Student name: ______
Section: ______
Teacher: ______


Preparing a schedule is very important in order to stay organized and avoid a last minute rush. The following outline will help you stay on task and meet due dates.

Steps: / Project needs / Due date
1 / Choose a topic
Write a question
2 / Research background information
3 / Write the research paper
4 / Plan the experiment/investigation
5 / Conduct the experiment/investigation/collect data and results
6 / Analyze results and establish conclusions
7 / Prepare the display board/poster
8 / Present the project

Other important dates:

School Science Fair______

Regional Science and Technology Expo ______

Canada Wide Science Fair ______

Student signature: ______

Parent/guardian signature: ______


Step 1: Getting Started

A:Choose a topic (but how?)


  • Find a topic that you have an interest in and would like to know more about
  • Be familiar with your topic
  • The topic should be specific
  • Make sure adequate information exists for your topic
  • Choose a topic that lends itself to experimentation/investigation (this is especially useful if you want to build on these results for future science fair projects)

It is important to note that:

  • A good project is original, useful and understandable.
  • An original project deals with a subject that has not been proven or seen before.
  • A useful project solves a problem and adds to the knowledge of science
  • An understandable project can be repeated in the future with similar results.

My Topic:

  1. The broad science area I’m interested in is ______
  2. The specific topic I wish to research is ______

B.Write a question (what is my project’s purpose)

After choosing a topic, the next step is to write a question. The question should point to what you want to find out about your topic.

To do this:

  • List the relationship that is found within the topic area
  • Ask a question about the relationship
  • The question should point out a cause and effect
  • Keep the question as narrow and specific as possible

My Question/Purpose:



Step 2: Research Background Information (what I should know)

This step requires use of library, internet, experts etc. You are trying to find out information about your topic that will provide you with a better understanding of your topic. You really need to have a good understanding- Remember people will ask you questions! It will also provide others with a source of information when they are looking at your project.

This is not an outline of your experiment but an essay that explores your topic and provides possible relationships. It may be used to show how your experiment will discover/improve a problem that may exist, or provide insight.

An outline of your research will greatly assist with the essay writing (Step 3). Make sure that you keep the bibliography information for all research to include with the paper.

Step 3: Write the Research Paper

Use your research notes to organize and write an essay about your topic.

Technical Details:

  • approximately 2 (or more) typed pages
  • typed in a font size of 12 or 14 point
  • body of essay will have:
  • introductory statement/paragraph
  • new paragraph for each new idea/point
  • summary/conclusion
  • a cover page
  • a bibliography

*Get someone to proofread your research paper and then make the necessary changes before printing it for your Science Fair.

Step 4: Plan the experiment/Investigation (what I will do)

To conduct a scientific investigation care must be taken to follow experimental procedures.

Steps to follow:

1. Write your hypothesis. This is an educated guess of what you think will happen before you actually do the experiment.

2. Design the experiment to test your hypothesis. Remember you are testing a relationship. You therefore must ensure that you are changing one variable to find the effect on another. Your design should try to ensure that other relationships are kept constant.

3. Determine the materials you will require to carry out your investigation.

4. Create a Project Journal/Log to record your daily work as you carry out the experiment. This is your daily record and must be completed as you do your investigation. (Very important!)

5. Create tables for data collection and keep with journal

My Hypothesis: ______



Materials List:


Experimental Procedure: (steps to follow to get data- be specific and include measurements)






Step 5: Conduct the experiment/investigation (Just Do It, Git er dun)

  • set up materials for the investigation
  • follow your experimental procedures
  • conduct more than one trial ( 3-5 times to support your evidence)
  • make observations
collect data and results
  • maintain Project Journal
  • dates/times of tasks
  • record task type
odetailed record of all observations made
  • data can be recorded in the form of notes, charts, graphs, checklists, etc. to include with journal

Step 6: Analyze results and establish conclusions(what did my experiment show me)

  • Look at all data/observations and determine what they show you
  • Use this information to determine if the hypothesis was proven correct/incorrect…and the reason(s) why
  • Look for and discuss possible sources of error in your experiment
  • State a conclusion based on the analysis of your results
  • Summarize what was learned/discovered from doing the experiment

The investigation is now over. The work must now be organized for presentation. The presentation of your findings and methods will determine others’ impressions of your investigation.

Step 7: Prepare the Display Board

Include the following information:

  • A title…this should be interesting, informative, and catch the attention of others
  • Problem … or question
  • Hypothesis
  • Materials list
  • Variables stated
  • Procedure
  • Observations
  • Results (tables etc)
  • Analysis (graphs, calculations etc)
  • Conclusions
  • Other: pictures, models, etc.

Step 8: Presentation (It’s Show Time!)

Preparing for the presentation:

  • Completed display board, Project Journal, Background Research Paper
  • Prepare note cards to refer to…include main points, facts and figures
  • Review your project (be knowledgeable)
  • Practice!!!
  • Dress to make an impression