University of Indianapolis –College of Arts & Sciences

Curriculum Guide for Mathematics/Computer Engineering majors

Bachelor of Arts or Scienceupdated 10/14

The Mathematics/Computer Engineering program is a five-year program resulting in a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Indianapolis and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from IUPUI.

Freshman and Sophomore Year

MATH185Orientation to the Math Sciences (1)

MATH190Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (4)

MATH191Calculus and Analytic Geometry II (4)

MATH 270Calculus and Analytic Geometry III (4)

MATH280Linear Algebra (4)

MATH300Foundations of Abstract Mathematics (4)

Junior and Senior Year

MATH430Abstract Algebra I (3)

MATH450Probability and Statistics I (3)

MATH480Real Analysis I (3)

MATH330Differential Equations (3)

Also, students must take at least two of the following three courses during their Junior or Senior year: (If all three are taken then the third course will serve as a Mathematics elective.)

MATH431Abstract Algebra II (3) or

MATH451Probability and Statistics II (3) (counts for ECE 302) or

MATH481Real Analysis II (3)

Required Computer Science and Physical Science Courses:

CSCI155C/C++ Programming (4)

CSCI 156Object-Oriented Programming (4)

CHEM 150General Chemistry I (3)

ENGR 196Introduction to Engineering (3)

PHYS153General Physics I, Calculus Based (4)

PHYS163General Physics II, Calculus Based (4)

While at U of I, the student must also complete Uindy’s general education core as stipulated in the Uindy Academic Catalog, with the following additional restrictions due to requirements established by IUPUI.

●ENGL 101 & 102, plus COMM 100, will count for ENG W131 plus COMM R 110 at IUPUI.

●Modern Language 101 & 102 (8 hrs. total), plus a 2-hour or a 3-hour lecture/theory course in Fine Arts will count for one introductory level plus two upper level humanities courses at IUPUI.

●At least two* of the cross-cultural, social inquiry, or religion courses selected to fulfill the Uindy core must be 300-level courses, and must NOT be broad survey courses. (* Provided the student takes 8 hours of foreign language, only one of the cross-cultural courses needs to be a 300-level or higher course.)

●The philosophy course needs to be PHIL 201 Ethics, which will count for ECE 401 at IUPUI.

●The student must take TCM 360 at IUPUI.

The student may select the remaining courses inUindy’s general education core according to the regulations in the University of Indianapolis catalog. Courses in which the student has earned grades lower than C will not transfer between universities.

…………………………………….see reverse side…………………………………………………………..

To satisfy the requirements of the IUPUI Computer Engineering program, the student must take the following: (IUPUI COURSES)


ENGR 29700

ECE 20100,20200,20700,21000,27000,28200,30100,30200,36200,36500,40800,48700,48800

TCM 36000

*The student is also required to choose 5 additional courses as computer electives (and may petition IUPUI to have Uindy CSCI electives transferred if desired).

NOTE:Due to the complex nature of this program, the student should consult regularly (at least once a semester) with his/her faculty advisor.

NOTE: Students can also obtain credit towards a math elective through MATH 325, Special Topics, with consent of the department.

NOTES: MATH 320, Problem Solving (.5 to 1 credit hour per semester), is strongly recommended for all students. (This course may be repeated as many as four times.)

NOTE: The Mathematics-Computer Engineering major requires a total of 159 credits.

NOTE: A grade of C- (1.7 on a 4.0 scale) or higher is required in all courses applying toward the Mathematics Major.

NOTE: A average grade of C or higher is required in all required Computer Engineering courses for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering from Purdue University.

This program may require attendance in both day and extended programs classes.

See the College of Arts & Sciences General Education Core Guide/Bachelor of Arts or Science for additional course requirements.