California Community Colleges

Extended Opportunity Programs & Services

Executive Board Meeting

February 2, 2007

Holiday Inn Capitol - Sacramento

Executive Board


·  Paula Munoz – President

·  Ruth Dills – Past President

·  Leonard Crawford – Vice-President

·  Jan Evans – Treasurer / Pasadena College

·  Georgina Guy – Secretary / Cerritos College

·  Michelle Saelee – Region 1 / Shasta

·  Leticia Gomez – Region 2 / Sierra College

·  Alvin Jenkins – Region 3 / Contra Costa College

·  Irene Serna – Region 4 / West Valley College

·  Charlie Bennett – Region 5 / Merced College

·  Will Bruce – Region 6 / Allan Hancock College

·  Igor Daza – Region 7 / Los Angeles Southwest College

·  Martha McDonald – Region 8 / Citrus College

·  Michael Carrillo – Region 9 / Riverside City College

·  Joan Thompson – Region 10 / SDCCD – Miramar

·  Maria Escobar – CASFAA Representative - Skyline College

·  Maryanne Michaels – Categorical Oversight & By-Laws

·  Jonathan Lightman – FACCC

·  Frank Curiel – 2006 Conference Coordinator

·  Mara Scott - Newsletter

Guests / Committees

·  Norberto Quinoz - Region 3


Meeting was called to order by Paula Munoz, President.


Georgina Guy handed out the minutes from the October 23, 2006 Executive Board Meeting at the Hyatt Regency, Sacramento for corrections and approval. Motion: M.McDonald moved approval of the minutes with corrections. Seconded and approved.

III. President’s Report

o  Paula was invited to CCCSFAA to present on a panel. Paula’s understanding was that she needed to present on EOPS. The CalWORKs person presented the similarities and differences between both EOPS and CalWORKs. The presenter believed it was “a good thing” to have one person oversee both programs. Paula pointed out the flaws of having a part-time director and all the benefits of having a full-time director.

o  Paula attended the January Board of Governors meeting. At this meeting Linda Micholowski presented a “Report on Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education”. Paula responded to this report by reminding the BOG that the reason we do not have a higher percentage of transfer students is because we don’t have full-time directors. Paula advocated for full-time directors.

o  Leonard questioned the report presented by Linda Micholowski. He also mentioned that the percentage of students in this report is different from what we report from our campuses.

o  Maryanne Michaels commented on the history of how EOPS and CalWORKs came about and the challenges of making partnerships.

o  Maryanne Michaels clarified what constitutes the EOPS statutory Advisory Title V Committee and Educational Code language. There was a question as to whether there was money to start up this committee again. Irene Serna asked if there was interest in reviving the Statutory Advisory Committee; Leonard supported the idea. Maryanne clarified that the committee would bring three voices to the table. Maryanne is not opposed to the idea, but wanted the executive board to understand the dynamics and the changes that the board might face if we have the statutory advisory committee. She mentioned that there is a possibility that this committee can come between the Chancellors’s Office and the Association. There was no decision or motion on this item.

IV. Vice President’s Report

o  Leonard gave information on save the date for the EOPSA 2007 conference. The dates are October 8th, 9th and 10th. The association board will meet on Sunday, October 7, 2007. He reported on meeting dates and budget. Motion: Motion for approval of conference budget, second by C. Bennett.

V. Treasurer’s Report

o  Budget: Jan Evans reported total revenue – budget $197,550.00; actual $209, 892.00 and variance of $12, 342.00. Jan projected an income of $93,764.09 including refunds.

o  Adrian Tanakeyowma suggested that any over expenditures need to come back to the board for increase approvals for conference expenses.

o  Jan reported a CD investment of $100,000.

o  Jan Evans announced that all registration refunds need to meet the deadline, no exceptions. The requests need to be in writing.

VI.  FACCC Update

o  Budget: Jonathan Lightman congratulated the 2006 Conference Committee for a wonderful job. Jonathan reported on the 2007-2008 California Community College Budget. COLA (System request 5%; and Governor’s Budget 4.04%) which includes categorical programs. Growth (System request 3%; and Governor’s Budget was 2%), and includes categorical Career Development and College Preparation. The Governor’s Budget has us at 11.6%. The 4% COLA is just a place holder. Jonathan mentioned that the growth % is more important, because of the statutory growth. Community College System wants at least 2%. Jonathan does not think that we are going to get to balance; however we might do as well in May as we are doing in January. The best we can do is 77 million dollars.

Fee increase for the UC and CSU System: There is going to be a 7% fee increase for the UC and a 10% fee increase for CSU.

o  Contact the Legislators: Jonathan asked that we address the legislators. We need to oppose the cuts to social services and the reduction to CalWORKs students. Jonathan is asking us to make contact with our Senate. He mentioned using a strategic approach in order to build connection and credibility. He suggested having this meeting in the month of February. If we can’t meet with the senate, meet with their aids.

o  The Initiative for 2008 – Our Community College Initiative: the initiative received 900,000 signatures. Jonathan mentioned that this initiative will get us to stop thinking about the split. The initiative guarantees access and affordability to our under represented population. Jonathan provided us with a projected district impact of the community college ballot measure.

o  Lobby Day: Monday, March 5th is lobbying day. Jonathan encouraged all colleges to meet with our legislators. He mentioned Anthony Portino, call.– Janet at FACCC to make appointments with legislators to meet with students.

o  Non-profit status for the association. Ruth Dills discussed non-profit status and Jonathan clarified that we can consult with our attorney and that we can advocate.

VII.  Old Business

o  EOPS Full-time Director: Rules of the Game – A report of Community Colleges and how we are not doing a good job. We need to gather our success stories to present against this report. Chancellor Drummon replied to the report and stated that the numbers were not correct. Some other ideas for supporting the idea of a full-time director were to have legislators know about the issues related to not having a full-time director. Another idea was to change the fiscal approach. Example: if we have a waiver then the district has to pay for the person in charge of the program. This would mean that the district would have to pay for the coordinator/assistant of the program.

o  Site Reviews: Maryanne mentioned that there will be only 4-6 campuses to get site reviews. Only 3 campuses have requested a site review. Your president has to be the one to request the site review. The site reviews are done the year before accreditation year. Everyone working in EOPS can read the self-study reports.

VIII.  New Business

o  Chancellor’s Office: Barbara Kwoka provided us with a report of EOPS/CARE that was to be presented to the Board of Governors for information only.

o  Spring Training: Barbara mentioned that the spring training was going to include other categoricals programs such as CalWORKs, EOPS/CARE, Financial Aid and DSPS.

o  Reallocated funds: there would only be funds if colleges return money. As of this date there were no funds available for reallocation.

o  Self-Evaluation Reports: The reports are due February 15, 2007. There are 25 campuses on the list and Chancellor” Officer’s only conducting 3-4 site reviews. Barbara asked for volunteers readers for the Student Services Program Reviews and Technical Assistance Site Visit Model.

o  Cheryl Fong: reported that there were $17,000 available funds. The request for reallocated funds is high. She did not know how much money would go to the colleges. Cheryl distributed an order form for the Western Center on Law and Poverty publication. Cheryl is looking for a CARE panel of speakers to discuss outreach strategies, and CARE folks to talk about their best practices. Cheryl would like to post all the end of the year reports on the website. She also announced that in 2007 we have the 30th year anniversary of CARE.

IX.  Committee Reports

o  2006 Conference: Franky Curiel reported that there were 494 participants at the conference. This year’s conference raised $100,000. EOPS calendars received great reviews. The conference expended more than approved budget. There was feedback that the food needed to be improved and dance needed to be better organized.

o  2007 Conference: Region 10 is in charge of the conference. The pre-conference is scheduled for Sunday and the actual conference is on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Joan presented the theme “Empowering, Opportunity, Passion and Success”. Ruth suggested that the committee send out early requests for workshops submissions.

o  2008 Conference: The Conference is going to be at the Westin in San Francisco – near the International Airport. Alvin Jenkins accepted to be the chair for conference.

o  CCSFAA Liaison: Maria Escobar reported information that the hot topic was the decrease of fees and its impact. There was discussion about a coordinated outreach program for both Financial Aid and Outreach. Another hot topic was the cost of text books. This concern came from the federal level. Maria mentioned a Spring Fling on April 3 in Las Positas College, April 4 at College of the Canyon and April 11 at Mt. San Jacinto.

o  CCSSO: Ruth will be meeting with this group in April and they wanted to know our 3 priorities. 1) Full-time directors.: Moved by A. Jenkins for approval of this priority. second by C. Bennett. 2) Enforcement of mandates. Moved by J. Thompson, second by G. Guy. 3) Site Reviews need to continue. Moved and seconded to continue improving the delivery and process of Site Reviews. The actions by the board were approved unanimously.

o  Categorical Oversight: Maryanne Michaels presented information on projected site visit schedules and the information about site visits have not changed.

o  Awards and Scholarships: Michelle Saelee announced that she would present 15 scholarships at the 2007 conference and 14 at the 2008 conference. Michelle is giving the awards and scholarships to Leticia Gomez.

o  Legislative Liaison: Joan announced there would be a 2007 Teaching and Learning Colloquium – Growing into the Future: Technology, Teaching and More. This event will provide the participants the tools needed to prepare for the future. Date is March 2 & 3, 2007 at DeAnza College, Cupertino, California.

o  Publications: Mara Scott is responsible for developing a newsletter for the association. She requested input about what we wanted to include in the newsletter. The name of the newsletter will be “The Advocate”. Some ideas to include in the newsletter are EOPS highlights, information about conferences, and information that is coming from the board. The deadline to submit articles is in April. Mara needs to have everyone send her articles by the February 28th, 2007.

Historian, website, staff directory: Will requested that if we have pictures from our region to send them to him. Will is going to send the link of the directory to all regional representatives for updates.

X.  Regional Reports

o  Regional reports were submitted by Region 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10

XI.  EOPS Association 2006-2007 Meetings

o  April 25th and 26th San Francisco

o  July 5th and 6th San Diego

XII.  Adjournment

o  Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.