Curriculum Vitae

Marcia B. Gealy

803 Milburn Street

Evanston, Illinois 60201


A.B. with honors in English, summa cum laude, Howard College,

Birmingham, Alabama, 1961

M.A. with honors in English and Comparative Literature, Columbia

University, New York, New York, 1965

Ph.D. in English with a special field in Modern Jewish History, The

Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1976. Dissertation: The

Hasidic Tradition in the Work of Bernard Malamud.

Teaching Experience:

1966-1970 Instructor in English, Southern Methodist University,

Dallas, Texas. Freshman English, Introduction to Literature,

Humanities, Upward Bound composition and literature courses.

1970-1974 Lecturer in Comparative Literature, The Ohio

State University, Columbus, Ohio. Comparative Literature:

Social and Individual Man, Rational and Passionate Man;

Modern Jewish Literature.

1974-1979 Assistant Professor of English and Director of

the Writing Clinic, Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio.

Required freshman, sophomore, and junior composition

and literature courses. Modern Jewish Literature.

1979-1980 Assistant Professor of English, Ohio Weslyan University,

Delaware, Ohio. Reading and Writing: the American Short Story. Modern Jewish Literature.

1980-1984 Lecturer in English, Northwestern University.

Freshman Seminar: “The Search for the Self.” Writing

the Essay. Writing Fiction. Fundamentals of Literary

Study. Modern Jewish Literature.

1984- Distinguished Senior Lecturer in the Writing Program,

Northwestern University. Freshman Seminars. Intermediate Composition. Time and Chance, Modern Jewish Literature: an Introduction.

Storytelling in American Jewish Literature

Northwestern Teaching and Advising Awards:

Mortar Board Faculty Honor Roll, 1986

Associated Student Government Faculty Honor Roll (7 times since 1984)

Women’s Residential College Most Dedicated Faculty Award (1994-2011)

Charles Deering McCormick Distinguished Lecturer, 2002

Modern Jewish Literature course recommended as 1 of the “12Classes You Should Take Before Leaving NU: Northwestern Daily: 2008 Orientation Issue

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Northwestern University Ph.D and M.A. Committees:

Robin Goldberg, “Imaging the Feminine: Storying and Re-storying Womanhood Among Lubovitch Hasidic Women,” awarded the Ph.D. in 1991.

Amy Rosenbaum, “Uncommon Ground: Using Martin Buber’s Philosophy to Set the Parameters of Jewish-Christian Dialogue,” awarded the Ph.D. in 1997.

Kristina Kerber, “Representing the Holocaust in Primo Levi’s Survival in Auschwitz and Art Spiegelman’s Maus. M.A. (2000)

Northwestern Advising and Service:

WCAS Freshman Seminar Adviser

Advise Freshman Seminar instructors on the writing component of their seminars

Advise students in the Women’s Residential College in weekly meetings

Advise students applying for Elie Wiesel essay prizes and British Scholarships

Serve as co-chair of the Organization of Women Faculty (1988-1989); chair of lecturer’s committee (1990-1997); steering committee (1995-1997).

Serve on GFC Sub-committee on Faculty Development for Women and Minorities


Serve as Reader for the NU Press (since 1999).

Serve on the Writing Program Intermediate Composition prize committee

Serve on the Jewish Studies Writing Prize Committee (since 1988)

Serve on the British Scholarship Committee (since 2000)


“Lonely at the Front of the Room” in The New Teachers, ed. by Don Flournoy and Associates, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1972. (This article is concerned with my work in the Upward Bound Program.)

“A Reinterpretation of Malamud’s The Natural, Studies in American

Jewish Literature, 4 (Spring 1978): 24-32.

“Malamud’s Short Stories,” Judaism 28 (Winter 1979): 51-61. Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism (1981) and in Short Story Criticism (1994).

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“An Old World Voice in the New World: I.B. Singer.” The Melton Center for

Jewish Studies, OSU, Nov. 15, 1979.

“The Lilith-Shekhinah Figure in Bernard Malamud.” The Melton Center for

Jewish Studies, OSU, Oct. 30, 1981.

“The Baal Shem Tov: Legend or Biography.” NU Summer Institute for High

School Teachers, June 27, 1986.

“Integrating Multicultural Students in the Classroom.” Conference for

Improved University Teaching, Haifa University, Israel, June 30, 1987.

“American Jewish Writers.” NU Hillel, April, 1995.

“Portraying the Holocaust in Fiction.” Northern Illinois Art Museum,

March 9, 1997.


Project on Institutional Renewal Through the Improvement of Teaching (1976):

Chairperson of Committee to Improve Academic Advising at Otterbein College. Sponsored by the Society for Values in Higher Education

Ford Foundation Grant (1977): to improve writing instruction and placement at

Otterbein College. Involved developing a testing and placement program

for incoming freshmen, holding workshops for teachers of freshman

composition, and writing a booklet, On the Teaching of Writing.

B’nai B’rith Faculty Fellowship (1984): to study Jewish history and culture in Israel as part of an intensive summer academic seminar that included lectures at Hebrew University and visits to important archeological sites.

Illinois Humanities Council Grant (1986): to participate in the NU Summer Humanities Institute for high school teachers. The purpose was to reinvigorate practicing teachers of humanistic subjects in area high schools

Northwestern CAS Hewlett Endowment Grant (1990): to develop a new 300 level course in Storytelling in Modern Jewish Literature. This course has been offered yearly since 1991.