Novato UnifiedSchool District

Dual Immersion Task Force


March13, 2017

4:00p.m. – 5:30p.m.


The Dual Immersion Task Force members introduced themselves and welcomed new members


Updates were provided to the Task Force on the following topics

  • DI Survey - resultsto date
  • Community Forum - The forum was held on 3/8/17 at Lynwood. About 40 people attended, listened to the presentation, asked questions and provided input.
  • ELAC Mtg. - The ELAC meeting took place on 3/9/17 at Lynwood and was attended by many Spanish-speaking parents. Andy and Ivan Chaidez provided the ELAC members with an overview of the same information shared at the Community Forum. Parents asked questions and provided additional input.

Setting a Common Vision

  • Visioning Activity - Part 2 The Task Force reviewed, discussed and edited the draft Vision Statement for the Dual Immersion Program.
  • The revised Vision Statement was approved by consensus of all Task Force members in attendance.

DI Model

  • 90/10 vs. 50/50

Task Force members briefly discussed the 90/10 and 50/50 models and the research related to studentoutcomes:

▪The 90/10 and the 50/50 models produce equally high outcomes for English Learners in both English and their primary language (Spanish).

▪English only students who attend a 90/10 model become more proficient in their second language (Spanish) than English only students attending a 50/50 model.

  • The Task Force recommendedby consensus of all members in attendancethat Lynwood implement a 90/10 Spanish/English Dual Immersion program.

DIQuestions - Task Force Input

  • Attendance Area - Pros & Cons

▪Task Force members discussed the pros and cons of enrolling the Lynwood attendance area students first and then other students on a space available basis vs. an open enrollment option. The Task Force recommended by consensus of all members in attendancethat the Dual Immersion program enroll students from the present Lynwood attendance area first. Then, based on space available, accept students from other schools as long as the correct balance of English proficient students and English learners is maintained.

  • DI Start-up Budget

▪Andy shared that he and Ivan will be putting together a draft budget for the DI program to present at the Board meeting on 4/4/17. He will be emailing Task Force members a list of items that he will include in the budget. He asks everyone to take a look at the list and email him any items that you think may have been forgotten ASAP so that they can be included in the draft budget.

Next StepsandCommon Messages

  • Next Steps
  • Board Presentations
  • 4/4/17for information
  • 4/25/17 for action
  • Meeting reflections and/orraffle
  • Next meeting - Tuesday, April18, 2017

Prepared by Chatfield and Associates ▪ Gilroy, California ▪ (408) 607-1919 ▪3/13/17