Vocabulary and expressions
broccoli, cucumbers, lemon, peach, pineapple, honey, olive oil, pancakes, butter, bacon, tuna, rice, salt, pepper
to want /to give
but / Understand spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about food
Correctly write the new vocabulary
Correctly pronounce the new vocabulary and expressions / Understands spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about food
Correctly writes the new vocabulary
Correctly pronounces the new vocabulary and expressions
Can I/you/s/he/it/we/you/they have a/an…please?
Yes , I/you/s/he/it/we/you/they can.
No, I/you/s/he/it/we/you/they can’t.
May / Understand and form questions with can and may
Respond, orally and in writing, to those questions / Understands and forms questions using can and may
Responds, orally and in writing, to those questions
Fish and chips / Learn about traditional dishes from around the world / Values traditional dishes from around the world
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Natural Science: The food wheel / Learn about healthy eating habits / Learns how to eat healthily
Communication in foreign languages / Uses adequate vocabulary and expressions to talk about food / Responsibility, respect, empathy, perseverance, team work, creativity, solidarity
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology / Values the importance of proportions / Responsibility, respect, creativity
Digital competence / Uses, with help, digital technology to look up information / Responsibility, respect
Learning to learn / Pays attention to the teacher’s instructions in order to correctly pronounce can and may in their different forms / Responsibility, perseverance, patience, creativity, team work
Social and civic competences / Values the socialization power of eating in a group / Responsibility, respect, puntualidad, gratitud, patience, creativity, solidarity, tolerance
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship / Uses adequate vocabulary and expressions when eating in a group / Empathy, responsibility, respect, tolerance


Vocabulary and expressions
beach, volcano, island, country, ocean, lake, desert, waterfall,
To travel/to visit / Understand spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about natural places
Correctly write the new vocabulary
Correctly pronounce the new vocabulary and expressions / Understands spoken and written vocabulary/ expressions about natural places
Writes the new vocabulary correctly
Correctly pronounces the new vocabulary and expressions
Adjectives +er than
Which one is ….? / Learn the comparatives of equality and superiority in their different forms
Pronounce correctly / Knows the comparatives of equality and superiority in their different forms
Pronounces correctly
Watch out! / Consider the danger involved in doing certain activities / Considers the danger involved in doing certain activities
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Natural Science:
Volcanoes / Get to know the geographic location of the most important volcanoes / Knows the geographic location of the most important volcanoes
Communication in foreign languages / Uses adequate vocabulary and expressions to talk about natural places / Responsibility, respect, perseverance, creativity
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology / Uses, with help, digital technology to look up information / Responsibility, respect
Digital competence / Pays attention to the teacher’s instructions in order to correctly pronounce the comparative in English / Responsibility, perseverance
Learning to learn / Knows how to participate in excursions / Responsibility ,respect, puntualidad, patience, creativity, solidarity, tolerancia
Social and civic competences / Knows how to actively participate in excursions / Responsibility, respect, solidarity
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship / Values the social norms when travelling as a group / Empathy, responsibility, respect, tolerancia


Vocabulary and expressions
English, Spanish, math, Art, Music, Science, P.E., Geography, History, German, French
Telling the time
On Mondays / Entender oralmente y por escrito vocabulario y expresiones la vida escolar
Escribir correctamente el vocabulario nuevo y las nuevas expresiones
Pronunciar correctamente el nuevo vocabulario y las nuevas expresiones
Understand spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about student life
Correctly write the new vocabulary and expressions
Correctly pronounce the new vocabulary and expressions / Entiende, oralmente y por escrito vocabulario y expresiones la vida escolar
Escribe correctamente el vocabulario nuevo y las nuevas expresiones
Pronuncia correctamente el nuevo vocabulario y las nuevas expresiones
Understands spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about student life
Correctly writes the new vocabulary and expressions
Correctly pronounces the new vocabulary and expressions
Object pronouns:
me/you/him/her/it/ us/you/them
Present simple
Is math easy/difficult?
Continuous present
Am/I/you/s/he/it/we/you/they sitting between….?
Yes, I/you/s/he/it/we/they am/are/is
No, I/you/s/he/it/we/they am/are/is n’t / Aprender los pronombres objeto.
Aprender el presente simple y el continuo.
Entender y hacer preguntas en presente simple y continuo
Responder, oralmente y por escrito, a esas preguntas
Learn the object pronouns
Learn the present simple and present continuous
Understand and form questions with the present simple and continuous
Respond, orally and in writing, to those questions / Sabe los pronombres objeto.
Sabe el presente simple y el continuo.
Entiende y hace preguntas en presente simple y continuo
Responde, oralmente y por escrito, a esas preguntas
Knows the object pronouns
Knows the present simple and present continuous
Understands and forms questions with the present simple and continuous
Responds, orally and in writing, to those questions
Schools around the world / Apreciar el valor de que existan escuelas
Appreciate the existence of schools in life / Aprecia el valor de que existan escuelas
Appreciates the existence of schools in life
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Social Science: The UK / Aprender la geografía del Reino Unido
Learn about the geography of the UK / Sabe la geografía del Reino Unido
Learns about the geography of the UK
Communication in foreign languages / Emplea vocabulario y expresiones adecuadas para hablar de la vida escolar
Uses adequate vocabulary and expressions to talk student life / Responsibility, respect, team work, creativity, solidarity
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology / Usa, con ayuda, tecnologías digitales para buscar información
Uses, with help, digital technology to look up information / Responsibility, respect
Digital competence / Interés por seguir las instrucciones del profesorado para pronunciar correctamente el presente simple y el continuo
Pays attention to the teacher’s instructions in order to correctly pronounce the present simple and present continuous / Responsibility, perseverance, patience,
Learning to learn / Valora la vida escolar
Values student life / Responsibility, respect, puntualidad, gratitud, patience, creativity, solidarity, tolerancia
Social and civic competences / Sabe organizarse en la vida escolar
Knows how to organize his/her student life / Responsibility, respect perseverance, solidarity
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship / Valora la convivencia en la clase
Values sharing and getting on well with others in class / Empathy, responsibility, respect, tolerancia


Vocabulary and expressions
skateboarding, volleyball, golf, cycling, surfing, skiing, jogging, rollerblading, ice skating,
ice hockey
last night, last week, last month, last year, ago / Entender oralmente y por escrito vocabulario y expresiones referidas al deporte
Escribir correctamente el vocabulario nuevo
Pronunciar correctamente el nuevo vocabulario y las nuevas expresiones
Understand spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about sports
Correctly write the new vocabulary
Correctly pronounce the new vocabulary and expressions / Entiende, oralmente y por escrito vocabulario y expresiones referidas al deporte
Escribe correctamente el vocabulario nuevo
Pronuncia correctamente el nuevo vocabulario y las nuevas expresiones
Understands spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about sports
Correctly writes the new vocabulary
Correctly pronounces the new vocabulary and expressions
Past simple ( regular verbs
I …ed
I/ you/s/he/it/we/they didn’t ….
Did I/ you/s/he/it/we/they …?
Yes, I/ you/s/he/it/we/they did.
No, I/ you/s/he/it/we/they didn’t / Entender, oralmente y por escrito, el past simple de verbos regulares
Pronunciar y escribir el past simple de los verbos regulares
Understand, orally and in writing, the past simple of regular verbs
Pronounce and write the past simple of regular verbs / Entiende, oralmente y por escrito, el past simple de verbos regulares
Pronuncia y escribe el past simple de los verbos regulares
Understands, orally and in writing, the past simple of regular verbs
Pronounces and writes the past simple of regular verbs
Give me five!
The Olimpic Games / Valorar los encuentros deportivos entre naciones
Learn about international sports matches and gatherings / Valora los encuentros deportivos entre naciones
Values international sports matches and gatherings
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
P.E. : play sport / Valorar el deporte en la escuela
Learn to value sports in school / Valora el deporte en la escuela
Values sports in school
Communication in foreign languages / Emplea vocabulario y expresiones adecuadas para hablar de deportes
Uses adequate vocabulary and expressions to talk about sports / Responsibility, respect, team work, creativity, solidarity
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology / Usa, con ayuda, tecnologías digitales para buscar información
Uses, with help, digital technology to look up information / Responsibility, respect
Digital competence / Interés por seguir las instrucciones del profesorado para pronunciar correctamente el vocabulario referido a deportes
Pays attention to the teacher’s instructions in order to correctly pronounce vocabulary about sports / Responsibility, perseverance, patience, creativity, team work
Learning to learn / Se comporta adecuadamente en los deportes colectivos
Behaves properly when playing team sports / Responsibility, respect, puntualidad, gratitud, patience, creativity, solidarity, tolerance
Social and civic competences / Sabe participar en deportes colectivos
Knows how to participate in team sports / Responsibility, respect perseverance, solidarity
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship / Valora el deporte colectivo como medio de socialización
Values team sports as a way to socialize / Empathy, responsibility, respect, tolerance


Vocabulary and expressions
My clothes
headband, hat, watch, belt, gloves, shirt, sweater, shorts, scarf, coat, pyjamas, boots
trendy, modern, fashionable, old fashioned / Entender oralmente y por escrito vocabulario y expresiones referidas la ropa
Escribir correctamente el vocabulario nuevo
Pronunciar correctamente el nuevo vocabulario y las nuevas expresiones
Understand spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about clothes
Correctly write the new vocabulary
Correctly pronounce the new vocabulary and expressions / Entiende oralmente y por escrito vocabulario y expresiones referidas la ropa
Escribe correctamente el vocabulario nuevo
Pronuncia correctamente el nuevo vocabulario y las nuevas expresiones
Understands spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about clothes
Correctly writes the new vocabulary
Correctly pronounces the new vocabulary and expressions
Past simple of to be
affirmative, negative interrogative / Aprender el verbo to be en pasado simple en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa oralmente y por escrito
Dar respuestas cortas a las preguntas
Learn the verb to be in the past simple positive, negative, and question forms, orally and in writing
Give short answer responses to those questions / Sabe el verbo to be en pasado simple en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa oralmente y por escrito
Da respuestas cortas a las preguntas
Knows verb to be in the past simple positive, negative, and question forms, orally and in writing
Gives short answer responses to those questions
Jobs and uniforms / Valorar la relación entre trabajo y ropa especial para desempeñarlo
Learn about the relationship between certain jobs and the special clothes used to carry those jobs out / Valora la relación entre trabajo y ropa especial para desempeñarlo
Values the relationship between certain jobs and the special clothes used to carry those jobs out
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Arts and crafts: Fashion / Valorar el papel de la moda
Get to know the role fashion plays in life / Valora el papel de la moda
Learns about the role fashion plays in life
Comunicación lingüística / Emplea vocabulario y expresiones adecuadas para hablar de ropa
Uses adequate vocabulary and expressions to talk about clothes / Responsibility, respect
Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología / Relaciona prendas y precios
Relates garments and their prices / Responsibility, respect creativity
Competencia digital / Usa, con ayuda, tecnologías digitales para buscar información
Uses, with help, digital technology to look up information / Responsibility, respect
Aprender a aprender / Interés por seguir las instrucciones del profesorado para pronunciar correctamente vocabulario y expresiones referidas a la ropa
Pays attention to the teacher’s instructions in order to correctly pronounce vocabulary and expressions about clothes / Responsibility, perseverance, patience, creativity
Competencias sociales y cívicas / Sabe respetar las diferentes formas de vestir
Knows how to respect different ways of dressing / Responsibility, respect, patience, creativity, tolerance
Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor / Valora la identificación de diferentes profesiones por su uniforme
Knows how to identify different professions by their uniform / Responsibility, respect solidarity
Conciencia y expresiones culturales / Valora la forma de vestir como código social
Recognizes different ways of dressing as social code / Empathy, responsibility, respect, tolerance


Vocabulary and expressions
house, supermarket, restaurant, cinema, shopping centre, café,
left/ right
go up/down
into over.
Too/enough / Entender oralmente y por escrito vocabulario y expresiones referidas los edificios de una ciudad
Escribir correctamente el vocabulario nuevo
Pronunciar correctamente el nuevo vocabulario y las nuevas expresiones
Understand spoken and written vocabulary and expressions about buildings in a city
Write the new vocabulary correctly
Pronounce the new vocabulary and expressions correctly / Entiende oralmente y por escrito vocabulario y expresiones referidas los edificios de una ciudad
Escribe correctamente el vocabulario nuevo
Pronuncia correctamente el nuevo vocabulario y las nuevas expresiones
Understands spoken and written vocabulary/expressions about buildings in a city
Writes the new vocabulary correctly
Pronounces the new vocabulary and expressions correctly
Afirmative, negative interrogative form of going to / Entender y hacer preguntas usando la forma going to
Responder, oralmente y por escrito, a esas preguntas
Understand and make questions with going to
Respond, orally and in writing, to those questions / Entiende y hace preguntas usando la forma going to
Responde, oralmente y por escrito, a esas preguntas
Understands and makes questions with going to
Responds, orally and in writing, to those questions
London / Valorar platos típicos del mundo
Get to know different tradicional dishes from around the world / Encuentra en el mapa de Londres algunos lugares emblemáticos
Can locate important places on a London map
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Natural science : The food wheel / Valorar comer bien
Learn the value of eating well / Valorar comer bien
Values eating healthily
Communication in foreign languages / Emplea vocabulario y expresiones adecuadas para hablar de edificios importantes en las ciudades
Uses adequate vocabulary and expressions to talk about important buildings in a city / Responsibility, respect, empathy, perseverance, team work, creativity, solidarity
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology / Sabe utilizar un plano
Knows how to use a map / Responsibility, respect, creativity
Digital competence / Usa, con ayuda, tecnologías digitales para buscar información
Uses, with help, digital technology to look up information / Responsibility, respect
Learning to learn / Interés por seguir las instrucciones del profesorado para pronunciar correctamente la forma going to
Pays attention to the teacher’s instructions in order to correctly pronounce sentences with going to / Responsibility, perseverance, patience, creativity, team work
Social and civic competences / Sabe pedir información con educación
Knows how to politely ask for information / Empathy, responsibility, respect, tolerance