications:
Guided coaching with peer buddy
IX. Self-Evaluation: / X. Coop’s Comments: